PROGRESS SUMMARY(Transition to School)

Name / Assessment
Date: / Photo
Date of Birth: / Age: ( months)
Contextual Information:
  • Attendance pattern at setting e.g. Henryk attends nursery for 4 full days and Little TalkersPre-School for 1 morning. Henryk is taken and collected from pre-school by his childminder, spending the afternoon with her.
  • English as an Additional Language
  • Other professionals involved with the child
  • Significant information relating to time at the setting e.g. Henryk found it difficult to settle when he moved into the pre-school room.His confidence has really grown as a special friendship with Tom has developed.

The information recorded in the following sections should reflect the child’s uniqueness, their personality, characteristics and individual learning journey. Review and reflect on the child’s learning and development as documented in the Learning Journey, any other records and your knowledge of the child. Refer to the Development Matters materials as necessary. Include views of other practitioners and professionals who know the child well if this is appropriate. Information should be easy to read and understand. Avoid using terminology that parents/carers may find difficult to understand.

Characteristics of Effective Learning
Playing and Exploring (finding out, playing with what they know, being willing to have a go)
  • Which areas of provision and what kinds of activity is the child drawn to?
  • Do they start activities by themselves?
  • Do they re-enact situations in role play, taking on and rehearsing new and familiar roles?
  • Do they need constant re assurance or will they try things out for themselves?
  • Do they play alone or with others?
  • Who and what do they like to play with? Favourite toys, areas of provision
Active learning(concentrating, keeping trying, enjoying what they set out to do)
  • Do they keep focused for long periods of time or easily distracted? e.g. Jonathan spends long periods of time in the construction area and builds wonderful imaginary worlds which he delights in talking about.
  • Do they relish challenges?
  • Do they want to show everyone when they have achieved something?
Creating & Thinking Critically(having their own ideas, making links & choosing ways to do things)
  • Do they try out their own ideas or try and solve a problem themselves rather than asking for help?
  • Do they draw on knowledge and previous experiences making connections between things they have experienced/learnt?
  • Are they confident to use trial and error?

Transition Advice:From our knowledge of the child westrongly advise that…
  • Preferred way of being comforted/transitional object
  • Family and people that are special to them
  • Special friends
  • Important health and well-being information
  • Cultural information
  • Favourite things to talk about

Child’s Voice:
  • Has the child made any comments regarding the transition to school? e.g. older siblings, uniform, toilets, lunchtimes, friends…
  • Find about what the child knows about school to understand the transition from the child’s point of view
/ Parents’/carers’ Comment:
  • Comments on time at nursery/pre-school, achievements, etc
  • Comments on transition to school – e.g. Henryk is very keen to share his Learning Journey with the teacher at school, especially the page about the big den he made at nursery
  • Comments onworries/concerns regarding starting school
  • Significant information from home e.g. Henry will be collected from school by a new childminder as we have recently moved house.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  • The developmental stage must be entered against each of the aspects
  • Comments mustrelate to each of the aspects highlighting particular strengths - note where the child is progressing well. Celebrate all the child can do, share your delight in this.
  • Identify any areas where progress is less than expected in a sensitive but truthful way.
  • Ensure positive language is used throughout.
/ Making relationships
e.g. entering 40-60 months
Self-confidence & self-awareness
Managing feelings &
Communication and Language / Listening & attention
Physical Development / Moving and handling
Health & self-care
  • Comments must relate to the aspects
  • The developmental stage must be included
e.g. Henryk chooses to look at books especially non fiction books about the natural world. He delights in talking about the pictures to other children. He recognises his own name and many advertising logos/signs in the environment. / Reading
e.g. developing 30-50 months / Mathematics / Numbers
e.g. developing 30-50 months / Shape, space and measures
Understanding the World / People & communities / Expressive Arts & Design / Exploring & using media and materials
The world / Being imaginative
Parents’/carers’ signature:
Date: / Key person’s signature:
Date: / Moderated by: