Programming Assignment Feedback

Student/Group Name(s) Tom Dickens
Course POS/370 / Date 8/23/2001
Assignment Example for WS3, WS4, and WS5
Design 20%:
·  Problem statement
·  Pseudo code, flow chart, and/or IPO diagram
·  Supporting text describing the design
·  Clearly defines the design of the program / Good use of different design techniques!
Description is a bit sparse.
Inclusion of algorithm details good.
Version Control Scheme 10%:
·  Describe version control scheme used
·  Provide actual details of how this version is tracked
·  Should track program, executable, and supporting documentation / Good simple VC scheme.
Specifics of better VC schemes would be nice.
C++ Code 20%:
·  Actual C++ code for this version of the program
·  Mono-spaced font, formatted with no wrapped lines
·  Code is modularized, clear, and concise with no dead code
·  Clearly laid out and commented / Excellent comments!
Good consistent style and formatting.
Good break-up of the code into simple functions.
Compiler Results 5%:
·  Actual compiler results
·  Mono-spaced font / Actual compiler results, look good.
Sample Input and Output 10%:
·  Sample input to the program, with resulting output
·  Mono-spaced font
·  Shows proper operation of the program, discuss results / Good example of sample input with resulting output.
Clearly laid out, easy to see what happened.
Discussion of Details 20%:
·  Code highlights
·  Design and coding decisions and trade-offs
·  Possible future enhancements
·  / Excellent discussion of the code and your design decisions.
Glad you pointed out the discrepancy between the code design and the actual implemented code for the error checking.
Possible future enhancements are interesting.
Discussion of What Was Learned 15%:
·  New knowledge gained
·  Problems you encountered
·  Learned wisdom – mistakes you made that you won’t make again
·  Other cosmic realizations / 15

Comments / Grade

Very good program and write-up.
Design and version control could use more details.

Revised September 2001