Program Deletion Worksheet

Program Deletion Worksheet

This worksheet is to be completed for any change to an existing program or a new program including a major, minor, concentration and certificate.

Deans, please email this signed and completed form to the Registrar’s Office:

Deadlines for program proposals for 2018-2019 catalog

April 29, 2017 - / Submit completed worksheet proposals to Department Chair. (Program Proposals include the proposal form, learning outcomes, description, degree list requirement, curriculum matrix, 2 & 4 year maps to graduation)
May 6, 2017 - / Department chair forwards proposals to dean for approval
May 13, 2017 - / Approved proposals will be forwarded from the dean’s office to the Registrar’s office for entry into Curriculog
August – October - / Curriculum Committee reviews proposals
Fall Semester - / Faculty Senate decision on course and program proposals
December 16, 2017 - / Deadline for Provost to approve program and course proposal

Program Deletion Worksheet (Deletion of Majors, Minors, Concentrations or Certificates)

Executive Summary: Please provide a brief summary of the proposal.
Click here to enter text.

1.  Originator: Click here to enter text.
Originator Email: Click here to enter text.

2.  Department: Click here to enter text.

3.  Proposal Type: Briefly describe your program deletion proposal.
Click here to enter text.

☐ Delete Major(s) Explanation
☐ Delete Minor (s) Explanation
☐ Delete Concentration(s) Explanation
☐ Delete Other: Explanation

4.  Linked Program: List any course or program proposals related to this proposal. Include all proposals that need to be considered as a group.
Click here to enter text.

5.  Transition (Teach-Out) Plan: For Program Deletions, explain the plan that provides the equitable treatment of students to complete their education. Explain how students in the program will be notified of the teach-out plan and any additional charges they may incur.
Click here to enter text.

Signatures: Approval of department chairperson/program director and Dean serves as confirmation of the inclusion of all required pieces of the proposal packet.


(Please type your name, the date, and then choose “Yes” or “No.” Your approval/reviewed choice will indicate your signature.)

Originator: Click here to enter text. / Date Submitted: Click here to enter a date. / ☐ I hereby approve the above proposal to begin the curriculum review process
Dept. Chair/Prog. Director: Click here to enter text. / Date: Click here to enter a date. / ☐ I hereby approve the above proposal to begin the curriculum review process
Academic Dean or Designee: Click here to enter text. / Date: Click here to enter a date. / ☐ I hereby approve the above proposal to begin the curriculum review process

2018 – 2019 Catalog of Courses
Version 1/ 04-11-16