Program Income Report

Page 1- SectionI– ProgramIncome

Grantee/ Jurisdiction Name – Enter the name of your jurisdiction here.

Fiscal Year – Select the appropriate fiscal year for this report from the dropdown menu.

Revised – Indicate whether this report is a revision of a previously-submitted report.

Date – Date report submitted.

Do you intend to utilize the 35K rule for this Fiscal Year? – Click on one of the radio buttons as to whether or not you will be using the $35,000 rule regarding Program Income. If you will be using the rule enter the amount in the, “Amount” box.

Beginning PI Balance – Enter the amount of PI from the, “Ending PI + GA Balance Available” box from your previous report.

Payments Received – Amount of non-RLF PI received during the report period.

Interest Earned –Amount of interest earned on non-RLF PI during the report period.

Beginning GA Balance –Enterthe amount of GA from the, “Total Maximum GA Available” box from your previous report.

Page 1 –Section II – Revolving Loan Funds

Do you have an approved Housing RLF? – Click on the button to indicate, “Yes” or “No.”

Do you have an approved ED RLF – Click on the button to indicate, “Yes” or “No.”

Beginning RLF Balance –Enter the amount of PI from the, “Ending RLF Balance Available” box from your previous Semi-Annual 2 report.

RLF Payments Received – Include only principal and interest.

RLF Bank Interest Earned – Amountof interest earned on RLF PI during the report period.

Comments – Provide any additional information or clarification as needed for Section I and II.

Page 2–Section III– Detail of Total Expenditures

PI General Administration Detail of Expenditures:

Type of Expense– List the type of General Administration expense incurred (e.g. Report Preparation or Postage Expenses).

Amount – List the amount of General Administration expense incurred for the type indicated.

PI & RLF Detail Expenditures:

Type of PI/ RLF Expended – Select the appropriate PI/ RLF from the dropdown menu.

Activity – Select the appropriate Activity from the dropdown menu.

Owner/ Project Name – Provide the household/ business name (Individual), local service name (Public Service), study name (Planning) or name in application (Public Facility/ Public Improvement).

Project Address – Include Address, City and ZIP Code.

Total PI Activity Expended – Total PI expended on the activity/ project (this period).

Total PI AD Expended – Total Activity Delivery expended on the activity/ project (this period).

Total PI Activity Previously Expended – Total PI previously expended on the activity/ project (see, Total PI Expended to date column of a previous report).

Total PI AD Previously Expended – Total Activity Delivery previously expended on the activity/ project (see, Total PI Expended to date column of a previous report).

Project Completed? – Indicate, “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.

Comments – Provide any additional information or clarification as needed for Section III.