Wednesday February 2, 2011

Dear Grade 5 Parents,

I am sending home this notice with your child to provide you with a detailed outline of their upcoming Science Project. The topic of their project is “All about Weather” .Your child must choose one of the following project activities by the due date. A project outline and choice of project must be submitted by next Wednesday February 9, 2011. All projects must be completed by the final due date which is Monday March 14, 2011.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school. Thanking you in advanced for your anticipated cooperation.


Mme. C. Hannah

Rothesay Elementary School


Science Project Activities: Students choose 1 activity :

1.  A research paper or Poster Essay- This activity involves researching a weather topic of your child’s choice and presenting this topic in either a 1-2 paged typed essay format or a good copy neatly written on a Poster display. Students must provide detailed information on explaining what is their weather topic, how this weather is formed scientifically, and how it affects everyday human life. Students can provide drawings, pictures, interesting facts etc. All research sources must be cited in a bibliography, which will be discussed in class. (Writing genre: Explanation writing)

2.  A Science experiment/or model on the topic of weather- Students are to either perform a Science Experiment demonstration or build a Science model on a specific weather topic. Students must provide a typed 1-2 page written lab report or a neatly written good copy of lab report, which follows the Scientific Method procedure, which will be discussed in class. This report must include what the experiment or model is trying to demonstrate along with detailed instructions on how to perform the experiment or build the model. (Writing Genre: Procedural writing)

3.  Newspaper/Journal Scrapbook- Students are to become investigative journalists researching the major weather news events that made headlines over the last year. Students are to collect headlines, pictures, facts, and statistics on all of these weather news events. They are then to summarize each event in a written paragraph in English describing the major weather event in detail. Students may desire to make their project in a newspaper format, poster format, or a scrapbook. Students must include 10 major weather events that occurred all over the world in their journal. They may choose whatever format they desire to display the information. (Writing Genre: Recount writing)

Note: Alternative Project format: Students can pick one of the first three options and choose to display their project in a multimedia presentation such as PowerPoint. Students must provide a copy of their project on a USB drive or a disk to Mme. Hannah by the project due date.

Final Project Due Date is Monday March 14, 2011.

Parent’s Signature: ______