N° 134309-LLP-1-2007-1-IT-Comenius -CMP

Project's Description

A common challenge for European school systems is that of preventing early school leaving, which according to the most recent research sees almost one student out of five not completing obligatory schooling according to national legislation. In today's knowledge society, a lack of compulsory schooling among young people constitutes an obstacle to the competitiveness of the entire economic and social system. Many studies and initiatives have been and are currently being carried out in the different countries in order to tackle the problem. However these initiatives are not integrated one with another both at national and European level causing a dispersion of information and inefficient allocation of resources. Moreover teachers are suffering from a lack of skills and competences, and consequently of motivation, in understanding and dealing with pupils at risk of school abandoning. Teachers often are not able to identify with the necessary anticipation the manifesting of the risk factors leading drop out and to the necessary initiatives to give effective answers.


The project intends to promote the understanding of the strategies developed to combat early school leaving throughout Europe so as to develop a common strategy to prevent the phenomena. This common strategy should be based on the best practices identified at European level.

Target Groups

The main target group of the project are teachers of secondary schools, in particular technical and vocational institutes, of the 5 countries participating to the project.

The other main target group is represented by the experts in the field of school policies that will work side by side with the teachers in the research activity and that will be committed to the creation of a e?learning training package, aimed at providing secondary schools teachers the skills to prevent school drop out.


C.I.P.A.T. – Consorzio Istituti Professionali Alberghieri Toscana

Pixel Associazione

Universität Koblenz-Landau, Zentrum für empirische pädagogische Forschung

Aspete School of Pedagogical Education-ΑΣΠΑΙΤΕ Παράρτημα Πάτρας

Mayo Education Centre


Wilsthorpe Business & Enterprise College