Agenda item
/ 5Meeting / Middlesbrough Health and Wellbeing Board
Date / 9th October 2013
Title / Assurance Report – from Local Authority Chief Executive
Responsible Officer / Gill Rollings – Chief Executive, Middlesbrough Council
Purpose of Item / 1. To provide Middlesbrough H&WB Board with:
· assurance that it is fulfilling its statutory responsibilities; and
· progress implementing the JH&WBS.
Summary of Recommendations / That Middlesbrough H&WB Board:
1. notes the progress of the Wellbeing in Middlesbrough Partnership and receives further update of progress at its next meeting;
2. notes the completion of the Welfare Reform Task Group action plan;
3. supports and attends the Employability Event -"Raising Aspirations - Promoting Employability in Middlesbrough and across the Tees Valley”;
4. notes the progress with developing the public health delivery partnership;
5. is assured that effective plans are in place to manage the demand put upon urgent care services within the winter months;
6. notes the submission of the Winterbourne View Concordat Review to the Department of Health;
7. notes the progress of the Securing Quality in Health Services Project; its potential implications for Middlesbrough and agrees that further reports will be received as the project progresses;
8. is assured that the health and social care system is responding to the findings of the Francis Report;
9. approves the establishment of Commissioning Intentions Task and Finish Group and nominates appropriate membership;
10. approves the H&WBB Communication and Engagement Calendar;
11. notes the progress made by Healthwatch Middlesbrough;
12. approves Health and Wellbeing Board Development and Forward Programme and receives regular updates at each Board meeting; and
13. notes the feedback from the forum event and give feedback on the Council’s Change Programme.
1. To provide Middlesbrough Health and Wellbeing Board with a summary of progress against the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and assurance that the H&WBB is fulfilling its statutory obligations.
Aim 1 / Tackle the social causes of poor health / Wellbeing In Middlesbrough Delivery PartnershipEstablishment of Wellbeing in Middlesbrough Partnership
2. Good progress has been made to establish the Wellbeing in Middlesbrough Partnership. The Middlesbrough Partnership Executive Board has now been dissolved. A half day workshop with key agencies was held in August to consider the role and remit of the delivery partnership, its membership, key priorities and critical success factors.
3. Broad headline priorities have been set by the Health and Wellbeing Board, and they cover a huge agenda. The FOUR PRIORITY AREAS may be summarised as:-
· PLACES (Communities and homes)
4. It is imperative for the Delivery Partnership to draw up a clear work plan, with some agreed priority actions. It is clear that the Partnership does not want to create yet another strategy. However, it has recognised the need for clarity of priorities and actions.
5. A trawl of all current strategies and action plans, within member organisations, is underway to build on existing activity and search out those areas where the partnership could genuinely add value. Some of this could simply be rolled out across new areas of the Borough or different and additional delivery organisations. On the other hand, the review of existing activity could also identify things to stop doing, freeing resources for agreed priorities.
6. The partnership is due to hold its first formal meeting later in October.
7. The Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to note the progress of the Wellbeing in Middlesbrough Partnership and receive further update of progress at its next meeting.
Welfare Reform Task Group
8. At the last meeting the Board agreed the Welfare Reform Task Group Action Plan. Progress against the action plan is set out below and all actions set out in the plan have now been delivered.
Aim / Actions / Lead Officer / Milestone / Update/ Comments /Launch Health & Well Being Board – role of Board Members / Letter to Members from Chair – confirming new H&WBB arrangements, dates of meetings / Kathryn Warnock to draft / April 2013 / Complete
Programme of shadowing for Board Members to understand each other’s roles and identify opportunities for collaboration. / Chris Smith and Amanda Hume to pilot / Commence June 2013 / Complete - October 2013
Member Profile completed and distributed
Explore the idea of a Compact for H&WBB members / Kathryn Warnock / Summer 2013 / To be picked up at employability event
Align wider partnership structures with Health & Well Being Strategy / Develop and implement a partnership working structure across Middlesbrough / Kathryn Warnock / May 2013 / Ongoing
Facilitated session with community leaders to determine key areas to focus activity- how would they measure success? / Kathryn Warnock to arrange / July 2013 / Wellbeing partnership Workshop – scheduled 20th August
Letter to range of partner organisations from Chair with H&WBS and ask how they can contribute to the delivery of H&WB Strategy / Kathryn Warnock to draft / June 2013 / Complete
Early Help / Explore, with schools, the feasibility of introducing Health and Wellbeing Health Checks in to schools / Mike Robinson / Summer 2013 / Themed Discussion H&WBB - 9th October
Ensure H&WBB is aligned to the Early Help Framework / Mike Robinson / Summer 2013
Employability / Host an Employability Conference based around job opportunities emerging from Gateway Project / Chris Smith / September 2013 / Event to take place 25 October 2013
9. The Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to note the completion of the Welfare Reform Task Group action plan.
Employability Event - Raising Aspirations
10. A half day event "Raising Aspirations - Promoting Employability in Middlesbrough and across the Tees Valley" is being held on Friday 25th October 2013.
11. This half day event will bring together local businesses, employers, education and training providers, statutory and voluntary agencies and will cover the following:
· What are the emerging employment growth areas and how do we prepare to up-skill people?
· How do we grow and keep talent in the region?
· Examples from employers – getting the best workforce
· What help is out there to promote skills and employment?
· Raising aspirations with young people
12. Speakers at the event include Ray Mallon – Mayor of Middlesbrough, Chris Smith - Erimus Housing, Stephen Catchpole – Managing Director, Tees Valley Unlimited and Boda Gallon – Chief Executive, Keiro Group, along with representatives from education, employers and industry.
13. The Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to support and attend the Employability Event -"Raising Aspirations - Promoting Employability in Middlesbrough and across the Tees Valley.
Aim 2 / Ensure children and young people have the best health and wellbeing / Children & Young People Delivery Partnership14. Progress made by the Children & Young People Delivery Partnership will be subject to a more detailed discussion at the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting.
Aim 3 / Reducing preventable illness and early deaths / Public Health Delivery Partnership15. Progress has been made with establishing the public health delivery partnership and terms of reference have been developed and agreed. The key priority areas identified as ensuring robust health protection arrangements are in place for the local population, health promotion (develop multi-agency approaches to tackling lifestyle risk factors, increasing uptake of preventative programmes and improving emotional wellbeing and mental health) and health service quality (ensuring public health support for NHS commissioners and that NHS providers adopt more preventative efforts). The partnership is in the process of developing a delivery plan and performance management framework to monitor progress against the priority areas.
16. The public health delivery partnership is working with public health specialist teams from Public Health England and NHS England to ensure robust arrangements are in place to protect the health of the local population. The partnership is carrying out a review of the health protection arrangements for Middlesbrough in light of the NHS reforms and the key findings will be included in the assurance report for the next board meeting.
17. As part of the transfer of public health functions from the NHS to local authorities is the responsibility for the director of public health to produce an annual report. The Middlesbrough DPH annual report will be the main item of discussion at the Health and Wellbeing board meeting in February 2013. The report will include an update on progress with implementing the NHS reforms in Middlesbrough, an update on progress with implementing the health and wellbeing strategy and a report on the state of health and wellbeing in Middlesbrough.
18. The joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) and the pharmaceutical needs assessments (PNA) are key documents that health and wellbeing boards are expected to use to inform the health and wellbeing strategies. In Middlesbrough the JSNA is available electronically ( ) and work is underway to utilize the JSNA to inform the development of commissioning intentions and service plans for 2014/15 as well as conducting further needs assessments. The PNA refresh was approved by the NHS Tees board in 2012. Further work on the PNA will be led by the Tees Valley Public Health Shared Service and brought to the health and wellbeing board for approval.
19. The Health and Wellbeing Board is being recommended to note the progress with developing the public health delivery partnership
Aim 4 / Ensuring high quality, sustainable and joined up health, social care and wellbeing services / Health and Social Care Delivery PartnershipWinter Planning 2013/14
20. South Tees CCG, Middlesbrough Council and the main hospital providers have invested significant resource to develop robust winter/surge plans to ensure delivery of effective optimal Urgent Care entering into the challenging winter period.
21. Winter Plans for 2013/14 are well developed, an analysis of all plans has been undertaken and a gap analysis of each individual plan produced. Work is well underway to close the gaps identified.
22. The implementations of Winter Plans are being managed by South Tees CCG Urgent Care Workstream which has representation from key stakeholders, including the local authority.
23. The Urgent Care Workstream has a significant focus upon winter/surge planning to ensure that it can provide the Health and Wellbeing Board with assurance from all key stakeholders that robust plans offering optimal urgent care are in place across services. The CCG continues to work in partnership with all stakeholders to ensure that plans are realistic, achievable and are able to effectively manage the demand put upon urgent care services within winter months.
24. The Health and Wellbeing Board is assured that effective plans are in place to manage the demand put upon urgent care services within the winter months.
Winterbourne View concordat - Action Plan and Stocktake
25. In May 2011 the BBC Panorama programme exposed serious neglect and abuse at Winterbourne View hospital in Bristol.
26. In December 2012 the Department of Health Winterbourne View Review was published and identified a series of key actions for organisations to implement to reduce the future risks of abuse and neglect for individuals.
27. The Winterbourne View Concordat, represents a commitment to reform how care is provided to people with learning disabilities or autism who also have mental health conditions or behaviours viewed as challenging. There is widespread agreement across the health sector that the care of this group of vulnerable people requires a fundamental challenge.
28. The purpose of the Winterbourne View Action Plan and Stocktake is to document local progress against the national targets in Winterbourne View Review – Concordat: Programme of Action.
29. The actions aim to reduce the risk of abuse and neglect for individuals in health and care settings by reducing the number of people in inpatient services. The Concordat defines a series of actions to be completed locally within set timescales.
30. In February 2013 Tees Commissioners produced an Action Plan to deliver the key actions locally and agreed to meet on a monthly basis to co-ordinate joint working. This Action Plan was updated in May 2013.
31. The Local Government Association (LGA) has requested that local authorities lead this process with their partners given the leadership role of the Health and Wellbeing Boards, and that responses are developed with Partners, Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Health and Wellbeing Boards.
32. On behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Health and Social Care Executive, 10th July 2013, considered an initial stocktake of progress against the concordat which was developed jointly by South Tees CCG and Middlesbrough Council. The stocktake was agreed and submitted to the Department of Health.
33. The Health and Wellbeing Board is recommended to note the submission of the Winterbourne View Concordat Review to the Department of Health.
Securing Quality in Health Services Project
34. Securing Quality in Health Services project is a significant project that is underway across County Durham and Tees Valley to support and enhance the commissioning of sustainable, high quality acute hospital services.
35. The securing quality in health services project was initiated by primary care trusts and has now become the responsibility of the five clinical commissioning groups, working together with the local hospital Foundation Trusts in County Durham and the Tees Valley. We are also in discussion with Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby CCG as this piece of work could have an impact upon their plans.
36. The project was designed to first reach consensus on the key clinical quality standards that should be commissioned in acute hospitals and then to work towards their achievement. It has focused on the following clinical areas:
· acute paediatrics and maternity services
· acute care
· end of life care
· long term conditions
37. The project looked specifically at the following aspects:
· a clinical quality assessment that considered national best practices, barriers and enablers