
* Program/Macro: Figure 9 Lab Shift Plots

* Lang/Vers: SAS V9.2

* Author: Susan Schwartz - SAS institute

* Date: 1/12/2012

* Description:

* This code was inspired from original code created by Susan Schwartz at the SAS

* institute. Code from her 2009 paper Schwartz, Susan. 2009 “Clinical Trial Reporting

* Using SAS/GRAPH® SG Procedures.” Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2009 Conference.

* Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. Available at


* The original code from the paper was only the last sgpanel code, the other code (creating

* data etc. came from the online site

* Edit Log: 12Jan2012 first version complete


/* The below code pulls in the ADLBC dataset from the CTSPedia site and selects

* the appropriate lab tests. Specific visits are chosen and the upper limit of

* normal value (xuln) is calculated. Treatments are named and the data is subset

* by baseline value and post baseline value. The new datasets are merged and

* the resulting dataset is graphed using the same code as above to produce similar

* output which is relavent to the CTSPedia dataset. */

/* Create template for the graphic. Code taken direcly from the above reference */


definestyle listingSmallFont;

parent = styles.listing;

style GraphFonts from GraphFonts

"Fonts used in graph styles" /

'GraphUnicodeFont' = ("",9pt)

'GraphValueFont' = (", ",8pt)

'GraphLabelFont' = (", ",9pt)

'GraphFootnoteFont' = (", ",8pt)

'GraphTitleFont' = (", ",11pt,bold);




DATAFILE= “Location\ADLBC.csv"





/* Create macro so that only entry of the 2 specific lab test names is needed */

%macro shiftplot (labtest1=, labtest2=);

/* Pull out specific lab tests and visits from the ADLBC dataset */

data labs;

set adlbc;

if lbtest in ("&labtest1", "&labtest2");

keep usubjid lbtest lbstresn lbstnrhi xuln trtpn treat visit visitnum;

xuln = lbstresn/lbstnrhi;

if trtpn=0 then treat='Placebo';

else treat='Active';


/* Create macro variable for maximum xULN so that axes make sense. Also create

macro variables for 2 reference lines that will be evenly distributed on the

plot based upon the maximum uln value. Added 1 to uln max value so that the

actual maximum value was not plotted on the edge of the axis.*/

proc means data=labs noprint;

var xuln;

output out=maxuln max=xulnmax;


data maxuln;

set maxuln;

format xulnmax 2. ref1 2. ref2 2.;





data maxuln;

set maxuln;

call symput('maxuln',xulnmax);

call symput('ref1', ref1);

call symput('ref2', ref2);


ods listing;

proc print;

title "Maximum value for axis is &maxuln";


ods listing close;

/* Sort and subset the data to create a baseline dataset and a postbaseline

dataset. Merge the two so that the data is ready for graphing */

proc sort data=labs;

by usubjid lbtest visitnum;


data base;

set labs;

keep usubjid lbtest baseval;

if visitnum=1;



data post;

set labs;

keep usubjid lbtest visitnum xuln treat visit studyval;

if visitnum>1;



data labshift;

merge post base;

by usubjid lbtest;

if xuln ne .;

if treat='Placebo' then xref=0;

else xref=100;

if treat='Placebo' then yref=0;

else yref=100;


proc sort data=labshift;

by visitnum;


/* Sort dataset appropriately for the graphing function */

proc sort data=labshift;

by usubjid lbtest;


/* Prepare the output (html) location and create the graphic, panel by labtest and

graph baseline (x-axis) versus post-baseline (y-axis) by visit */

goptions reset=all;

ods listing close;

ods html file='safety.html' path='.' style=listingSmallFont;

ods graphics on / reset imagefmt=gif width=650px height=494px


title 'Laboratory Shift Plots, Baseline vs. On-study';

title2 ' ';

footnote1 ' ';

footnote2 j=l '*ULN - Upper Limit of Normal';

footnote3 j=l 'Add specific information or explanation of concern levels for parameters here';

proc sgpanel data=labshift;

panelby lbtest/ layout=columnlattice onepanel novarname;

scatter x=baseval y=studyval / group=treat markerattrs=(size=9);

series x=xref y=yref / legendlabel="Reference line" markerattrs=(size=0) lineattrs=(thickness=0.2 pattern=dash);

refline &ref1 &ref2/ axis=Y lineattrs=(pattern=dash);

refline &ref1 &ref2 / axis=X lineattrs=(pattern=dash);

rowaxis integer min=0 max=&maxuln label='Study (/ULN)';

colaxis integer min=0 max=&maxuln label='Baseline (/ULN) *';

keylegend / title=" " noborder;


ods html close;

%mend shiftplot;

/* Run macro with specific lab tests */

%shiftplot(labtest1=ALBUMIN, labtest2=CREATINE KINASE);