March 5, 2010 – June 4, 2011

Use of Dynamic Traffic Assignment in FSUTMS in Support of Transportation Planning in Florida (Research BDK80 TWO #977-12)

Submitted by:

Mohammed Hadi, Principal Investigator

Florida International University

Activities Performed this Quarter

  1. Conference calls with the FDOT project manger and Dynamic Traffic Assignment subcommittee were conducted to discuss project activities.
  1. The requirements for DTA implementations in Florida were finalized based on comments received from the technical review group formed by the FDOT. A new section related to transit assignment was added.
  1. The DTA requirements have been submitted to DTA subcommittee of the model task force for further reviews and comments.
  1. An extensive testing and comparison of the Cube static assignment, Transim, DynsuT, and Cube Avenue based on the requirements have been conducted. Further testing is being conducted and the results are being analyzed.
  1. The design started of a new tool to support traffic assignment modeling in Florida. The initial name for the tool is “Integrated Support System of Traffic Assignment (ISSTA).” The tool will be interfaced with ITSDCAP, another tool currently being developed by the research team as part of another FDOT project to collect data from multiple sources.
  1. Based on discussion with the FDOT, a request was submitted and approved by the research center to add the University of Maryland and Fennessy Associates to the project.

Activities Planned for Next Quarter

  1. A face-to-face meeting with FDOT project manager and sub-consultants in Tallahassee is scheduled for June 08, 2011.
  1. Receive additional comments from the DTA subcommittee on the DTA requirement.
  1. Finalize testing and analysis of Cube static assignment, Transim, DynsuT, and Cube Avenue to determine the degrees that these tools meet the identified requirements based on the developed test plan and identified requirements. This testing is meant to provide an example of how different tools available in the market should be assessed prior to their use in projects.
  1. Obtain the dynamic O-D matrix estimation script originally developed by FIU and implemented by Citilabs, test the implementation, and recommend and implement modifications.
  1. Finalize the design and start the implementation of ISSTA.
  1. Convert the static O-D matrix estimation originally developed by Jim Fennessy for the Florida Turnpike in Tranplan to Cube and include this module as part of ISSTA.
  1. Start the development of processes for DTA calibration, convergence and stability assurance, and signal timing treatments in the assignment.

Summary of Requested Modifications




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