BPK 343 Laboratory Manual
Logbook #2
MASS (lbs):MASS (kg):
LAB GROUP:______
Contents Lab Log Book Two
Cardiovascular Fitness
This lab will take place following the midterm exam . All students will participate in the Step test and should come prepared to do so. Those participating in the Bruce protocol will be the only exceptions to this. Read the CSEP-PATH manual to determine the pre lab preparation regarding exercise, food and alcohol intake in the day prior to the test.
We will be comparing direct and indirect measurements of flexibility. We will discuss the appropriate utilization of subjective and objective methods of assessing flexibility and lower back health. Every student will be involved as both a subject and an assessor for this laboratory session. Please let the instructor know if you have ongoing injuries that will prevent you from participating in one or more of the assessments.
Core Stability
We will look at the assessment of endurance in trunk flexion, extension and lateral stability. Every student will participate as a subject and an assessor. We will also look at teaching neutral spine and abdominal bracing as a first step in rehabilitation and training of core stability. We will progress to look at several beginner and advanced endurance exercises, and the incorporation of labile surfaces into the training of dynamic stability.
Informed Consent for Bruce Test
I, ______, give my consent to Ryan Dill to administer the following procedure as part of a laboratory in BPK 343, Active Health: Assessment and Programming.
The Bruce Test is a multi-stage aerobic treadmill test. It starts at 1.7 mph and 10% grade and increases the speed and grade every three minutes until the individual is unable or unwilling to continue, or until some abnormal response such as an irregular heart beat occurs. The test usually lasts about 10 minutes. I will wear a portable heart rate meter. I will also have my electrocardiogram obtained from three electrodes stuck to my skin, one on each of the ribs and one on the sternum or scapula.
I understand that the potential risks of these procedures are:
-possible irritation of the skin of the chest from the elastic heart rate meter strap or the electrodes.
-muscular fatigue in the legs, and possibly some soreness in these muscles for a day or two after exercise.
-rare occurrences of dizziness, chest pain, fainting, or - very rarely - cardiac arrest,
-traumatic injury from falling during running (this risk will be minimized by having "spotters" at the side and back of the treadmill.
I understand that the potential benefits of my participation are:
-learn how the subject/client/patient feels during fitness testing
-help other students practice the procedure for administering fitness test
-obtain results of my own aerobic fitness
I understand that I may withdraw my consent to participate at any time, and that I may stop at any time during the test for any reason. I further understand that if I have any complaint about these procedures that I my address this complaint to the Chair, Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology.
Informed Consent for Anaerobic Treadmill Test
I, ______, give my consent to Ryan Dill to administer the following procedure as part of a laboratory in BPK 343, Active Health: Assessment and Programming.
The anaerobic treadmill test has a warmup, then a single, brief (maximum of one to two minutes) run to exhaustion at 20% grade and either 6 or 8 mph, then a cool-down.
I understand that the potential risks of these procedures are:
-muscular fatigue in the legs, and possibly some soreness in these muscles for a day or two after exercise.
-rare occurrences of dizziness, chest pain, fainting, or - very rarely - cardiac arrest,
-traumatic injury from falling during running (this risk will be minimized by having "spotters" at the side and back of the treadmill.
I understand that the potential benefits of my participation are:
-learn how the subject/client/patient feels during fitness testing
-help other students practice the procedure for administering fitness test
-obtain results of my own anaerobic fitness
I understand that I may withdraw my consent to participate at any time, and that I may stop at any time during the test for any reason. I further understand that if I have any complaint about these procedures that I my address this complaint to the Chair, Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology.
Informed Consent for mCAFT
I, ______, give my consent to Ryan Dill to administer the following procedure as part of a laboratory in BPK 343, Active Health: Assessment and Programming.
The mCAFT is a multi-stage sub maximal aerobic test. The first stage of stepping starts at a tempo determined by gender and age and lasts for three minutes. The stepping tempo is then increased slightly for every subsequent three minute stepping stage. Heart Rate is monitored following each stage. The test will continue until I reach a pre-determined ceiling Heart Rate (85% of my age predicted maximum) or stage eight. The test usually lasts about 10 minutes. I will wear a portable heart rate meter or have my heart rate measured by palpation. I will also have my Blood Pressure measured several times during recovery.
I understand that the potential risks of these procedures are:
-possible irritation of the skin of the chest from the elastic heart rate meter strap
-possible irritation or compression of the arm from blood pressure monitoring
-muscular fatigue in the legs, and possibly some soreness in these muscles for a day or two after exercise.
-rare occurrences of dizziness, chest pain, fainting, or - very rarely - cardiac arrest
-traumatic injury from falling during stepping.
I understand that the potential benefits of my participation are:
-learn how the subject/client/patient feels during fitness testing
-help other students practice the procedure for administering fitness test
-obtain results of my own aerobic fitness
I understand that I may withdraw my consent to participate at any time, and that I may stop at any time during the test for any reason. I further understand that if I have any complaint about these procedures that I my address this complaint to the Chair, Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology.
Treadmill Laboratory Data Sheet
Ebbeling Single-stage Treadmill Walking Test
Subjects Name:______Age : ______Gender : _____
HR max (220 – age) : _____bpm 50%: ______bpm 70%: ______bpm
Treadmill Speed for protocol: ______mph
HR end of minute 1: _____ bpm 2: _____ bpm 3: _____ bpm 4: _____ bpm
Estimated VO2max: ______ml/kg/min Health Benefit Rating: ______
Bruce Protocol
Subjects Name:______
Age (yrs):______Weight (kg):______
Time (min:sec):______Time (decimal min):______Time (sec):______
Using the appropriate equations from this laboratory (page 3), calculate the VO2 max. Indicate which equation you used. (1-4 or Foster et. al.).
Equation:______VO2 max (relative):______ml/kg/min
Equation:______VO2 max (relative):______ml/kg/min
Equation:______VO2 max (relative):______ml/kg/min
Average VO2 max: ______ml/kg/min ______L/min
Classify this result. Be sure to indicate which source you used for this classification.
Anaerobic Treadmill Test
Subjects Name:______Time (sec):______
Discuss this score in relation to reference scores shown in the lab manual:
mCAFT Laboratory Data Sheet
Subjects Name:______
Age (yrs):______Wt (Kg): ______
Starting Stage: ______
Ceiling Heart Rate : ______beats in 10 sec ______bpm
Heart Rate Monitoring Method(check one) :_____ Palpation _____HR Monitor
Heart Rate (beats in 10 sec)
_____ 1st Stage_____ 5th Stage
_____ 2nd Stage_____ 6th Stage
_____ 3rd Stage_____ 7th Stage
_____ 4th Stage_____ 8th Stage
O2 cost of final stage (p 63 CSEP-PATH): ______
Heart Rate Final (bpm):______
Estimated VO2max (ml/kg/min): ______
Health BenefitRating: ______
Post Exercise
Blood Pressure (mmHg)
2:00 – 2:30 min.Systolic ______
Diastolic ______
3:30 – 4:00 min.Systolic ______
Diastolic ______
Heart Rate (bpm)
4:00 – 4:30______
Flexibility Laboratory Data Sheet
CSEP-PATH – Sit and Reach
Trial one _____(cm)Trial two _____(cm) Max _____(cm) category ______
Trunk Extension* (qualitative measure)
Trunk Extension (quantitative measure) (inches)
Trial #1______Trial #2______Trial #3______
Trunk Length (TL)______Multiply best trial by 100 & divide by TL______
Above______or Below ______50th percentile
Hip Flexion* (qualitative measure)
Hip Flexor Length* (qualitative measure)
Hip Adduction-Abduction
Trial #1______Trial #2______Trial #3______
Leighton's norms(10 year old boys) 61.68 degrees +/- 8.01
Are you within one standard deviation of these norms? (Y or N) ______
Shoulder Flexibility* (qualitative measure)
Score in centimeters (include + or -): Right-Up______Left-Up ______
CSEP category (page 26) : R ______L ______
Flexibility Laboratory Data Sheet (cont.)
Shoulder Adductor Flexibility* (qualitative measure)
Shoulder and Wrist Elevation Test
Trial #1______Trial #2______Trial #3______
Arm Length (AL)______Difference between AL and best trial______
Heyward classification :______
CSEP percentile, height to rod measure :______
Shoulder Rotation Test
Trial #1______Trial #2______Trial #3______
Bi-deltoid Width (BW)______Difference between BW and best trial______
Heyward classification:______
Ankle extension (Plantar Flexion) Test
Left Tibia Height (TH)______Right TH______Average (TH)______
Right:Trial #1______Trial #2______Trial #3______
Left:Trial #1______Trial #2______Trial #3______
Difference between TH and average of best trials for right and left foot ______
Heyward classification:______
Informed Consent for Core Stability Lab
I, ______, give my consent to Ryan Dill to administer the following procedure as part of a laboratory in BPK 343, Active Health: Assessment and Programming.
The Core Stability lab will involve assessments and exercises for the musculature of the lumbar spine.
I understand that the potential risks of these procedures are:
-muscular fatigue in the core, and possibly some soreness in these muscles for a day or two after exercise.
-the advanced exercises and the use of labile surfaces increases the stress on the lumbar spine. These are not recommended unless performed properly, and are therefore optional
I understand that the potential benefits of my participation are:
-learn how the subject/client/patient feels during fitness testing
-help other students practice the procedure for administering fitness test
-obtain results of my own core endurance
I understand that I may withdraw my consent to participate at any time, and that I may stop at any time during the test for any reason. I further understand that if I have any complaint about these procedures that I my address this complaint to the Chair, Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology.
Core Stability Laboratory Data Sheet
Assessment of the endurance of core musculature
Lateral side bridge :Left ______(sec) Right ______(sec)
Flexor Endurance Test : ______(sec)
Extensor Test : ______(sec)
Comparison Ratios
Right / Left Side Bridge ______healthy (Y or N) ______
Flexion / Extension ______healthy (Y or N) ______
R Side Bridge / Extension ______healthy (Y or N) ______
L Side Bridge / Extension ______healthy (Y or N) ______
Indicate focus for rehabilitation or training based on results and comparison to mean and standard deviations(circle).
Lateral, Flexor, Extensor and General Conditioning
Warming Up and Teaching of bracing and Neutral Spine
Cat Back, Abdominal Bracing, Neutral Spine
Client Progression through exercises – see class notes and lab manual for details
Proper form is essential before moving to next stage of exercise.
Label stage and number of repetitions with proper form achieved by client: Remedial (R), Beginner (B), Intermediate (I), Advanced (A)
Mat Exercises (remedial to advanced)
Curl Up ______Repetitions Completed ______
Bird Dog______Repetitions Completed ______
Side Bridge______Repetitions Completed ______
Ball Exercises (intermediate to advance)
Supine Table ______Repetitions Completed ______
Body Flexion______Repetitions Completed ______
Forward Roll______Repetitions Completed ______
Ab Curl______Repetitions Completed ______
Push up______Repetitions Completed ______
Laboratory Questions (keep your responses brief)
- Ice Hockey players have very high Wingate test scores compared to many other athletes (see normative data in lab manual). Explain why this makes sense.
- What are the main differences in what is being measured in the anaerobic treadmill test and the Wingate test? Are they measuring the same thing? If not explain.
- What are four major assumptions you make when determining VO2 max from a sub-maximal test like the YMCA bike test?
4. What is the main difference between direct and indirect measures of flexibility?