Pursuant to Article 72. Para 1 Item 1 of the Public Procurements Law
a n n o u n c e s
for the participation of interested tenderersin the eligibility phase of a restrictive public procurement procedure for
Consulting services
involving specification and preparation of base documents (preparation of tender documentation, constitution of Terms of Reference etc.) for the preparation of studies, analyses, expertise, design documentation and general coordination of the preparatory activities required for theConstruction of the First Line of the Light Rail Transportationin Belgrade
City of Belgrade i.e. Belgrade Land Development Agency was Employer that has commissioned preparation of the Preliminary Feasibility Study for the Construction of the First Line of the Light Rail Transportation (LRT) System with the General Design (with Preliminary Design elements), which was prepared inthe course of the year 2004, and by which the materialization of the concept of development of a Light Rail System was initiated - future framework of the rail systems for the public transportation of passengers in Belgrade. By the Preliminary Study and the General Design the concept from the Master Plan of Belgrade was checked up and the route of the first line - corridor established together with all essential elements for the future design works.
For the purpose of possible more efficient continuation of the work the Agency has undertaken certain organizational adjustments - a Unit for Projects Implementation was constituted. One of important items on the annual agenda of the Agency is the decision on providing expert support for the work in the subsequent phases to the Unit for Projects Implementation that is to be provided by a qualified company experienced on the assignments involving activation of large projects of LRT development.
The scope of the public procurement are Advisory Services involving specification and preparation basic documents (preparation of the tender documentation, constitution of Terms of Reference etc.) for the preparation of studies, analyses, expertise, design documentation and general coordination of the preparatory activities (hereinafter the term Project Management - PM shall be used) required for the Construction of the First Line of LRT in Belgrade. The PM includes the following areas of advisory services:
- Preparation of an Action Program with public procurement specifications related to preparation of the necessary study and technical documentation (Preliminary and Main Designs) during the period of services duration with their structuring according to sequence/priorities and years, including estimate/calculation of the budget for each task and with indication of the best public procurement procedure;
- Preparation of the Tender Dossiers for the public procurements from the Action Program and participation in the public procurement implementation procedure;
- Quality Control and technical supervision of the study and technical documentation commissioned/contracted on the basis of the implemented public procurements;
- Control and review of the budgets submitted within the study and technical documentation;
- Technical specifications for the fixed assets, maintenance equipment (the system and the rolling stock), on the basis of the Preliminary Feasibility Study, studies, expertise, analyses and technical documentation;
- Advices and support in preparation of the national standards for the designing and construction of the rail systems of the Light Metro type;
- Advices in respect to optimum financial arrangements for the implementation of the construction of the First LRTLine, etc. (including above mentioned procurements), as well as in regard to other not mentioned issues that could be within the scope of the preparations for the construction of the First LRT Line.
The foreseen duration of the consulting services is 36 months from the date of entering contract with the successful bidder.
The requested service that is subject to the public invitation is financed by Belgrade Land Development Agency’s Land Development andLeasing Program.
To participate in the procedure are entitled all bidders fulfilling requirements from Article 45 of the Public Procurements Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 39 dated July 5, 2002 – English version: i.e.:
- registeredfor particular activities with the authorized body of the state where his seat is located;
- against whom no enforced settlement, bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings have been initiated and that has not suspended business activities by virtue of a court decision or some other enforceable decision;
- that has not been convicted of a criminal offence, commercial offence or an offence concerning his business activities by decision having the force of res iudicata made by a judicial or administrative body over a period of two years prior to the publication of the contract notice, or if over the same period of time, has not received an enforceable court or administrative order prohibiting him from carrying out the activity which is the subject of the public procurement;
- that has fulfilled obligations related to the payment of due taxes, contributions and other forms of public taxation in accordance with the legal provisions of the state where his seat is located, or according to the legal provisions of the Republic Montenegro if his seat is located on its territory;
- that has a valid permit issued by the authorized body for carrying out the activity which is the subject of public procurement, and such a permit is stipulated by a special regulation;
- possessing sufficient technical capacities.
In addition to documentation prescribed by the Law it is necessary that the Applicant can provide evidence on fulfillment of the Quality Management and Quality Insurance System(ISO 9001 or similar quality certification system). In case that several bidders are submitting a joint offer this requirement concerns the Leading Applicant.
Recognition of the qualifications of the bidders shall be carried out in accord with the Article 52 of the Law in compliance with the requirements for the establishment of qualifications in respect to:
- Applicant's experience
- Financial capabilities of the Applicant and
- Average Annual Workforce of the Applicant.
EligibilityDossier can be taken over after submission of a written application by fax or e-mail to the here bellow specified address.
The requests for the participation (hereinafter: Applications) should be submitted not later than 45 days from the date of publishing of the Public Invitation in the «Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia» i.e. until the date and time and in the manner specified in the Eligibility Dossier, at the following address: Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju – Jedinica za sprovođenje projekata, JP (Belgrade Land Development Agency - Unit for Projects Implementation, Public Company), Njegoševa 84, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.
Public opening of the Applications shall be carried out immediately after the expiry of the deadline for the submission of Applications, at the premises of the Agency.
The Public Procurements Commission shall, within 15 (fifteen) daysfrom the date of public opening of the Applications, carry out analysis of the Applications and prepare the short list of the candidates to which the invitation for the submission of bids in the second phase of the restrictive procedure of public procurement shall be sent.
The criterion for the selection of the successful bid in the second phase of the restrictive procedure shall be economically most favorable offer.
The framework time limit for the selection of the successful bid is 5 months from the date of publishing of the public invitation in the «Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia»
Contact person is:
Mr. Vladimir Depolo
Belgrade Land Development Agency, Unit for Projects Implementation
Njegoševa 84, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Phone: + 381 11 344-30-20
Facsimile: +381 11 344-05-96