OLD CAR COUNCIL of Colorado, Inc.

P.O. Box 280042

Lakewood, Colorado 80228-0042


*** Supporting Colorado Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts since 1965 ***
2007 Officers.
President: / Keith Hall / 303.940.7958 / Mile Hi Cobra Club
1 st Vice-President: / Dick Thompson / 303.699.4819 / Mile Hi Cobra Club
2nd Vice-President: / Gary Canady / 303.886.7923 / Pontiac-Oakland Club
Secretary: / Bill Colburn / 303.650.4663 / Pontiac-Oakland Club
Treasurer Pro Tem: / Roger Zaner / 303.426.8843 / Studebaker Drivers Club
2007 Committee Chairs, Appointed Positions & Related Contacts.
Web Master: / Keith Hall / 303.940.7958 / www.oldcarcouncil.org
Governmental Relations: / Don Whissen / 303.733.0649 / Mile High Model T
SEMA Rep: / Joe Baker [ filling-in ] / 303.637.0765 / AACA
Swap Meet Chair: / Shirley Zaner / 303.426.8843 / Studebaker Drivers Club
Car Show Coord: / tbd
Cruise Colfax Chair: / Dick Thompson / 303.699.4819 / Mile Hi Cobra Club
Membership Comm: / Harold Naber / 719.495.4372 / Pikes Peak Model A Ford Club
Historian: / Shirley Zaner / 303.426.8843 / Studebaker Drivers Club
Council's Lobbyist: / Mr. Leo Boyle / 303.321.6611 / f: 303.321.5678
Forney Museum: / Mrs. Pamela A. Bestall / 303.297.1113 / Museum Director

MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS of Wed. February 7, 2007. Held at Forney Transportation Museum 4303 Brighton Boulevard Denver, Colo. 80216.

The Meeting was called to order by President Keith Hall at 7:30 PM.

President Hall noted:

- appreciation was received for keeping last months meeting on track and brief

- he stated intent to keep meetings on track, and limit discussion on any single matter to 15± minutes

- ALL Clubs should be mailing a copy of each issue of their newsletter to the Council, please do

Guests & Guest Speakers.

- guest Bob Edelman was introduced by Loveland VMCCA Rep Tom Holden

- COLORODans Rep Ed Barens introduced his guest Larry

- Greg Whelen, V-P and Co-Founder of SOS-AD [Stomp Out the Silence of Autism & Disabilities] spent a few minutes to provide an overview of that organization, it's purposes and objectives. They're holding a fund-raiser/ benefit Car Show, left flyers, etc. [see Calendar of events... wbc]

Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

- President Hall asked if there any corrections to or omissions from the minutes. - Corrections were noted by Bill Miller [SAAC]:

- The reference to a $3 assessment `per club member' [to help pay our Lobbyist expenses] - this should properly read `per Colorado resident' club member.

- A reference was made to "Commercial Member" - this should have read "Associate Member"

- Secretary Colburn expressed regret at having noting his error in that, thought he'd gone back and corrected it..?

- It was moved, seconded and voted affirmatively the minutes be accepted as revised.

Secretary's Report.

Secretary Bill Colburn reported and herein updates and summarizes:

- 45 clubs were represented tonight.

- to date, 17 clubs had renewed [paid dues & provided updated info form] for 2007. - to date, 0 of 0 Associate Members have renewed.

- to date, 1 Individual Member has renewed.

- there were 50 clubs in the Council in Dec-2006.

- there were 0 Associate Members in Dec-2006.

- there were 2 Individual Members in Dec-2006.

- a "Calendar of Events" will reappear / be included regularly - as long as info provided [in writing] to Council's Secretary is complete enough to use,- e.g. "We're gonna have a car show down South someplace this Summer..." isn't likely to be listed/ repeated.

Treasurer's Report.

Treasurer Roger Zaner reported the following:

- Account Balances:
Operating Account $2,155.49
Governmental Relations Account 3,399.00
Swap Meet Pre-Registration deposits ... 390.00
Swap Meet Account 15,695.93
Car Show + 0.00
Total - all accounts $21,640.42
- Amounts Owed / Liabilities:
Lobbyist / $0.00
other - none at this time / 0.00
Total / $0.00

-Roger informs he now has renewals from 17 clubs. [..observed a couple more tendering dues to Roger at the meeting..? TBD. wbc]

Governmental Relations Committee / Lobbyist's Report.

Chair Don Whissen / Lobbyist Leo Boyle reported as follows:

Leo noted that `..we are now 20 days into the 120 day Legislative Session. At this time there are two bills of direct interest.'

- HB 1097. This most relates to Year-of-Manufacture Plates and registrations. When this category of plate was initiated it was to be/ was stated as for vehicles from 1942 or earlier. This bill will revise that to be `..vehicles 30 years and older.' This will bring this category of registration more into line with what had originally been intended/ desired but was - too much to get through at the time. [Leo testified to the House Transportation Committee in favor of the bill.]

This good change will open the use of YOM plates up to being used by many more vehicles [a good benefit to us, we'll be able to get YOM for up to 1976/7 vehicles... wbc] and because that will generate lots more revenue for Counties/ State we might expect this to pass once details are worked out..?

- HB 1148. Is a bill that could be of value to us. A bill that will allow vehicle owners to make a request to have adjustments made by their County Clerks to have the plates for all [or some number ofJ your vehicles expire at the same time. This could be a convenience paperwork-wise, but for some people will align several expenses to happen at one time. It would be your option to do this, not mandatory.

- Leo invited those present to ask questions, bring up matters, concerns or suggestions. This led to several minutes of discussion on several areas. Which led to simple clarifications in most cases. No major item or area for new direction or focus clearly surfaced...

- Leo speculates on the bringing back to the floor of efforts to address driver/vehicle insurance coverage. Specifically to look into a revised [from previous] "No Fault" coverage, versus the present [reverted to] "Tort System." This mostly deals with differences between how claims are handled, resolved, etc. Leo speculated that though effort begins this year it may not be resolved and implemented until 2008.

- Re titles and registrations, Harold Naber related the background of getting a`built' Ford "Speedster" titled and registered, and how it relates to Kit-Cars, Street-Rods and re-creating an authentic repro [?] of once more common vehicular creations such as `Speedsters.' [Reps: ..if some club member needs info on this matter please call Harold. wbc]

Because these are dealt with individually at County level it is an area that could be worked on by the Council to try to get some standardized policies and standards in place. [..a new Committee maybe...? Thoughts? Volunteers? Call Keith... wbc]

- Harold further shared that Hagerty [the Insurance organization] has begun an effort to work on similar matters at a National level and/or with SEMA.

SEMA Report.

Joe Baker reports there is nothing major or new from SEMA this month.

- Pres Hall pointed out that Joe has a full plate and though he cannot continue as `our official SEMA Contact' he has been generous enough to continue to review SEMA news to keep us aware - until someone new volunteers to accept this position. Call Keith for information and/or to discuss.

Swap Meet Committee.

Chair Shirley Zaner reports as follows:

- There is no significant news or changes at this time.

- She reminds that the Meet will be a one day event, to be held on Saturday Aug. 25th, 2007.

- Is working on getting the flyer / Vendor Registration form printed. Will probably print fewer this year than last year because of excess last year.

- The position of Assistant Chair is still open, no individual has been chosen to fill this slot yet. - Car Show is in need of someone to fill the vacancy of Coordinator for that event.

Cruise Colfax Event.

Chair Dick Thompson reports as follows:

- Things are being worked, but Dick had been out of town and taking a break `from things' so he was not as active over the last couple of weeks. But will resume shortly.

- Are still working on a budget.

- Due to a conflict for availability of Police coverage and KOOL 105, have moved prospective date to Sat September 22"d . However that introduces a conflict with the Bandimere - Coy's Wheels Swap Meet.

- Answering a question asked from the floor, Dick touched on tentative amounts for the different categories of sponsorship / support and recapped what each includes.

- Conversation with several good suggestions from Reps followed. Especially regarding sponsors, advertising, promo, fees and inclusions. Dick says `..always open to suggestions.'

Old Business.

- Advertising. No input tonight, to be continued...

- Business Cards. Should be done and available by next months meeting.

- Banner for Council. Shirley Zaner had looked into costs for a banner[s]. Priced out different sizes based on using one color on white banner. Providing a good starting point to proceed from. TBD...

New Business.

- No new business was brought to the floor tonight.

- Dick says he visited w Tracy at "The Latest Scoop" and they'll allow us to provide info to do a[small] regular column.

Agenda Items for March Meeting.

- "Collectors Insurance." Insurance professional, Guest Speaker will join us to address and clarify the subject of Insurance for Collectible and Special Interest Motor Vehicles.

Many if not most people with Coll / SI vehicles are either not aware of the availability of "Collector's Insurance" or are under or mis-informed as to the nature, better coverage, requirements, qualifications - and the lower cost of it! Many people risk losing money or their vehicle - by not becoming informed. Don't miss this! Reps - get informed and pass this valuable info on to your clubs/ club members.

- Bring your thoughts on how to find and recruit members, need info on former clubs.

Announcements, Reminders, Miscellanea.

- Roger Zaner requests any new rep without a badge / name-tag inform him after the meeting.

Next Meeting.

- Wednesday March 07th at 7:30 PM, at the Forney Museum.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:24± PM by President Hall.

Submitted by William B. Colburn, Secretary - 2007