Course OutlineJr. High ELA
Grade 9 ELA
Programme Rationale and Philosophy:
English Language Arts allows students to know and understand more about themselves, others, and the world. through the exploration of varied genres, texts, and mediums, students will explore what it is to be human, and create their own literary and visual masterpieces.
Mark Breakdown:
Minor class work 15%
Summative tests and quizzes30%
Write-ons 10%
Major Projects 25%
Approx. 20% of FINAL mark will be based on the Grade 9 Provincial Achievement Exam
Classroom Expectations:
- Arrive to class on time and be prepared to work and have fun!
- Clean up after yourself.
- Materials remain in the classroom.
- Be courteous to your teacher and others.
- Food & drinks are not allowed in the classroom unless special permission is granted. Ask first. Water in water bottles allowed.
- Please do not bring any electronic devices out in class unless special permission is granted. Ask first. Warning, then take away, then office.
- Work should be handed in completely, and on time.
- If you are absent from class, please talk to your teacher and see what you missed and go to the website
- If you need to leave the classroom, ask for the teacher’s permission.
- Safety is key in this class! If you are unsafe, as determined by your teacher, youwill sit out of an activity. If the behavior continues, you will be given a detention from academies and your teacher will contact home.
- At the beginning of each month you will receive a list of words based on your unique learning style and level that you will study over the month. You will be quizzed on them for formative assessment at the end of the month.
- Journals and reading logs will be assessed every 2 months.
- Try your best in everything that you do!
*Subject to Change*
Month / Some of the things we will be doingSeptember / Theme: Good vs. Evil. Reading Comprehension refresher, the Elements of Short Story. Silent reading, journals and spelling quiz.
October / Theme: Good vs. Evil. Sightlines Short Stories. First write-on. Silent reading, journals and spelling quiz.
November / Theme: Good vs. Evil: Novel Study: The Golden Compass. Literature Circles in groups. Silent reading, journals and spelling quiz.
December / Theme: Good vs. Evil. Refresher- how to write a paragraph. Watch the movie The Golden Compass. Paragraph review. First essay. Debate unit and first persuasive business letter. Silent reading, journals and spelling quiz.
January / Theme: Identity. Poetry review and figurative language review. Silent reading, journals and spelling quiz.
February / Theme: Identity. Film Study: 100 Mile Journey. Film essay. Visual literacy
: what is the message?. Silent reading, journals and spelling quiz.
March / Theme: Utopia/dystopia. Novel Study: The Giver Literature Circles. Second write-on. Silent reading, journals and spelling quiz.
April / Theme: Utopia/dystopia. Novel Study: Ender’s Game. Thesis and essay outline practice for Ender’s Game. Persuasive letter review. Silent reading, journals and spelling quiz.
May / Formative exam practice. Early May- Part A of Provincial Achievement Exam
June / Reading Comprehension prep for final exam- Part B PAT Reading Comprehension end of June 2016.
Feel free to contact me throughout the year at or the school phone #:
“Writing is easy. Just open a vein”- Red Smith
Our Lady of Mount CarmelPaquin