Winter Arena TREC Competition
Organised by TRAC, TREC Riders Association Cymru
VENUE: Prescott Equestrian Centre, Baschurch, Shrewsbury SY4 2JW
DATE: Saturday 5th March
TREC is a friendly and relaxed sport, so come along and find out what you’ve been missing!
All classes are open to both Members and Non Members of TREC GB – but only paid up members will have their scores in the affiliated classes to count in the Masterson Method® league.
Entries must be received by Saturday 27th Februaury
Please enter early! (If full, a waiting list will be kept) Entries to:
Tel: 01939 261075 Email :
Enquiries: Lesley Benyon 01939 261075
Don’t hibernate this winter – join in the fun!
Please note you can enter both Masterson MethodTRAC Classes at the same level.
1Masterson Method® Open (Affiliated to TREC GB)
1aTRAC TREC Group Open
2Masterson Method® Intermediate (Affiliated to TREC GB)
2aTRAC TREC Group Intermediate
3 TRAC TREC Group Open – a special class with 10 obstacles which is open to everyone. No MA (CoP)
4Masterson Method® Newcomers. (Novice rider) Affiliated to TREC GB
4aTRAC TREC Group Newcomer (Novice horse and/or rider)
5TRAC TREC Group pairs
Time permitting extra Clear Round (Type) Classes may be added on the day
Entry fees:
All Classes (except Class 5): 1,2,3,4 TRAC TREC Group members £10, non-members £12
Class 6: TRAC TREC Group members £12 per pair, non-members £14 per pair
Each of the affiliated classes 1, 2, 4 (above) will have their own national league.
League points will be awarded depending on finishing position. (10 points for 1st down to 1 point for 10th place.)
The highest four scores will be counted for the league.
In the event of equal positions TOTAL actual PTV scores (from all events) will be taken into account.
Class conditions:
Open - Open to all horses and riders. PTV obstacles equivalent to Level 3/4
Intermediate - Horse and rider combination not to have been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in two or more INTERMEDIATE classes, or one Open class at indoor TREC competitions prior to 1st October 2015. PTV obstacles equivalent to Level 2/3
Newcomer - Open to RIDERS that have not been placed 1st,2nd or 3rd in two or more NEWCOMER classes, or one Intermediate or one Open class at indoor TREC Competitions prior to 1st October 2015. PTV obstacles equivalent to Level 1
Pairs - All 10 obstacles must be completed with one rider doing 1-5 second doing 6-10. One rider does canter at COP and the other does walk.
You will be emailed with a start time for each class. Not individual times!
The course will be open for walking before each class.
The Masterson Method® is an integrated, multi-modality method of equine massage and bodywork that allows the horse to release deep, accumulated pain and tension in muscles and connective tissue. Through the use of light touch and gentle movement in a relaxed state, and observation of a range of the horse's responses (these visual and palpable responses tell you what the horse's body is feeling), you will open doors to improved health and performance while enhancing communication and relationship with your horse. • Improved relationship & communication with your horse. • Make your horse more relaxed and comfortable. • Enable your horse to overcome limitations and restrictions that stand in the way of reaching his full potential.
"Without a doubt, Jim Masterson's work is AMAZING! It is gentle, effective and strengthens the bond and communication between you and your horse. His method directly complements what I do while training. For me, it's the perfect combination of both 'physical therapy' from the ground and from the saddle."
~JANE SAVOIE Three-Time Olympic Coach, Speaker, Clinician, and US Dressage Team Alternate
How do I take part?
The competition is open to all. Complete the entry form and return with your cheque to arrive no later than 27th February 2016. All start times for classes will be sent by e-mail. If you have not received these by the Thursday before the competition, please contact Lesley Then just come along on the day and enjoy!
There will be two parts to the competition:
1.Control of Paces Phase
When it’s your turn, you will canter as slowly as possible along a measured track (probably around the edge of the arena) and then walk back the same distance as fast as possible. The slower you canter and faster you walk, the more points you’ll get. You then go straight onto the PTV obstacle course.
2.PTV Obstacle Phase
A simple course of TEN straightforward obstacles, simulated to represent those youmight meet out hacking, to test riding skills, and the training and handiness of yourhorse or pony. Suitable for ALL levels of rider, and every kind of horse or pony, thesemight include: a footbridge, bending poles, leading, a small jump, mounting, openingand closing a gate, rein-back, riding through a corridor of poles on the ground or an S- bend. The obstacles must be tackled in order within a time limit, and all obstacles are optional. You get points for completing each obstacle, plus bonus points for style, with a maximum of ten points on offer for each obstacle. If you want to miss an obstacle you must stop and inform the judge before bypassing it. Examples of obstacles can be found in the TREC GB Rulebook, along with an explanation of the way each obstacle is judged. Some obstacles will be adapted for use in an arena. Extra information will be displayed on the day, along with a course plan.
How are the placings decided?
The winner of each class will be the rider with the highest combined score from the PTV and the Walk/Canter phases. In the event of equality the highest score from PTV will take precedence. You will receive an individual score sheet to take home with you.
What do we wear?
There is no dress code. However, the safety standards are explained in the TREC GB Rulebook 3.11.4. There are regulations on the safety requirements of riding hats and suitable, safe riding footwear is required. Body protectors are only compulsory where fixed obstacles are used on the PTV. There will NOT be any fixed obstacles so body protectors are optional.
All TREC competitions rely on the support of volunteer judges and helpers.
Can you or anyone coming with you lend a hand? Please telephone Lesley 01939 261075 or email if you can assist us with judging/stewarding/scoring on the day.
No experience necessary – we are grateful for all offers of help and you will learn lots from the inside!
We provide all judges with lunch and drinks.
Rules as per the current TREC GB Rulebook, available from general rules detailed below and elsewhere in this schedule.
1. Competition open to all horses and ponies providing that they are a minimum of four years old (i.e. a horse born on or before 2009 may not compete in TREC in 2014).
2. Mares over 4 months pregnant are also excluded from competing.
3. Riders any age, juniors may ride horses and seniors may ride ponies.
4. No rider will be permitted to start any phase of the competition unless wearing a hard hat,which meets a standard currently recommended by the BHS (PAS 015, EN1384 or ASTM F1163, and bearing the kite mark or SEI).
5. Riders may choose to wear a body protector during any phase of the competition. If worn,Beta 3 standard is strongly recommended.
6. Riders must wear suitable riding footwear.
7. Standing Martingales and other fixed reins are forbidden. If a running martingale is used, the horse must be led from head collar and lead rope for led PTV obstacles.
8. Whips must not exceed 75cms. Spurs if worn must be rounded, not exceeding 3.5cms inlength and pointed downwards.
9. The decisions of the official and the Judges are final and must be complied with at all times.Competitors may be eliminated from the competition for any of the following reasons:
Excessive use of the whip
Dangerous riding
Abusive language
The event manager/organiser has taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the officials and stewards on the day. Trained First Aiders will be present at the event and should be summoned through an official in the event of an accident. The event manager/organiser will have contact telephone numbers for emergency veterinary service. Please take care to safeguard valuable tack and possessions. Young children must be supervised at all times. Neither the event manager/organiser nor the land/course owners can accept responsibility for loss or injury to persons or animals howsoever caused.
Prescott Equestrian Centre, Baschurch, Shrewsbury SY4 2JW
Class / Rider / Horse / Breed / Horse Height / Entry FeeAddress:: ...... ………......
...... Post Code:…......
Tel No: ...... Mobile: …………………………………
EMAIL (please print clearly): …………………………...... …………………………………………......
Rider D.O.B if under 16: ......
TRAC TREC Group Member? YES / NO *delete as applicable
TREC GB Member? YES / NO *delete as applicable TREC GB No,……………..
I enclose my entry fee of £……………………
Cheques Payable to TRAC ( TREC Riders AssociationCymru)
I have read, understood and agree to abide by the rules for the competition.
For competitors under the age of 16 parent or guardian must sign:
Rider :…………...... ………...... …......
PLEASE SEND your entry form and cheque to :- Lel Benyon, Langham House, Church Road, Baschurch, Shrewsbury. Shropshire SY4 2EG
To ARRIVE no later than Saturday 27th February 2016.
Full refunds will only be given before the closing date for entries; late cancellations may have a part refund at the discretion of the Organiser