Name Of Procedure: / Number:
Program Specifications Instructions / PRO-EASS004
Domain: / Category:
Application / Mainframe
Date Issued: / Issued By:
11/05/2007 /

DHS Bureau of Information Systems

Date Reviewed:


The Program Specifications must be completed for all new COBOL programs or COBOL programs that have been rewritten. Program Specifications are also required for new standalone ECL’s. A standalone ECL is an ECL that does NOT contain an execute (XQT) statement.

The purpose of this document is to aide developers in completing the Program Specifications.


Instructions for writing Program Specifications


I. HeadingThis information will be entered on every

Program Spec page.

A. PROG/RUN IDEnter the program or run name

B. DATE PREPAREDEnter the original specification preparation

date. For historical purposes, this date should

not be changed when other pages in the

specification are change or revised.

C. TFS TASK#/BUNDLE#Enter the Team Foundation Server (TFS)

number/Bundle number

D. ANALYSTEnter the name of the developer who prepared

the specification

E. SYSTEMEnter system name

F. PROCESSEnter a brief description of the process

G. SUBSYSTEMEnter subsystem name

H. ACCOUNT CODEEnter the account code to which the project is


II. Title Page

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Main SectionComplete name of the originating section

C. Footer Information

1. TypeIndicate whether the program is Online, Batch,

Data Base, MAPPER, or other.

2. ApplicationIndicate utilization purpose of program

(Production, Utility, Production Fix, etc).

3. ComplexityMake an evaluation as to whether the coding

effort will be minor, medium, or major.

D. RequestedSpecify desired completion date of code

Completion Dateand unit test.

III. Table of Contents

A. HeadingRefer to “I”

B. Main SectionComplete the Table of Contents

IV. Program Narrative

A. HeadingRefer to “I”

B. NarrativeDescribe the program processes. Include

sufficient detail in a non-technical form to

provide a clear overview of the program


V. Program/System Flowchart

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Program/System FlowchartPrepare a program/system flowchart which

Illustrates the relationship of this process to

the overall system flow.

VI. Process Description

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Process DescriptionList and describe the major functions of this


VII. Appendix

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. AppendixList of documents which do not appear in the

specification Table of Contents. List appended

documents in the order of their appearance.

Suggested uses may include: data tables,

matrices, edits, screen builds, etc. which

provide detail for items described in the

Process Description section. Appendix items

are normally items separated from the Process

Description section due to the unusual format

and/or level of detail depicted.

VIII. Data Base Items Accessed

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. SchemaEnter the schema name

C. FileEnter the schema file name

D. SubschemaEnter the subschema name

E. Access Keys

1. ImpartEnter impart key name

2. UpdateEnter update key name

3. RecordEnter record key name

F. AreasList all areas accessed

G. RecordsList all records accessed

IX. Non-Data Base File/Record Characteristics

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. External NameEnter external file name

C. Internal NameEnter internal file name

D. Proc NameEnter the file proc name

E. TypeEnter the type of file

F. Pack IdIf MS (Mass Storage) file type, enter pack


G. BPIIf tape file, enter the appropriate BPI (bits per


H. Data TypeEnter appropriate data type

I. OrganizationEnter the type of file organization

NOTE: This form is not required in the specification package if the records in the

file are proc's.

J. Blocking FactorEnter the total number of records per block

K. LabelsEnter the volume label as standard or omitted

L. I/O TYPEEnter input, output or both

NOTE: Items M through W are optional entries – ONLY Item X is a required entry

M. I/O TypeEnter input, output or both

N. Cycles to ProcessEnter the number of cycles to process

O. Cycle RetentionEnter cycle retention figure

P. Star RetentionEnter STAR retention figure

Q. Input CycleIndicate cycle(s) to use

R. Output CycleIndicate cycle(s) to use

S. Size (Tracks)Enter the minimum and maximum file size (in


T. Estimated Number of RecordsEnter the estimated number of records in

in the file

U. Sort SequenceIndicate the controlling fields and their


V. Access KeysEnter the access key fields

W. Printer LinageEnter the total lines per page; at top, and at


X. Record CharacteristicsEnter the record name, record proc name

and the minimum and maximum record size

X. Non-Data Base File/Field Characteristics

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. File NameEnter the name of the file

C. Record NameEnter the name of the record

D. Field Name/DescriptionEnter the field name & brief description

E. Type/LengthEnter the type of field and its length

F. FormatDescribe the field format (optional)

G. SourceDescribe the source of the field (optional)

NOTE: If the developer creates the DPS screen(s) using SDP (Screen

Definition Processor) only items A – E need to be completed. The detail

screen may be left blank.

If the developer does not create the DPS screen(s) using SDP, items A – E

and the detail screen information must be completed.

XI. Screen Layout

A. HeadingRefer to “I”

B. Screen TitleEnter screen title as it is to appear on the


C. DPS Screen NameDescribe the name to be given to the screen at

screen definition time.

D. DPS Screen NumberProvide the DPS screen number assigned to

the screen.

E. DPS Screen File NameEnter the DPS screen file name.

NOTE: If the developer creates the DPS screen(s) using SDP (Screen

Definition Processor) only items A – E need to be completed. Items F – P

may be left blank.

If the developer does not create the DPS screen(s) using SDP, items A – P

must be completed.

XII. Screen Definition

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Screen TitleEnter screen title as it appears on the screen


C. DPS Screen NameDescribe the name to be given to the screen at

screen definition time.

D. DPS Screen NumberProvide the DPS screen number assigned to

the screen.

E. DPS Screen File NameEnter the DPS screen file name.

Miscellaneous Screen Attributes (indicate any or all items applicable)

F. Final Cursor Position

G. Initial Screen Conversation Mode

H. Function Keys

I. Text Intensity

J. Test Mode

K. Hard/Soft Security

L. Prefixes

M. Field NumberEnter the field number

N. Field NameProvide the field name

O. Field TypeEnter the field type

P. Field AttributesExplain special characteristics of the field (i.e.

alpha/numeric etc.)

XIII. Screen Cross Reference

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Screen TitleEnter screen title as it appears on the screen


C. DPS Screen NameDescribe the name to be given to the screen at

screen definition time.

D. DPS Screen NumberProvide the DPS screen number assigned to

the screen.

E. DPS Screen File NameEnter the DPS screen file name.

F. Field NumberEnter the field number.

G. Field NameEnter the field name.

H. Data SourceEnter the data source from which field was

derived to build screen (i.e. scratch records,

DPS special fields, DB records, etc.)

I. DestinationDescribe destination of data entered on screen

(scratch records, etc.)

XIV. Report Description

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Report NameIndicate the title of the report as it appears on

the request

C. Report IdIndicate the identification number of the report.

D. Report NarrativeDescribe, in narrative style, the information the

Report is presenting.

E. Field NumberEnter an identification number of fields shown

on the report(s)

F. Field NameEnter an identification name of each field

shown on the report(s)

G. Field DescriptionInclude an explanation of each field shown

on the report(s)

XV. Report Layout

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Printer FormatPrepare a printer format sheet for each report

being produced by this program/run

XVI. Forms Description

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Forms DescriptionList reference table(s) accessed and the

source of variable information on notices or


XVII. Forms Layout

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Forms LayoutAttach the layout of any forms, letters, notices,

etc. that are created by this process.

XVIII. Unit Test

A. HeadingRefer to “I”.

B. Unit TestDescribe specific areas or conditions to be

tested over and above the usual test


Refresh Schedule:

All procedures and referenced documentation identified in this document will be subject to review and possible revision annually or upon request by the DHS Information Technology Standards Team.

Procedure Revision Log:

Change Date / Version / Change Description / Author and Organization
11/05/2007 / 1.0 / Initial Creation / Virjean Dauksha
06/28/2010 / 1.0 / Reviewed / Virjean Dauksha
01/29/2011 / 1.1 / Reviewed / Virjean Dauksha
09/30/2015 / 1.2 / Name change from DPW to DHS / Virjean Dauksha

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