Computer Science I MAT1520

General education: mathematics/quantitative reasoning
New Media: programming requirement
NatSci, 3003. x6679.
Office hours: M 10:30 to noon, R 1 to 2:15pm, or by appointment /

The goals of this class are to introduce you to the concepts of computer programming and require that you use the concepts to produce working projects. The critical aspects of modern programming are the specification of logic, graphical user interfaces and event-handling. The main programming language we will use is Processing, a language built on Java with its own Integrated Development Environment. We will do some work in Java itself, using the IDE IntelliJ. Processing was developed by and for visual artists and our projects will produce graphical displays, including animations, in 2D and 3D.

The methodology used is lecture/discussion of concepts with demonstration of basic Processing sketches; you re-creating the basic sketches, using the lecture notes and tutorials and making use of your own ideas and creativity; and you designing and producing your own projects. Critical steps are design, planning and documenting your work. Important concepts include functions, methods, variables, classes, and, more generally, representing information. Materials (weekly schedule, updated as necessary; lecture charts; working examples; guides to exams) are posted on-line (use links from

In addition, we will make use of Moodle: Homework projects (Processing sketches) must be uploaded to the designated moodle dropbox and may be due midweek. You will be required to respond to questions posed in class and post your proposals for your projects on the designated forums. You also can post questions or comments at any time. For standards relating to academic integrity, see This applies to your work.

Students with documented physical, learning, psychological and other disabilities are entitled to receive reasonable accommodations. If you need classroom or testing accommodations, please contact Office of Disability Resources (Student Services third floor; x6035, ) or the Counseling Center (Humanities, x6390).

Grade Allocation

Basic sketches / 15
Midterm project (proposal, plans, first stage, complete, presentation) / 15
Midterm quiz / 10
More sketches / 15
Pop quizzes / 10
Final project (proposal, plans, first stage, complete, presentation) / 15
Postings on moodle / 10
Final quiz / 10

Projects must be shown in class on the due date. Attendance is required. There will be pop quizzes. You are expected to check the on-line materials prior to each class & to check your email daily. You are required to upload your projects to the moodle dropboxs as specified. (There is one for each assignment.) You must do your own work.