Programme Regulations: 2018/19(Insert appropriate academic year)
Programme Title: BA/MA/MChem/MEng/MMath/MSc (Hons) XXXX (It is important to include the full title of the award here in this format, e.g. MMath Mathematics and Statistics with Placement Year)
UCAS Codes:Subject XXXX (with Foundation Year xxxx); Subject XXXX (with Foundation Year XXXX); Subject XXXX (with Foundation Year XXXX); Subject XXXX (with Foundation Year XXXX)
(i)These programme regulations should be read in conjunction with the University’s Undergraduate Progress Regulations and Examination Conventions.
(ii)All optional modules are offered subject to the constraints of the timetable and to any restrictions on the number of students who may be taught on a particular module. Not all modules may be offered in all years and they are listed subject to availability.
(iii)Unless otherwise stated under ‘Type’, modules are not core.
(iv)A compulsory module is a module which a student is required to study.
(v)A core module is a module which a student must pass, and in which a fail mark may neither be carried nor compensated; such modules are designated by the board of studies as essential for progression to a further stage of the programme or for study in a further module. A final stage module cannot be deemed to be core.
(vi)All modules are delivered in Linear mode unless stated otherwise as Block, eLearning or distance learning.
(Include here any other important general statement/conditions pertaining to the programme)
- Stage 0
(Faculty to insert wording)
- Stage 1
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
(Note: only list here those modules which ALL students take all the time. Any options should be listed separately.List the modules alpha-numerically by module code)
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)All candidates shall take X of the following optional modules:
(Insert here a list of modules from which candidates must select one, two etc)
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(c)All candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following list:
(Insert here a list of optional modules from which candidates must choose a specified number of credits)
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Insert here any pre-conditions relating to the selection of options eg may be taken only if have A Level in X)
(Use any of the following statements where relevant; delete those not used)
*Only one of these modules may be taken.
+Only one of these modules may be taken.
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected.
- Stage 2
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)All candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following list:
(Insert here a list of optional modules from which candidates must choose a specified number of credits)
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Insert here any pre-conditions relating to the selection of options e.g. may be taken only if have A Level in X)
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative modules to those listed above may be selected.
(c)(Transfer to the Degree of XXXX)
(If it is possible to transfer to a different programme after completion of Stage 2 e.g. from BEng to MEng, insert text and conditions here.)
Candidates who have completed Stage 2 of the degree of XXXX may transfer to the degree of XXXX.
- Year 3 (Intercalating Year – Bachelors programmes)
On completion of Stage 2 and before entering Stage 3, candidates may as part of their studies for the degree spend a year in a placement with an approved organisation. Permission to undertake a placement is subject to the approval of the Degree Programme Director. Students who are required to re-sit their Stage 2 assessment must delay the start of their placement until they have done so. Students who fail Stage 2 may not complete a placement year.
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / CreditsSem 3 / Level / Type / Mode
NCL3000 / Careers Service Placement Year Module / 120 / 60 / 60 / 0 / 6
- Stage 3
Honours in XXXX
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)Candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Use any of the following as relevant; delete any not used)
*Only one of these modules may be taken.
+Only one of these modules may be taken.
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected.
Honours in XXXX
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)Candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Use any of the following as relevant; delete any not used)
*Only one of these modules may be taken.
+Only one of these modules may be taken.
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected.
Honours in XXXX
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)Candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Use any of the following as relevant; delete any not used)
*Only one of these modules may be taken.
+Only one of these modules may be taken.
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected.
Honours in XXXX
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)Candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Use any of the following as relevant; delete any not used)
*Only one of these modules may be taken.
+Only one of these modules may be taken.
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected.
- Year 4 (Intercalating Year – Integrated Masters programmes)
On completion of Stage 3 and before entering Stage 4, candidates may as part of their studies for the degree spend a year in a placement with an approved organisation. Permission to undertake a placement is subject to the approval of the Degree Programme Director. Students who are required to re-sit their Stage 3 assessment must delay the start of their placement until they have done so. Students who fail Stage 3 may not complete a placement year.
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / CreditsSem 3 / Level / Type / Mode
NCL3000 / Careers Service Placement Year Module / 120 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 6
- Stage 4
Honours in XXXX
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)Candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Use any of the following as relevant; delete any not used)
*Only one of these modules may be taken.
+Only one of these modules may be taken.
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected.
Honours in XXXX
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)Candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Use any of the following as relevant; delete any not used)
*Only one of these modules may be taken.
+Only one of these modules may be taken.
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected.
Honours in XXXX
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)Candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Use any of the following as relevant; delete any not used)
*Only one of these modules may be taken.
+Only one of these modules may be taken.
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected.
Honours in XXXX
(a)All candidates shall take the following compulsory modules:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(b)Candidates shall take X credits of optional modules from the following:
Code / Descriptive title / Total Credits / Credits Sem 1 / Credits Sem 2 / Level / Type / Mode(Use any of the following as relevant; delete any not used)
*Only one of these modules may be taken.
+Only one of these modules may be taken.
With the approval of the Degree Programme Director alternative optional modules to those listed above may be selected.
- Assessment methods
Details of the assessment pattern for each module are explained in the module outline.
- Degree classification
Candidates will be assessed for degree classification on the basis of all the modules taken at Stages 2, 3 and 4 with the weighting of the stages being X:X:X for Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4 respectively.
(Insert here any specific regulation pertaining to specific requirements relating to accreditation)