CABI Ref: CF 10001
Progress Report November 2007 – June 2008
August 2008
Developing the Potential of the Gourmet Robusta Market – Gabon and Togo
Dr. Charles Agwanda (CABIAfrica)
Dr.Komlan Wegbe (CCFCC)
Mr. Aubin AK AHA (Caistab)
CFC/ICO/42 – Progress Report November 2007 – June 2008
Developing the potential of Gourmet Robusta Coffee - Gabon and Togo
Project Progress Report
November 2007 – June 2008
Submitted by:CABIAfrica
Prepared by:
Dr. Charles Agwanda (CABI Africa)
Dr. Komlan Wegbe (CCFCC)
Mr. Aubin AK AHA (Caistab)
CFC/ICO/42 – Progress Report November 2007 – June 2008
I.Project Summary:
Title: Developing the Potential of the Gourmet Robusta Market – Gabon and Togo
Number: CFC/ICO/42
PEA: CABIAfrica.
Participating countries: Gabon (Caistab) and Togo(CCFCC). Findings will be extended to Guinée (Fédération Nationale des Exportateurs Et Producteurs de Café et Cacao, Conakry).
Starting date: November 2007
Completion date:November 2010
Total Project CostUS$2,526,694
of which,
CFC FinancingUS$1,782,113
Counterpart contributionsUS$709,125
II.Period covered by this report:
From: November 2007 To: June 2008
Periods covered by previous reports:
III. Status of Project Implementation
Component I: Improving quality and productivity in existing coffeePlanned activities / Targets set / Present status / Remarks
Activity 1.1
Conduct a baseline study in the key selected zones / Baseline information on current growing practices, yields, and post-harvest handling procedures, including drying and processing methods completed / The study was initiated in Togoby administering structured questionnaires to 25% of the 500 farmers selected to take part in the project. In Gabon, however, no smallholder farmers existed in the project areas. The first activity was therefore to identify potential farmers to take up the former government farms once such farms have been rehabilitated. It was therefore not possible to undertake the activity during the first year of the project. / Activity on course and will be completed as per plan, particularly in Togo. The case of Gabon is unique and the study will only be relevant once committed farmers are identified and allocated coffee parcels.
Activity 1.2
Identify the groups and sites for establishment of gourmet coffee production / locations for establishing of the gourmet coffee project identified and farmer groups to be directly engaged in the pilot study selected / In Gabon, the project was initiated at Alanga, Onjeye, Onguia, Oyou, Kiri 1, Kiri 2, Kele, OmoÏ, Otala, Okango, Obia, Oyogo, Bakoumba, Leconi, Ossouele and Odjala. In the case of Togo, the project has been established in Montagne Kloto – Danyi, Plateau Akposso, Akébou and Kpélé-Amou. These present the four coffee growing zones in Togo. The total hectarage covered is 323.97 in Gabon and 250 in Togo / The activity has been fully met as per plan
Activity 1.3
Arrange credit for inputs supply for farmers / Basic tools and equipment providedto project farmers, financing and distribution of fertilizers and pesticides organised / The activity has been initiated in both Gabon and Togo. In the case of Gabon, Caistab, has undertaken to provide all the inputs necessary to rehabilitate the coffee farmers to the point that they will start to be economically viable. In Togo, the CCFCC made arrangement for financing of fertiliser and insecticides on loan basis. Modalities for recovery of the loans still under discussion. / Activity on in progress and as per plan.
Activities 1.4
Training of Trainers (ToT) and extension workers undertaken / Extension workers and Trainers trained on field practices – pruning, weeding, mulching, use of fertilizers/pesticides, post-harvest handling, processing, traceability, storage and handling during transportation / Staff of the CCFCC and lead farmers in Togo were trained on coffee processing. Gabon initiated the activity by providing training to their key staff involved in rehabilitation prior to the launch of the project. Additional training on processing and other agronomic practices are scheduled for the third quarter of the year. / Activity is on-going
Activities 1.5
Undertake training on guidelines for G A P for gourmet robusta in line with the 4C Code Matrix / Robusta coffee in Gabon and Togo verified 4C compliant / Training on Good Agricultural Practices are to enable the farmers to comply to the 4C code. While no specific mention of the 4C has been done, the training currently being undertaken takes into account the elements of the 4C matrix. / Activity on-going
Component II: Seedling multiplication and improved varieties
Planned activities / Targets set / Present status / Remarks
Activity 2.1
Clearing of existing mother gardens and establishment of nurseries
Restore mother gardens, and establish nurseries in key locations related to the project / viable and sustainable production of seedlings re-establish, framework for supply of seed from Cote d’Ivoire to Gabon established / Existing mother gardens in Kpalime, Togo have been cleared, seven improved clones identified and 11,400 cuttings set in the propagators. In the case of Gabon, seed have been imported from Cote d’Ivoire and nurseries established in the key rehabilitation areas. / Activity on course as per schedule.
Activity 2.2
Establish 10 demonstration plots in the project areas / Improved production practices demonstrated in each country / Twelve demonstration plots identified in Togo and 16 sites selected for rehabilitation using good Agricultural practices in Gabon / On course
Component III: Improved quality – sun-dried robusta
Planned activities / Targets set / Present status / Remarks
Activity 3.1
Train farmers and groups on post-harvest handling / At least 1000 farmers in Togo and 500 in Gabon trained on improved post-harvest handling, and achieving premium prices for their coffee / The activity is yet to be initiated since neither of the project countries has undertaken coffee harvesting. / Activity off season in both countries
Activity 3.2
Supply drying equipment to farmers / Farmers trained in the use of the drying equipment, and monitored to ensure effective use of the facilities / Modalities have been put in place to identify and procure appropriate drying equipment for farmers in both Gabon and Togo. / Activity initiated albeit late
Activities 3.3
Monitor sale of the coffee - traceability / Activity off season in both Gabon and Togo
Component IV: Machinery and equipment for washed robusta coffee
Activity 4.1
Install equipment for production of washed robusta coffee / Marketable quantity of washed coffee produced and market’s responseas well as the economics of producing washed robusta tested / Activity off season in both Gabon and Togo / Not yet initiated
Activity 4.2
Rehabilitate Processing Factories / Secondary processing is fully up to the standard required for gourmet qualities / Not yet initiated
Component V: Liquoring and marketing
Liquoring and quality management / Aliquoring laboratory established in each country / Not targeted in the first six months
Undertake liquoring and quality training courses / Liquorers trained with assistance from the Coffee Quality Institute of the USA / Not targeted in the first six months
Activity 5.3
Undertake marketing of gourmet coffee / An appropriate price mechanism within the framework of the pricing structure of the Caistab
Farmers receive a fair premium for the improved quality of their production / Not targeted in the first six months
CFC/ICO/42 – Progress Report November 2007 – June 2008
IV Resource Utilisation
No CFC project funds were used by the Implementing Agencies during the period January – June 2008. Gabon mobilised its own funds to take care of the activities as they completed the formalities for opening the project accounts while Togo pre-financed their activities for similar reasons.
V.1: Assessment of Technical Progress:
V.1.1.Component I - Improving quality and productivity in existing coffee
Activity 1.1 - Conduct a baseline study in the key selected zones
The objective of this activity is to gather baseline information on the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers targeted by the project as well as their production, processing and marketing practices. The information would subsequently forms the basis for monitoring changes in socio-economic status of the project beneficiaries as well as the impact of the project on improvement of production, processing and marketing practices. The study was initiated in Togo in May 2008. Structured questionnaires were developed and administered. Out of the 500 farmers selected to take part in the project, 25% will be covered by the study. In Gabon, no smallholder farmers existed in the project areas. The first activity by the Caisses de Stabilisation et de Péréquation(Caistab) was therefore to recruit potential farmers to take up the former government farms once such farms have been rehabilitated. The study could likewise not be initiated amongst the few existing smallholder farmers since Caistab’s immediate concern is to secure farmers interests in coffee and to provide technical and financial assistance to such farmers. It is once the confidence of the farmers on coffee is restored when such a study could be conducted and meaningful results realised.
Activity 1.2:Identify the groups and sites for establishment of gourmet coffee production
Locations for establishing the gourmet coffee project was identified in the main coffee growing zones in both Gabon and Togo. These included Alanga, Onjeye, Onguia, Oyou, Kiri 1, Kiri 2, Kele, OmoÏ, Otala, Okango, Obia, Oyogo, Bakoumba, Leconi, Ossouele and Odjalain Gabon and Montagne Kloto-Dayes, Kpélé – Amou, Plateau d’Akposso and Akébou in Togo. Basic characteristics of the four zones identified in Togoare as shown in Table 1 below whereas information on the project sites in Gabon are indicated in Table 2.
Table 1.Basic environmental statistics for the coffee zones selected for the pilot project on Gourmrnt Robusta in Togo
Sub-zone / Rainfall (mm) / Altitude (m)Montagne Kloto-Dayes / 1534,8 / 813
Kpélé – Amou / 1322,1 / 270
Plateau d’Akposso / 1590,1 / 530
Akébou / 1369,6 / 681
Table 2. Sites selected for the pilot project in Gabon indicating total area under coffee
Village sites / Planter’s name / Area under cultivation / TotalHectares
High potential plantations / Rented Plantations / village Plantations
ALANGA / P. pilote / 171,22 / - / - / 171,22
ONDJEYE / LEPANDOU / 87,25 / - / - / 87,25
ONGUIA / EYAMBA / - / 3 / - / 3
OYOU / OSSIBADJOUO / - / 3 / - / 3
KIRI 1 / MFERRI / - / 15 / - / 15
KIRI 2 / OKOUMBA / - / - / 8 / 8
KELE / P. pilote / 6 / - / - / 6
OMOÎ / OGNAGNA / - / 5 / - / 5
OTALA / MFOUBAGOYE / - / - / 2 / 2
OKANGO / ODOUNGA / - / 8 / - / 8
OBIA / DJOBO / - / - / 1,5 / 1,5
AYOGO / ANTSAMA / - / - / 3 / 2
BAKOUMBA / BOUDJONGA / - / - / 1,5 / 1
LECONI / ODJOULI / - / - / 1,5 / 1
OSSOUELE / ODJOULA / - / - / 3 / 3
ODJALA / TOUNGUI / - / 5 / - / 5
total / 264,47 / 39 / 20,5 / 323,97
Concerning the groups to be involved in the project in Togo, priority was given to farmers already organised into farmers’ groups/societies. A few individual farmers were also included to provide complementary data which could be used in comparing the two systems. Sensitisation campaigns were then organised in six locations (Table 3), covering all the four zones. A total of 262 farmers were reached during the campaign. The participants during the sensitisation campaigns were taken through the project goals and objectives, expected outcome of the project and the institutional framework within which the project will be undertaken.
Table 3. Sensitisation activities on Gourmet coffee project in Togo
Zone / Meeting location / Number of participantsPlateau de Dayes / Danyi Apéyémé / 34
Plateau Akposso / Klabé-Azafi / 41
Plateau Akébou / Kougnohou / 61
Montagne Kloto / Kpalimé / 23
Kpélé / Adéta / 41
Amou / Agadji / 62
Total / 262
Following the sensitisation meetings, farmers were requested to identify individuals to be included in the pilot study and to agree on the sites in which the demonstration plots would be established. A total of 500 farmers were subsequently identified and 12 demonstration sites identified.
Activity 1.3Arrange credit for inputs supply for farmers
This activity is in recognition of the fact that the project provides for basic processing facilities but does not address the important issue of fertilisers and pesticides. Appropriate fertiliser and pesticide application is important in producing large heavy beans which can be sold in the gourmet market. The activity was initiated in both Gabon and Togo. In the case of Gabon, Caistab, will provide all the inputs necessary to rehabilitate the coffee farmers on grant basis until the farms start to be economically viable. The institution will likewise provide any additional equipment necessary to ensure project success. This decision was reached at given the current conditions of the coffee farms in the country and the need to inspire confidence among producers to get back to coffee production. In the case of Togo, theComité de Coordination pour les Filières Café et Cacao (CCFCC) has made arrangement for financing of fertiliser and insecticides on loan basis. Modalities for recovery of the loans still under discussion.
Activity 1.4:Training of extension workers and trainers
The activity aims at providing Extension workers and other Trainers with skills and knowledge on good agricultural and processing practices including pruning, weeding, mulching, use of fertilizers/pesticides, post-harvest handling, processing, traceability, storage and handling during transportation. This involves participatory development of training curricular and training calendar that takes account of the seasonal activities. The activity has been initiated in Togo where staff of the CCFCC as well asthe lead farmers have been trained on coffee processing. Gabon initiated the activity by providing training to their key staff involved in rehabilitation prior to the launch of the project. Additional training on processing and other agronomic practices are scheduled for the third quarter of the year in line with the seasonal activities expected during the period.
Activity 1.5:Guidelines for G A P for Gourmet Robusta
Compliant with major certification initiatives such as the Common Code for the Coffee Community (4C) requirements is expected to open new markets also. The activity is therefore aimed at providing training on guidelines for G A P for gourmet robusta in line with the 4C Code Matrix. The resulting coffee will then be verified by accredited certifiers for compliance with 4C code. While no specific mention of the 4C has been done, the training currently being undertaken takes into account the elements of the 4C matrix.
V.1.2:Component II - Seedling multiplication and improved varieties
Activity 2.1:Clearing of existing mother gardens and establishment of nurseries
Availability of seedlings of improved varieties is one of the key factors expected to determine how successful the revitalisation efforts in both Gabon and Togo will be. In the case of Togo, improved varieties already exist and selected clones established in MotherGardens at Centre de recherche agronomique de la zone forestière (CRAF) at Kpalime. The mother gardens however suffered as a result of prolonged periods of neglect. This years activities therefore involved the restoration of existing but formerly neglected mother gardens and establishment of seedling nurseries in key locations in the coffee growing zones. Existing mother gardens in Kpalime were cleared, seven improved clones identified for the purposes of producing suckers to be used in raising seedlings. A total of 11,400 cuttings already set in the propagators.
In the case of Gabon, no improved varieties exist in the country. Consequently the rehabilitation program is dependent on varieties developed in other countries, particularly, Cote d’Ivoire and Cameroon. Substantial quantities of seed were imported from Cote d’Ivoire and germinated in the nurseries established in the key rehabilitation areas.
Activity 2.2:Establish of 10 demonstration plots in each country
Demonstration plots form an important component of farmer training in perennial crops such as coffee. For the showcase sites to be successful, it is expected that each training plot should not accommodate more than 30 farmers. Establishment of demonstration plots was therefore initiated in Togo in order to demonstrate good agronomic practices to the project farmers. Twelve demonstration plots each measuring 0.5 hectares were identified for this purpose. In the case of Gabon this activity took the form of rehabilitation of selected parcels so that farmers can learn as their parcels get rehabilitated. Progress made in this regard is summarised in Tables 4 - 6
Table 4. Coffee Bloc at Alanga
Number of Parcells / Date rejuvenated / Number of trees / HectarageA10 to A13 / October 2007 / 22.041 / 13.23
B10 to B12 / Nov. 2007 / 35.300 / 28.24
D10 to D22 / June 2008 / 19.250 / 15.5
Total / - / 76.591 / 56.97
A20 to A42 / - / 110.060 / 35.3
B31 to B34 / 39.875 / 31.9
C10 to C14 / - / 37580 / 30
non rejuvenated / - / - / 97.2
B20 to B30 / - / - / 17.05
E10 to E12 / - / - / -
Total / - / 953.426 / 171.22
Table 5. Coffee Bloc at Ondzeï
Parcel No / Date rejuvenated / Number of trees / HectarageA1 to A5 / December 2006 / 72.923 / 22.75
A6 to A8 / April – September 2007 / 32.210 / 19.25
B1 to B3 / March – Sept. 2007 / 21.420 / 12.75
C1 to C8 / Nov. 2006 – April 2007 / 54.600 / 32.5
Total / - / - / 87.25
Table 6. Rented Plantations
Location / Area in ha / ObservationsCompleted / Extension / Total
KIRI / 15 / 5 / 20 / Good vegetative state
ONGUIA / 3 / 2 / 5 / Good vegetative state
OYOU / 3 / 2 / 5 / Good vegetative state
OMOÏ / 5 / 6 / 11 / Abandoned
OKANGOVILLE / 8 / 0 / 8 / In the process of rehabilitation
ODJALA / 2 / 8 / 10 / Requires fertiliser application to recover from long periods of abandonment
V.1.3:Component III:Improved quality – sun-dried robusta
Activity 3.1:Training farmers and groups in post-harvest handling
The objective underlying this activity is to train at least 1000 farmers in Togo and 500 in Gabon on improved post-harvest handling resulting into premium prices being realised for the resultant coffee. The activity is yet to be initiated since neither of the project countries has undertaken coffee harvesting.
Activity 3.2:Supply of drying equipment to farmers
This activity aims at procuring coffee processing equipment, installing the equipment in selected farms and training the beneficiaries in the use of the equipment. The procurement of the facilities has not been initiated in both countries. However, modalities have been put in place to identify and procure appropriate drying equipment and supply the same to the identified farmers.
Activity 3.3:Monitoring sale of the coffee - traceability
The activity aims at ensuring that the coffee produced using good agricultural practices is traced along the production and marketing chain and that appropriate premiums are relayed back to the farmers. This will involve careful monitoring of the sale of the project coffee, to ensure that traceability is maintained through the marketing chain. No activity was undertaken in respect to traceability since harvesting was yet to be undertaken.
Component 4:Machinery and equipment for washed robusta coffee
This component includes the supply of hand-pulping equipment to small-holders to enable them to produce washed robusta coffee. It also includes enhancing existing export processing facilities to make them suitable for milling parchment coffee (from the washing process), and to ensure a gourmet quality output. The activity is yet to be initiated.