- Throughout these playing conditions gender specific references shall include both sexes

The Laws of Cricket (2000 code 5th edition) Marylebone Cricket Club, together with subsequent amendments, coupled with the League Regulations and the Playing Conditions for the competition, shall be adopted in questions of play.


1.1 Each team shall play each other twice, on a home and away basis. However, the Management Committee may alter this where a division has either a greater or lesser number of teams than the normal.

1.2All fixtures shall be made by the League Management Committee and be played on consecutive weekends, commencing on the first Saturday in May (or the final Saturday in April if determined appropriate).

1.3Any team failing to honour a fixture for reasons other than weather or unfitness of ground shall forfeit 20 points on the first occasion, 40 points on the second occasion, and the match shall count as a match played and lost for that side. In addition, there will be a £30 fine imposed, on each occasion.

Should a team fail to honour a 3rd fixture during the season, the club will be contacted by the League Secretary, who will ascertain the reasons for scratching fixtures and the possibilities of that team completing their remaining fixtures. The Secretary will then contact committee members, who will decide if they can assist the team in completing their fixtures or that the team will be expelled from the League. Any team expelled from the League will have their playing record deleted, unless the default occurs in the final three weeks of the season, where the results previously achieved will not be amended.

The decision as to the fitness of the ground is the responsibility of the ground authority for the home team.

When a club with more than one team, is unable to fulfil all of its fixtures on any match day, the most senior fixture(s) must be fulfilled. In the event of the most senior team being withdrawn from the League, then its fixtures must be undertaken by the next most senior team in that club.

1.4It is the responsibility of the home club to ensure that wherever possible the match takes place. A match, at its commencement, can consist of a minimum of 46 overs in Saturday County Divisions 1, 2 & 3, and 40 overs in the remaining Saturday County Divisions and all Sunday Divisions.

1.5If the opposing team wishes to claim any expenses incurred in relation to the cancellation, it shall send a claim to the opposition and lodge a copy of the claim with the League Secretary, within seven days of the cancellation.


2.1All matches shall commence by 1.30pm

Matches may only commence, however, if each side has at least seven (7) players in attendance.

2.2There shall be an agreed tea interval of up to 30 minutes, to be taken between innings if possible. If the 1st innings is completed before 3.30pm, then the 2nd innings will commence immediately, with tea then being taken at4.00pm. The actual duration of the tea interval should be agreed by the captains and umpires before commencement of play. Teas shall be provided by the home team, at no cost to the visiting team, (including umpires and scorers.)

2.3The captains shall toss for choice of innings on the field of play, not later than 15 minutes before the scheduled, or otherwise agreed, starting time, in the presence of one or both umpires. Immediately following the toss, the decision to bat or field must be notified to the opposing captain and umpires. Teams must be nominated before the toss and cannot be changed. In the absence of ‘non player umpires’, then the captains shall exchange such lists. Should a team not have the requisite number of players present when the toss is due to be made, then that team shall have been deemed to have lost the toss. The other team must make its decision known to the opposition and umpires immediately.

2.4Before the toss for innings, the Ground Executive shall be responsible for preparation of the pitch; thereafter the umpires shall control its use and maintenance.


a.The BOUNDARIES shall be marked by a white line and flags, or prominent markers, or by a rope.

b.Sawdust should be available in a sufficient quantity at the commencement of the game.

c.The protected areas of the pitch shall commence 5ft in front of the popping creases.

d.Saturday County Division 1 only

A 30 yard fielding circle (where achievable) will be marked with white discs or a white dotted line.

There will be 3 powerplays -

1-9 overs: maximum of 2 fielders outside of circle.

10-36 overs: maximum of 4 fielders outside of circle.

37-45 overs: maximum of 5 fielders outside of circle.

See Table below for innings reduced in overs –

Total No. of Overs1st Powerplay2nd Powerplay3rd Powerplay

41-451-910-3637-end of innings

36-401-89-3233-end of innings

31-351-78-2829-end of innings

25-301-67-2425-end of innings

e.Saturday County Division 1 only

At each end, 17’’ either side of the popping crease, a white line is to be marked, which will enable umpires to more easily determine wide balls on the offside.

f.Saturday County Division 1 only

The creases SHALL be remarked between innings.


a.The home team shall supply a new match ball. The League Management Committee shall determine the make and supplier of the ball to be used in ALL divisions of each competition.

b.In Saturday County Divisions 1 & 2, each side shall provide an approved League ball (see 2.6a above) to be used, one for each innings.

c.The penalty for failing to supply an approved ball is a fine of £30 for the 1st offence, and a deduction of 5 points on the team for subsequent offences.

d.An approved league ball must be used for the entire match. Any replacement ball must be league approved, or the penalty in 2.6 c will apply.

2.7In Saturday County Division 1, each team shall be responsible for providing a competent non-playing scorer. Failure to do so, where reported by the Umpires, will result in the offending team being fined £30 for the 1st offence, then a 5 point deduction for subsequent offences.Additionally, if no such scorer is available, then the umpires will require the appropriate captain to nominate one of his players to undertake the scoring duties. No substitute will be allowed for this player, who may, however, resume his place in the nominated side, with any resultant penalties under the laws, if a scorer is subsequently provided.

2.8Umpires shall be appointed by the Dorset Association of Cricket Officers (DACO) in respect of Saturday County Division 1, and the appropriate expenses paid. Teams in all other divisions shall be responsible for providing a competent umpire. If only one such umpire is present, he shall officiate at the bowlers end at all times.

2.9Where umpires are appointed by DACO, the home team shall be responsible for notifying both Umpires concerned in the event of a cancellation, at least two hours before the scheduled starting time.

2.10Where umpires are appointed by DACO, both team captains shall complete a report on the umpires and send such reports by e-mail immediately after each game, to the designated official, by way of “Who’s the Umpire Website”. Clubs failing to submit such reports within 72 hours, following the game, will be subject to a fine of £30 for the 1st offence and a 5 point deduction for subsequent offences.

2.11Artificial Pitches

A grass pitch must be available for all matches in Saturday County Divisions 1 & 2. However, should conditions dictate, artificial pitches can be used, if both teams agree.

2.12 Alcohol

No alcohol should be consumed by players, or match officials, whilst a match is in progress.


3.1In all Saturday County Divisions, clubs must register their players. The names of registered players, for each club, will appear on the Dorset Cricket League Play-Cricket website. The deadline for registering a player will be midday on the Saturdayof the match, for County Divisions 1, 2 and 3, and midnight Tuesday following the match, for County Divisions 4, 5 and 6. Teams will be penalised 5 points for playing a non-registered player.

3.2A player may only play for one club in each competition. A player may request a transfer and the following procedure must be followed:-

The League Secretary must receive letters/emails requesting a transfer, from both the player himself and the club which he wishes to join, together with a letter from the club which the player is leaving, stating that they have no objection to the transfer.

On receipt of ALL of these documents, the Management Committee, through the League Secretary, will approve the transfer. An administration fee of £30 will be payable by any player seeking a transfer, such payment to accompany his letter. No transfers will be allowed after the 31st July in any season.

In the event of this rule being contravened, the team offending shall forfeit 10 points for each match in which the ineligible player takes part. In addition to this, any points obtained by that team in such matches will also be deducted. The opponents will be awarded 10 points, regardless of the result, along with any bonus points earned during the playing of the fixture. If the match is abandoned, bonus points only will be awarded.

3.3As the Saturday and Sunday competitions are separate, a player may play for different clubs in each competition (subject to 3.2 above). NB In the case of an “overseas” player, each club is responsible for applying to the League for its permission to enable the “overseas” player to play at the club.

3.4Any player who has played for the first XI of a First Class County in any of the preceding three seasons, or an overseas player who has played First Class cricket in their home country, must have his name submitted, in writing, to the Management Committee for clearance to play in League matches during that current season, before they play for any club. Such players will only be permitted to play in Saturday County Division 1 and Sunday Division 1. The Management Committee reserves the right to refuse permission in any individual case. No permission will be granted after 31st July in any season.

3.5Overseas players:-

In support of the ECB’s guidance, a team will only be permitted to play one overseas player in each match. An overseas player is one who is not qualified to play for England or who does not hold an EC passport. Other foreign nationals will be eligible to play if they have been resident in the United Kingdom for 12 consecutive months prior to the 1st of May in each year. These persons must be registered with the League, in writing, in the same manner as stated in rule 3.4. It is the responsibility of Clubs to determine the eligibility of each player.

3.6Any breach of the rules in Paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 will attract the same penalty as stated in Paragraph 3.2.

3.7No player, including overseas players, shall be remunerated for playing in the League. NB Remuneration includes benefits supplied to a player which may include free accommodation, meals and kit. Clubs should be aware of potential PAYE and employment law implications.

3.8An overseas player must be registered, in writing, with the League Secretary, no later than June 30th in each year.


4.1Saturday County Divisions 1, 2 and 3 – maximum of 45 overs per side.

All other Saturday Divisions – maximum of 40 overs per side.

All Sunday Divisions – maximum of 40 overs per side.

Where time is lost between the scheduled start time and the commencement of the match due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances (see also paragraph 2.1), the number of overs shall be reduced as hereinafter provided (see paragraph 4.2).


In the event of time being lost for any reason after the appointed start time and PRIOR to the commencement of the game, the umpires will ensure that the number of overs to be received by each side are equal, based on the number of overs stated in 4.1, less one over for every COMPLETE 7 (SEVEN) minutes lost.


In the event of time being lost AFTER the commencement of the match, due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, during the innings of the team batting first, then the team batting first will still receive their full or revised allotted number of overs. The innings of the team batting second shall be reduced by one over for every COMPLETE 3 ½ minutes lost.

Where a team batting second does not have the opportunity of batting the same number of overs as the team batting first, due to time being lost after the commencement of the match, the result will be determined as follows:

(1) The second innings run rate shall be determined immediately prior to the start of the innings of the team batting second using the following formula:

The second innings run rate = (100 + {P x 1.2}) x (1st innings run rate) x (1/100), where P = the difference in overs to be played at the commencement of the innings of the team batting second.

(2)(1st innings run rate) = (1st innings score) divided by (number of overs allocated to the side batting first).


i) The run rate of both the 1st and 2nd innings shall be rounded to two decimal places

(2.569 = 2.57, 3.683 = 3.68) ii) The run rate should be agreed by both the scorers and umpires and once agreed shall be final. iii) Once the run rate for the second innings has been calculated and agreed, it shall remain as the run rate for that innings, even though a later interruption may reduce the number of overs the team batting second may receive.


If the second innings commences with the same number of overs allocated to the team batting first, the run rate shall remain the same as the first innings run rate, even though a later interruption may reduce the number of overs the team batting second may receive.


i) The “run rate required” shall be multiplied by the lowest number of overs which the team batting second shall be entitled to receive after making allowance for time lost after the commencement of the match. The resulting figure shall be the “target score”.

See Appendix “X” for example

ii)If the score of the team batting second surpasses the “target score”, at any time prior to the conclusion of its innings, then the match shall be won by the team batting second. If the team batting second is bowled out earlier, then the match shall be won by the team batting first.

iii)A match shall be tied if the scores are equal at the end of the match. In a match where there is an interruption after the commencement, where the revised target score involves a fraction of a run, then the final scores cannot be equal and the result cannot be a tie.

4.6If either team does not have the opportunity of batting a minimum of 23 overs in Saturday County Divisions 1, 2 & 3, and 20 overs in all other Saturday and Sunday Divisions, then the match shall be considered to be abandoned. It may not be necessary for the side batting second to bat the minimum number of overs, but they must have the opportunity to do so.

4.7The fitness of the pitch is the sole responsibility of the ground authority before the toss, thereafter the responsibility transfers to the umpires.

4.8County Division 1 only

The side bowling its overs first shall bowl them in no more than 2hr 45mins. Drinks intervals of no more than 5 minutes may be added, but if a side does not meet this target, it shall only receive that number of overs bowled, including the over in progress, when it has its innings. However, the side bowling second may, at any time during the second innings, have the option of bowling those ‘overtime overs’, but the full quota must be bowled. The side bowling second shall be subject to the same over rate. The umpires shall be the sole judges of any increase to the time allowed, where unavoidable stoppages in play have occurred.

In both innings, no further bowling bonus points may be gained in any complete over which is bowled after the time allowed.


5.1a In Saturday County Divisions 1, 2 and 3 - No bowler shall bowl more than 9 overs in any innings.

5.1b All other Saturday Divisions and all Sunday Divisions - No bowler shall bowl more than 8 overs in any one innings.

5.2 In the event of a bowler breaking down and being unable to complete an over, the remaining balls shall be bowled by another bowler within the restriction of 5.1 above.

Changes to bowling restrictions, in the event of a reduction in the number of overs bowled in a match:

Where the number of overs in a match has been reduced, the number of overs that can be bowled will be reduced in proportion to the overs available after the reduction, divided by the total number of overs originally available.


Saturday County Divisions 1, 2 and 3 – Reduced number of overs = 36

Overs per bowler equates to 36/45 x 9 = 7.2 (rounded to nearest integer = 7). This means that one bowler can bowl 8 overs and the rest of the bowlers are limited to a maximum of 7 overs.