Monday – January9, 2017– 170109
Context: Competition
Mobility:Hip (playlist video here)
Skill Practice Warm Up:Perform 3 sets of L-sits on the rings or paralettes. Use a variation that will get you 10-30s per set.
Strength:1-1-1-1-1-1-1Deadlift – testing to start new strength cycle! (7 sets of 1 rep, increasingweight with each set to max)
Super Set:3-3-3-3-3-3-3 weighted ring dip (or progressions) (7sets of 3 reps, increase challenge with each set)
Metabolic Conditioning:“Drag Racer”
For time - 3 rounds
10 Deadlifts (Health: 85lb, Athletic*: 185lb, Performance: 275lb)
50 Double Unders* (Health: 4 singles and 1 DU attempt, 10 rounds)
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide:3:30 – 7:00, about 1:45 per round. Scale Up: 4 rounds (log only the first 3 rounds if you are logging on BTWB)
Compare to:BTWB benchmark
Coaching Tips: The deadlift weight should be approximately 65-75% of your max. Some a set of 10 unbroken should be possible, but consider breaking this one up from the beginning so you can do larger sets (or faster singles) in the later rounds. Make sure you take time to ‘get organized’ before each set. You do not want to have a soft midline because you are breathing too hard to get tight!
Optional ‘Cash Out’: 10 burpees, 10 wall ball, 4 rounds
“By the Numbers” Book References:Deadlift p. 151, Double Unders p. 213
Tuesday January 10, 2017 - 170110
Mobility:Shoulder (playlist video here)
Skill Practice Warm Up:None (list of fun games to play here)
Strength:6 x 2Squat Clean- 11 of 14 (6 sets of 2 reps, same weight across, approximately 90-95% of max)
Super Set:6 x 4 Strict HSPU (or progressions) (6 sets of 4 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge)
Metabolic Conditioning:“Ataturk“
7 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
5 shoulder press (Health: 35lbs, Athletic*: 55lbs, Performance: 95lbs)
5 push press (same)
5 bumper plate burpee (Health: 15lbs, Athletic*: 25lbs, Performance: 45lbs)
10 toes-to-bar
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide:3-6 rounds, about 1:45 per round.
Compare to:July 6, 2016
Coaching Tips:The shoulder press will be the limiting factor here. When you are choosing a weight, make sure to choose a weight where you will be able to do 5 shoulder press unbroken for at least first round or two. A full “rep” of a bumper plate burpee requires you doing a burpee, and then finishing with the plate over your head.
Optional ‘Cash Out’: 12 suitcase lunge steps, 12 Russian Kb swings, for 4 min
“By the Numbers” Book References: Press p. 199, Push Press p. 292, Burpee p. 415, T2B p. 434
Wednesday – January11, 2017 - 170111
Mobility:Shoulder (playlist video here)
Skill Practice Warm Up:Spend 6 minutes working up to a challenging max weighted pull up or progression
Super Set:none
Metabolic Conditioning:“Wake Up Little Suzie“
15 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
200m run with medicine ball (Health: 10lb/ Athletic*: 14lb/Performance: 20lb)or 20' (6m) out and back 'shuttle' run (no line touch) x 10 with ball
6 dbweighted pull-ups, kipping allowed (Health: ring row/ Athletic*: 10lb / Performance: 30lb)
12 push-ups
24 butterfly sit-ups
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide:4-7 rounds, about 3 min per round, Scale Up: 45lb/20lb weighted pull-ups and GHD sit-ups
Compare to:April 10, 2016
Coaching Tips:Push the pace with the medball runs. You will have some time to catch your breath on the weighted pull ups (especially in the later rounds). Keep the push-ups strict and make sure your entire body is leaving the ground at the same time (not your thighs). If you can’t do push-ups from the toes yet, do ring push-ups at an angle that allows you to do them correctly. Use an abmat for the sit ups if you have them!
Optional ‘Cash Out’: None.
“By the Numbers” Book References: Running p. 269, Weighted Pull-up p. 333, Push-up p. 126, Butterfly Sit-up p. 133
Thursday – January12, 2017 - 170112
Context: Competition
Mobility:Hip (playlist video here)
Skill Practice Warm Up:None (list of fun games to play here)
Strength:5 x 3Squat Clean- 12 of 14 (5 sets of 3 reps, same weight across, approximately 90-95% of max)
Super Set:5 x 5 Strict HSPU (or progressions) (5 sets of 5 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge)
Metabolic Conditioning:“Crooked Launch”
For time
Row (Health: 800m / Athletic: 1000m*/ Performance: 1200m)
then 3 rounds for time
80' dumbbell suitcase carry (20' out and back two times) (Health: 26lb / Athletic: 35lb*/ Performance: 53lb)
10 left single arm kettlebell swings (same)
10 right single arm kettlebell swings (same)
10 goblet squats (same)
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide:7 - 10 minutes, about 3:30 for the row, then 1:45 per round
Compare to:NEW WORKOUT!
Coaching Tips: Go hard on the row buy in. The suitcase carries are going to act as sort of an ‘active recovery’ each round. Keep your shoulder back, chest up, and abs tight. Switch arms as desired. Single arm kb swings are Russian height. Don’t let your shoulder internally rotate on the kb swings. After the first round, you will be more recovered from the row and you should be able to speed up a bit!
Optional ‘Cash Out’: 60s plank, 10 bootlegger burpees (20'), 3 rounds
“By the Numbers” Book References:Kettlebell Swing p. 277
Friday –January13, 2017 - 170113
Mobility:Hip (playlist video here)
Skill Practice Warm Up:Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%) power clean and jerk, or do 3 reps on the minute for 7 minutes at 50-60%.
Super Set:none
Metabolic Conditioning:“Snowcapped“
For time. 4 Rounds.
7 Power clean (Health: 65lb / Athletic*: 105lb / Performance: 155lb)
40' racked kettlebell lunge -one arm- (Health: 26lb/ Athletic*: 35lb /Performance: 53lb)
40' bear crawl
20 wall ball (Health: 10lb/8ft,Athletic*: 14lb/9ft,Performance: 20lb/10ft)
1 min rest
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide:Scaling Guide: 11 - 16 min, about 3.5 min per round including the rests, Scale up: 185/125lb power cleans and OH kb lunges
Compare to:April 21, 2016
Coaching Tips: These power cleans should be a bit heavier than what you would normally use in a metcon so keep that in mind when choosing a load; singles from round one is fine, but you need to be able to average one rep every 5-6 seconds to stay on track time wise. Switch arms as desired on the lunges, but it makes the most sense to set up a line at 20' and do 20 feet out with one arm, then 20 feet back with the other arm. Then bear crawl the same 'lane' to keep it simple! Move fast on the bear crawls and drop down to your knees when you need a rest. Staying in the 'up' position only makes you tired without moving you closer to the finish. Try and do the wall balls in big sets due to the forced rest!
Optional ‘Cash Out’: None.
“By the Numbers” Book References: Clean p. 404, Walking Lunge p. 220, Wall Ball p. 430
Saturday – January14, 2017 - 170107
Mobility:Shoulder (playlist video here)
Skill Practice Warm Up:None (list of fun games to play here)
Super Set:none
Metabolic Conditioning: “Alexander's Gordian Knot”
30 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) - Teams of 3, one person working at a time, other two partners must hold bumper plate (to the chest or at side) 15lb/25lb/45lb for reps to count
10 round trip sled pushes 20' out 20' back (Health: +0, Athletic: +50lb*, Performance: +90lb)
20 strict pull-ups
30 burpees
40 hip extensions (or 20lb med ball good mornings)
30 front squats (Health: 35lb / Athletic: 65lb*/ Performance: 95lb)
20 box jumps (Health: 12” / Athletic*: 20” / Performance: 24”)
10 squat snatches (Health: 35lb / Athletic: 65lb*/ Performance: 95lb)
Indy version:
20 minute AMRAP
6 round trip (buy in) sled pushes 20' out 20' back (Health: +0, Athletic: +50lb*, Performance: +90lb)
then AMRAP the following:
5 squat snatches(Health: 35lb / Athletic: 65lb*/ Performance: 95lb)
5 strict pull-ups
10 burpees
20 hip extensions
10 front squats (Health: 35lb / Athletic: 65lb*/ Performance: 95lb)
15 box jumps (Health: 12” / Athletic*: 20” / Performance: 24”)
1 min rest
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide:(team version) 3.5 - 5 rounds. About 7.5 min per round. Scale up: 135/85lb barbell for squats and snatches. 30/24" box jump. Indy Version: 3 – 5 rounds.
Compare to:NEW WORKOUT!
Coaching Tips: Talk to your partners ahead of time to play to each other’s strengths. If you are all equally matched for a movement, split it up into small sets to get a bit more rest and to be better prepared for the next movement. As the workout goes on, be ready to change the rep schemes so that reps are always being done. This will generally mean that some people are doing more reps while the others get more ‘rest’. THIS IS FINE! If you feel like your partners are doing too much of the work, just go faster on the sets that you are responsible for.
Optional ‘Cash Out’: None.
“By the Numbers” BookReferences: Snatch p. 447, Pull-up p. 192, Burpee p. 415, Hip Extension p. 310, Front Squat p. 227, Box Jump p. 351
Sunday –January15, 2017– 170115
Context:Mental Toughness
Mobility:Hip (playlist video here)
Skill Practice Warm Up:Each minute on the minute for 5 minutes, perform 30s of wall ball and 30s of hollow rocks
Strength:5x1 deficit deadlift - 1 of 14(5 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, approximately 55-65% of max)
Super Set:5x5 weighted ring dip(or progressions) (5 sets of 5 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge), make sure you use a progression that allows complete sets of 5 that isn’t too taxing!
Metabolic Conditioning:“Vodka on the Rocks”
6 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible)
6 Dumbbell Thrusters (Health: 15lbs, Athletic*: 30lbs, Performance: 45lbs)
12 ‘heavy’ Russian Kettlebell Swings (Health: 35lbs, Athletic*: 53lbs, Performance: 70lbs)
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide:4-8 rounds
Compare to:April 25, 2016
Coaching Tips: Try to do the thrusters unbroken or in two sets. Keep your chest up, and make sure that your abs stay tight (so that your back is protected). Think about ‘pulling’ the dumbbells down so you are working with gravity rather than trying to slow it down. The Russian kettlebell swings are going to be a bit heavy, but this is a good workout to try a “new” weight (a kettlebell weight that is heavier than you usually use). Break these up as soon as your form starts to slip. Don’t try and get away with questionable form for a single rep!
Optional ‘Cash Out’: 12 toes to bar, 30 double unders, 3 rounds
“By the Numbers” Book References: Thrusters p. 357, Kettlebell Swings p. 277
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