Grading Policy (Chinese 1, 2H, 3H, 4H)

Ms. Cai (2015-2016)

20% Class Participation

15% Homework

30% Quizzes (written & oral)

35% Tests (written& oral) , Projects (oral &written presentations)

Class Participation:

Every student will receive a daily grade for class participation. A grade of A is earned by a student who is well prepared for class (textbook, notebook, pen, assignments, required class materials), is proactively involved in ALL class activities (offering ideas, asking/answering questions), incorporates of the ideas of other, never displays disruptive behavior and completes ALL class assignments on time. A grade of B is earned by a student who is partially prepared for class, is proactively involved in SOME class activities, listens when others talk and rarely displays disruptive behavior during class and completes SOME class assignments on time. A grade of C is earned by a student who is present but almost is not prepared for class, rarely involved in class activities, does not listen when others talk and submits late/incomplete class assignments. A grade of D is earned by a student who is tardy, unprepared for class, interrupts when other speaks and displays disruptive behavior which impedes his/her own/others' learning. (doing work from other subjects, chatting with others, sleeping and other disruptive behavior)


Every homework is due on the day indicated to receive full credits (100). 20 points will be deducted for each homework which is submitted on the first day after the due time. After that, no homework will be accepted and 0 credit will be given. If a student is absent, the homework must be handed in within two days of return of school.


There will be unannounced and announced quizzes. If a student is absent or under extenuating circumstances, the quizzes must be made up within 3 days of return to school. Extended absences due to illness will be handled on an individual basis.

Tests &Projects

There will be traditional tests, performance assessments and projects in theme and content. If a student is absent or under extenuating circumstances, the tests and projects must be made up within 3 days of return to school. Extended absences due to illness will be handled on an individual basis.