US History

Progressive Era Study Guide

1. Progressivism, and the ideas that came out of the Progressive movement, were actually born out of what previous movement (1880’s)?


2. Most of the Progressive reforms were made at what level of government?

City & State

3. Progressives believed that real change had to be made by what organizations?

The government

4. Government oversight of big business was often driven by authors who wrote about the plight of workers. Name one such book and its author?

The Jungle – Upton Sinclair

5. What did Progressives believe to be the biggest role of government?

To be more responsive to the people – work for the people

6. Child labor laws were passed in the early 1900’s because of the work of what female American?

Florence Kelley

7. What were the major goals of municipal reformers?

Make government more efficient & responsive, eliminate political machines, restructure city government,

8. What were Teddy Roosevelt’s main progressive goals?

Control corporations – trust busting, Consumer protection, Conservation of resources

9. President Taft is known as a progressive president mainly because he…

Was also a trust buster & one time ally of Roosevelt

10. What allowed President Wilson to win the election of 1912? Explain.

A split between Taft & Roosevelt in the Republican party

11. What was the purpose of the Federal Reserve?

It strengthened and regulated the banking system by placing private banks under federal control. It could adjust the amount of money in circulation and control interest rates.

12. What were some reasons people in America did not want women to vote (have suffrage)?

Women would become too masculine, they were not educated enough, politics were to dirty for dainty women, would vote for prohibition (outlaw liquor),

13. What finally brought progressivism to an end?

World War I

14. Name three goals of progressivism.

Regulate big business, Make government more efficient & responsive to people, Improve conservation, Lower tariffs, protect social welfare, & consumer protection.

15. Most Progressives belonged to which political party in the early 1900’s?


16. Name some of the major beliefs of the Progressive Party

Moral improvement – Women’s Christian Temperance Movement

Protect social welfare – YMCA, Salvation Army & recall elections (vote out politicans)

Consumer Protection – lower tariffs, improve working conditions


17. Explain why progressives promoted fostering efficiency?

To make industry more productive, improve working conditions, less hours, more efficient

18. Why did William Howard Taft struggle in his Presidency?

He wasn’t Roosevelt, raised tariffs, didn’t distinguish between good & bad trusts

19. In what area did American women take the lead role in to try and better American society?

Women’s Rights – Susan B. Anthony, Prohibition (outlaw liquor) social welfare & labor improvement

20. Explain the Clayton Anti-Trust Act as it related to Unions

Gave power and government support to unions. Helped to increase wages

21. What kind of trusts did Roosevelt want to break up?

Bad trusts that hurt the public

22. What action did President Roosevelt take in the UMW strike of 1902?

Acted as an arbitrator and threatened the use of the military if needed.

23. What nickname was given to writers who constantly dug up dirt on govt and industry?


24. How does a progressive or graduated income tax work?

The more you earn the more that you pay

25. Explain the 17th amendment to the Constitution.

Direct election of US Senators by the citizens of the state

26. What prompted Teddy Roosevelt to run for President again in 1912?

He was unhappy with Taft and his progressive accomplishments

27. How did President Wilson prepare for the office of the President?

Was president of Princeton University and governor of New Jersey

28. Describe the personality of Woodrow Wilson?

Highly educated and intelligent, had difficult time connecting with common man

29. Progressives believed most problems could be solved by who?


30.What amendment essentially replaced tariffs as the main source of income for the US Government?

16th Amendment created Federal Income Tax