Agenda Item: VI
Progress Report on the APECDigitalOpportunityCenter(ADOC)
Purpose: Information
Submitted by: Chinese Taipei
/ Ministers Responsible for Trade MeetingCairns, Australia
6 July 2007
Executive Summary
The rationale for the creation of the ADOC Program was to combine the strengths of public and private sectors to assist APEC members to transform the digital divide into digital opportunity. The ADOC project seeks to enhance the IT capabilities of ADOC partner member economies (PMEs), and it has made great progress since it was initiated in 2004.
The ADOC Program is present in seven APEC members — Chile, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Peru, thePhilippines, Viet Nam and Thailand— where it has set up 26 ADOC Digital Centers so far. The ADOC Program has helped build local ICT capacities and implemented training programs.
ADOC Accomplishments
ADOC Achievements: 2005
ADOC established a considerable track record of success in 2005, notably:
- It established ADOC Partner Offices, DigitalOpportunityCenters and Tele-Centers in Peru, the Philippines and Viet Nam.
- It hosted the first ADOC Week and ADOC Award Ceremony in Chinese Taipei.
- It offered an IT Trainers’ Program and 2005 ICT Elite Camp for all ADOC partner member economics (PMEs) in Chinese Taipei.
- It launched the ADOC website
- It hosted a Tele-Center Workshop during the TEL 32 Meeting on 5 September in Seoul, Korea.
ADOC Achievements: 2006
The major work for 2006 was to assist ADOC PMEs in IT training. The major work programs were as follows:
- Thirteen ADOC Digital Opportunity Centers for the enhancement of IT capabilities were established in 6 ADOC PMEs.
- Experts were sent to attend the 33rd APEC TEL Meeting that was held in Calgary, Canada from April 23 to April 28. During the 34th APEC TEL Meeting in September, an ADOC Seminar held to describe ADOC’s work to APEC member economies.
- The 2006 ADOC Week was held;it includedthe ADOC Plenary, International Digital Forums, IT Exhibition and ADOC Award ceremony.
- The 3rd ICT Elite Camp and Trainers’ Training Program was held in Chinese Taipei.
- In addition to the long-term stationing of experts in the six PMEs’ DOCs in order to trainlocal trainers, Chinese Taipei sent18 experts to visit the six PMEs and teach digital courses in May and June that year.
- The 2006 ICT Road Show was held in the Philippines, Indonesia and Viet Nam.
- The SME Entrepreneurship Workshop was held in Chinese Taipei. In addition, an e-Business Consulting Group were sent to the PMEs to participate in the e-Business Entrepreneurship Seminars.
ADOC Achievements: 2007
A total of 19 tasks are planned for 2007. Thailand has also joined the ADOC project as a new Partner Member Economy (PME). The major work programs are as follows:
- The ADOC Secretariat maintains the operation of the 19 ADOC Partner Offices, DOCs, Tele-Centers, e-CareCenters, and e-Schools that have been set up in the first six PMEs, and assist, in the training of local trainers.
- One ADOC Office, DOC, and two Tele-Centerswere set up in Thailand to serve as bases for promoting the ADOC project and training ICT trainers.
- Four e-Commerce Centers were established— two in Peru and one each in Chile and Indonesia—to assist in the development of e-commerce.
- The ICT Alliance will be held in Vietnam to foster ICT and business exchange and cooperation.
- A large-scale “ICT Road Show” will be held in Vietnam, Thailand, Chile and Peru. The program brought together interested companies from the different ADOC partner economies to share new ICT technologies.
- The 2007 ADOC Week will be held in July. ADOC Week will includethe ADOC Plenary, Forums, and ADOC Award Ceremony.
- ADOC Award programs were held in each of the PMEs for ICT promotion. The winners of these competitions will be invited to Taipei to participate in ADOC Week.
Progress Report
The APECDigitalOpportunityCenter (ADOC)
The APEC Digital Opportunity Center (ADOC) project is Chinese Taipei’s ECOTECH initiative that was put forward during the 2003 11th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting. The initiative seeks to reduce the APEC digital divide and transform the digital divide into digital opportunities.
APEC’s concern with IT capacity building was stated in the 2000 APEC Economic Leaders’ Declaration regarding the idea of the New Economy. In order to meet the challenges derived from globalization and the New Economy, APEC Economic Leaders agreed to invest in basic infrastructure and enhance technological development. They also called for assistance in building the capacity of developing economies in order to help solve the problems of socio-economic disparity arising from uneven economic development.
At the 16th APEC Ministers Meeting (AMM) in 2004, Ministers welcomed the report on the implementation of the e-APEC Strategy and the progress made by ADOC. They also noted the significant improvements in e-Infrastructure through the benefits of increased competition and market-oriented policies. In addition, they acknowledged that this capacity building would enable economies to reduce the digital divide and facilitate trade. Ministers at the 17th AMM reaffirmed the previous statement in order to encourage ADOC’s efforts and indicated that they expected progress that would enable all APEC economies to participate better in the Digital Economy. During the 2006 Meeting of APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade, Ministers welcomed the continuous efforts and contributions made by ADOC, and also encouraged more member economies to participate further in ADOC.
Ⅱ. Missions
- To achieve the goal of an APEC digital community in accordance with the APEC Economic Leaders’ commitments and the e-APEC Strategy, which consists of transforming the digital divide into digital opportunities and utilizing the new technologies of the information revolution.
- To act as a major enabler of the APEC New Economy by harnessing the full potential of information and communications technologies.
- To create a cooperative APEC mechanism to help the public and private sectors bridge the digital divide.
Ⅲ. ADOC Achievements
ADOC has made great progress since it was initiated in 2004. Outlined below is short summary of the achievements made each year.
ADOC Achievements: 2005
Digital & ResourceCenter Development
Operations in Peru, Vietnam, Philippines - ADOC established operations in three APEC economies—Peru, Vietnam, and the Philippines—in 2005 by setting up a number of digital resource centers. Investment was made to establish ADOC Partner Offices, ADOC Digital Opportunity Centers (DOCs) as well as ADOC Tele-Centers in the three economies. Over 500 people received training by the end of 2005.
ICT Promotion & Advocacy
ADOC conducted a number of events and activities to promote and advocate the adoption and use of ICT in 2005.
ADOC ICT Award & ADOC Week 2005 – ADOC ran its first set of ICT award competitions in six APEC economies to promote and advocate ICT usage. Over 60 winners, as part of the ADOC Week program in August 2005, were invited to Chinese Taipei to receive their awards and share their winning practices.
ADOC Website – ADOC launched its website to support the ADOC project. As well as providing up-to-date information on all ADOC events, the website also provided an e-Learning platform.
ICTCapacityBuilding & Training
ADOC conducted a series of training programs, workshops, and seminars as part of its ICT capacity building and training initiative.
ICT Executive Training: ICT Elite Camp 2005 - ADOC hosted its first ICT Elite Camp, August 2005. 18 senior representatives from six APEC economies came to Chinese Taipei for a two-week high-level ICT training program that aimed to share knowledge, experiences, and best ICT practices from across APEC.
ICT Trainers’ Training: ICT Trainers’ Training 2005 – ADOC hosted its first ICT trainers’ training program, in July 2005. 18 trainers from six APEC economies came to Chinese Taipei for an seven-week intensive ICT training program.
ICT for Development Training: Tele-Center Workshop 2005 – ADOC organized and hosted a Tele-Center Workshop during the APEC TEL 32 Meeting on 5 September in Seoul, Korea.
ICT Trade Promotion & Facilitation
ADOC help economies learn more about some of the leading ICT technologies solutions that are currently available.
ADOC ICT RoadShow 2005 – ADOC conducted its first ICT Road Show in the Philippines, Peru, Chile, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The programs brought together interested companies from the different ADOC partner economies to share and introduce of new and innovative ICT technologies.
ADOC Achievements: 2006
Building on its successes of 2005, ADOC proceeded to expand its operations and activities in 2006.
Digital & Resource Center Development
Operations in Chile, Peru, Indonesia, Vietnam,Philippines, Papua New Guinea - ADOC established operations in three more APEC economies—Chile, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea—in 2006 through the setting up of a number of digital resource centers. Investment was made to establish ADOC Partner Offices, ADOCDigitalOpportunityCenters (DOCs) as well as other ADOC centers in the three new economies. In addition to the three new ADOC Partner Offices and ADOCDigitalOpportunityCenters, six new Tele-centers, two e-CareCenters and two e-School Centers were also established in the other ADOC partner member economies.
ICTCapacityBuilding & Training
ADOC continued to conduct training programs, workshops, and seminars as part of its ICT capacity building and training initiative in 2006.
ICT Executive Training: ICT Elite Camp 2006 - ADOC hosted its second ICT Elite Camp in June 2006. A second group of 18 senior representatives from six APEC economies came to Chinese Taipei for a two-week high-level ICT training program that aimed to share knowledge, experiences, and best ICT practices from across APEC.
ICT Trainers’ Training:ICT Trainers’ Training 2006 – ADOC hosted its second ICT trainers’ training program in June 2006. A second group of24 trainers from six APEC economies came to Chinese Taipei for a 6-week intensive ICT training program.
ICT SME Training: e-Business Entrepreneurship Seminar 2006 – ADOC hosted its first e-Business Entrepreneurship Seminar 2006 as part of its e-Commerce training program. Teams of e-Commerce consultants from Chinese Taipei visited the six DOC partner economies and delivered a series of seminars and workshops on e-Commerce.
ICT Promotion & Advocacy
ADOC continued to conduct a number of events and activities to promote and advocate the adoption and use of ICT in 2006.
ADOC ICT Award 2006 – ADOC ran its second ICT award competition in six APEC economies to promote and advocate ICT usage. Again, over 60 winners were invited to Chinese Taipei to receive their awards during ADOC Week 2006.
ADOC Week 2006 – ADOC held its second ADOC Week and Plenary from 28 to 30 June in Chinese Taipei.ADOC Week commenced with the ADOC Plenary and was followed by three short forums that featured best ICT practices in e-Government, SMEs and Bridging the Digital Divide. ADOC Week culminated with the ADOC Award program where awards were presented for outstanding ICT practices.
Wireless Technology Workshop – APEC Tel 34 2006 – ADOC organized and hosted a Wireless Technology Workshop during the APEC TEL 34 meeting in November 2006, in Auckland, New Zealand. The workshop, “M-Opportunity for All –A Workshop on the Benefits and Challenges of Wireless Tele-Centers” aimed at addressing various aspects of wireless technologies for development.
ICT Trade Promotion & Facilitation
ADOC continued to conduct ICT trade facilitation events to help economies learn more about some of the leading ICT technology solutions that are currently available.
ADOC ICT RoadShow 2006 – ADOC conducted its second series of ICT Road Show in the Philippines, Chile, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The program brought together interested companies from the different ADOC partner economies to share new ICT technologies.
ADOC Programs: 2007
ADOC plans to build on the successes of its first two years through harnessing all its currently deployed resources as well as deploying new resources. Outlined below is brief description of each of the areas as well as the plans for each for 2007.
Digital & ResourceCenter Development
Establishing and providing digital opportunity and training centers is one of the most important tasks for the ADOC project. These centers essentially are the foundations for much of the work that ADOC completes in ICT training, and ICT advocacy. By the end of 2007, ADOC will have setup more than 26 ADOC training centers within seven APEC economies. In 2007 alone, ADOC plans to setup new centers in Peru, Chile, Indonesia, and Thailand, and expands its centers in Vietnam.
Developments in 2007:
Operations & Centers in Thailand- ADOC welcomed a new economy to the project in 2007 with the addition of Thailand. ADOC successfully established a new ADOC Partner Office, an ADOC Digital Opportunity Center (DOC) and two ADOC Tele-center in Thailand in May 2007.
Four New Centers in Peru, Chile, and Indonesia - ADOC plans to open four new e-Commerce Centers in 2007, in addition to the centers opened in Thailand. Foure-Commerce Centers have been scheduled to open in Peru(March), Chile(March), and Indonesia(April). Additional ICT equipment has also been lined up for an ADOC Tele-Center in Vietnam for May 2007.
Centers have already been successfully opened in Peru, Chile,Indonesia andThailand, and additional ICT equipment has been deployed to Vietnam.
ICTCapacityBuilding & Training
ADOC recognizes the fundamental importance of capacity building and training in order for an economy to harness the benefits of ICT. ADOC has continually conducted ICT training programs, workshops, and seminars as part of its ICT capacity building and training initiative over the years. Outlined below is a description of two programs planned for the first part of 2007. Additional training programs for the second part of 2007 are currently being prepared.
Developments in 2007:
SME Entrepreneurship Workshop 2007 – ADOC is preparing to host another SME training program in 2007 in Chinese Taipei. 14 trainees from across the APEC community are being invited to Chinese Taipei in July for a series of seminars and workshops on ICT for SMEs.
e-Business Entrepreneurship Seminar 2007 – ADOC was currently preparing its second e-Business Entrepreneurship Seminar for 2007 as part of its e-Commerce training program. A small team of e-Commerce consultants from Chinese Taipei visited Thailand in May 2007 to deliver a series of seminars and workshops on e-Commerce. Similar programs are being planned for later in 2007 for the Philippines, Vietnam, and Peru.
ICT Promotion & Advocacy
ADOC understands that ICT promotion and advocacy is the first important step that all economies must take on their path to entering the New Economy. ADOC has been continually conducting events and activities to promote and advocate the adoption and use of ICT.
Developments in 2007:
ADOC ICT Award 2007 – ADOC was running its third ICT award competition in six APEC economies to promote and advocate ICT usage. The award program has already been completed in the Philippines, Vietnam,Indonesia, Chile,Indonesiaand Thailand by June 2007. Winners are to be invited to Chinese Taipei to receive their awards during ADOC Week, in July 2007.
ADOC Week 2007 – ADOC is planning to hold its third ADOC Week and Plenary in Chinese Taipei in July 2007. ADOC Week will comprise the ADOC Plenary, short forums that feature best ICT practices, and the ADOC Award program, in which awards for outstanding ICT practices are presented. Award winners from the ADOC Awards as well as a number of other guests from the seven APEC economies are currently being invited.
ICT Trade Promotion & Facilitation
ADOC recognizes the important role that helps economies learn more about some of the latest ICT technology solutions.
Developments in 2007:
ADOC ICT Alliance 2007 – ADOC conducted the ADOC ICT Alliance program in June 2007. A large Vietnamese delegation representing visitedChinese Taipei to meet their counterparts’ new ICT technologies.
ADOC ICT RoadShow 2007–ADOC conducted its third series of ICT Road Show in Vietnam, Thailand, Chile and Peru. The program brought together interested companies from the different ADOC partner economies to share ICT experiencesand new ICT technologies.
Ⅳ. Vision
In the Busan Declaration, the APEC Economic Leaders acknowledged the efforts made within APEC in reaching the Brunei Goals. The Leaders also gave instructions and a mandate to maintain the momentum. Chinese Taipei believes that through the joint efforts and participation of ADOC partner economies, the ADOC project will:
- continuously create digital opportunities for socio-economic production through e-commerce,
- improve the telecommunications and information infrastructure in the region, and
- facilitate effective cooperation for capacity building.