Programme specialization no 6 -FUR ANIMAL DISEASES

National Head Fur Animal Disease Dr. hab. Jan Siemionek, prof. nadzw.UWM

University of Warmia and Mazuryin Olsztyn

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Epizootiology ul.Oczapowskiego 13, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury

Tel./fax: 89/523 35 74, mobile phone: 607 857963, e-mail:

SpecializationFur Animal Diseasecontinues 4 semesters. No of hours lectures – 127 hours, no of hours -exercises – 133. Total no of hours 260.

  1. Veterinarian as an expert witness injudicial proceedings.
  2. Veterinary ethic rules
  3. Occupational civil and penal responsibility ofveterinarian.
  4. Administrative law. Administrative proceedings
  5. Legal basis forthe organization andfunctioning offur animal farmsin Poland.
  6. EUveterinary legislation polishveterinarylaw
  7. Health rulesforanimal by-products(UPPZ) not intendedfor human consumption. Veterinary Inspectiontasksin the supervision ofUPPZ.
  8. Domesticationandbreeding offur animals.The species and variety of foxes,minks,nutria, chinchillas and rabbits.
  9. The welfareand protection offarmedfur animals.Health certificates.
  10. Anatomy and pathology reproduction and skin ofminkand fox(gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, coatingsystem).
  11. Modern breeding of carnivorousfur animals
  12. Control ofveterinary inspection (PIW) at the farm of fur animal -SPIWET
  13. Use,the economic importance offur farming. Roleand tasks of thebreedersand producersof fur animalsin existing law
  14. Use,the economic importance offur farming. Roleand tasks of thebreedersand producersof fur animalsin existing law
  15. Veterinarysupervisionofcarnivorous furfarm.
  16. Vitaminstandards. Deficiencyof vitamins and metabolic diseasesofcarnivorous fur animals.
  17. Diseases and control of thenewbornfoxes and mink. Salmonellosis, colibacillosis, staphylococcosis, astrovirosis.
  18. Diseasesof the nervous system of mink andfoxes. Differential diagnosis ofdistemper, Aujeszky's disease and foxes encephalitis.
  19. Diseases of thereproductive systemof foxes. Leptospirosis, pseudomonasand parvovirusinfections.
  20. Diagnosisand control of mycoses of foxes and ectoparasitic diseases.
  21. Diagnosis and control botulism.
  22. Autopsy of foxes
  23. Differential diagnosis ofdiseases ofmink: Aleutian Diseases Virus, Mink Enteritis Virus, Epizootic Enteritis Virus, Encephalopathy, Astrovirus.
  24. Diagnosis and control ofhaemorrhagic septicemia, campylobacteriosis of mink.
  25. Autopsy of mink
  26. Prophylaxison thefarmfoxes
  27. Visiting farm mink Prophylaxis on thefarm mink
  28. Non infectious diseases such asheatstroke
  29. Aleutian Disease Virus controlprogramon the farm mink.Sampling andlaboratory testing.
  30. Treatment offarmminkin the 4seasons of the year-feeding,breeding, rearing, acquisition of hides.
  31. Anatomy and physiology ofthe rabbit.
  32. Legal aspects forthe organization of welfare farm ofrabbits andchinchillas.
  33. Breedingchinchillasin Polandand worldwide.Nutrition, Veterinarysupervision. Causes ofcullingfemales, the influence of the degree of relationshiptoherdhealth.
  34. Visiting farm of chinchillas
  35. Welfare of rabbit,veterinarysupervision.
  36. Visiting farm of rabbit
  37. Immobilization and the clinical examination ofthe rabbit, blood collection.
  38. Diseases ofrabbits, myxomatosis, rabbithaemorrhagic disease, pasteurellosis, coccidiosis, tapeworms. Injections,i.v. and s.c.
  39. Tularemia (rabbit fever), a diseasesubjectto registration.
  40. The most commondisease inpetrabbits
  41. Rabbits anesthesiology
  42. Surgeryin the rabbit: ovariohysterectomia, laparotomy.
  43. Autopsy ofrabbits
  44. Preventionof rabbit. Veterinarysupervisionof thefarm.
  45. Anatomyand physiology of thenutria. Selected issues aspectsofbreeding andpathology ofnutria.
  46. Veterinary supervision ofslaughtered rabbitandnutria
  47. Anatomy and physiology ofchinchillas.Breedingchinchillason the farm
  48. Treatment on chinchillas
  49. Laboratory diagnosismycosis, parasites in rabbits, chinchillas, foxes, mink.
  50. Terms ofbreedingchinchillasat home
  51. Diseases ofchinchillas and preventionofbreedingchinchillas
  52. Health problems of ferret.
  53. Surgeryinferret
  54. Vaccination offerretagainst rabies.
  55. The useof information systems infarmmanagementanddisease control.
  56. Zoonoses

Piśmiennictwo podstawowe

  1. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Gliński Z., Kostro K. Podstawy hodowli lisów i norek. Profilaktyka i zwalczanie chorób futerkowych. Wyd. PWRiL Warszawa, 2002
  2. Siemionek J.: Choroby mięsożernych zwierząt futerkowych oraz podstawy chowu .Wyd. UWM Olsztyn. 2001.
  3. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcja Kostro K., Gliński K. Choroby królików. Podstawy chowu. PWRiL, Warszawa 2004.
  4. Okerman L.: Choroby królików domowych. Wyd. SIMA WLW Warszawa 1999.
  5. Grudzień W. Choroby szynszyli. Wyd. Wszechnica Edukacyjna i Wydawnicza Verbum. Rypin 2012.

Piśmiennictwo uzupełniające

  1. Kuźniewicz J. , Filistowicz A.: Chów i hodowla zwierząt futerkowych. Wyd. AR Wrocław 1999.
  2. Grudzień W. Chów szynszyli. Krok po kroku. Wyd. Wszechnica Edukacyjna i Wydawnicza Verbum. Rypin 2013.
  3. Barabasz B.: Szynszyle -hodowla i użytkowanie. Wyd. PWRiL Warszawa 2001.
  4. Barabasz B., Bieniek J.: Króliki. Towarowa produkcja mięsna. Wyd. PWRiL 2007.
  5. Barabasz B.: Jenoty. Chów i hodowla. Wyd. PWN, Warszawa 2007.
  6. Jarosz S.:. Hodowla zwierząt futerkowych. Wyd. PWN , Warszawa 1993.
  7. Knorr F., Wenzel D. Choroby królików. PWRiL, Warszawa 1988.