Program Board Agenda
Associated Students
May9th, 2016, 5:00PM
SB Harbor Room
- Roll Call
Name / Note:
absent (excused/not excused)
arrived late (time)
departed early (time)
proxy (full name) / Name / Note:
absent (excused/not excused)
arrived late (time)
departed early (time)
proxy (full name)
Alex Burrow / Present / Nicholas Balestrieri / Present
Alex Levine / Late excused / Robert “Bo” Wolfe / Present
Blanca Yanez / Present / ShaharRoda / Present
Timmy / Present / Sophia Barkhudarova / Present
Bret Rodriguez / Present / SyndeyWiklund / Present
Chrystal Anderson / Present / TarushMohanti / Present
Ernesto Pina / Present / Travis Thayer / Early departure – 7:00
Haley Schroeder / Present / Wesley Clark / Present
Kimberly Goodwin / Present / Sara Maroofi / Absent excused
Javier Mansfield / Present / Kelly Pearman / Early departure- 6:15
Michael De Maria / Present / MenelikDagnachew / Late excused
- Acceptance of Excused Absences and Proxies
Motion language: Motion toexcuseTravis and Kelly’s early departure,Levine and Meneliklateness, and Sara’s absence.
ACTION: Vote: Consent 19 Present
Motion language: Motion to accept agenda as amended.
ACTION: Vote: Consent 19 Present
Motion language: Motion to accept the minutes from 5/2/16.
ACTION: Vote: Consent 19 Present
1.Wordstock- 5/28
Speaker: Part of word magazine. We are trying to plan an event that happened 2 years age. We want 2 or 3 bands to perform. I am requesting help for production. It is on May 28th 12-4pm. So far we have Savage Henry, and we are trying to get in contact with a couple more.
Javier: Will you need event staff?
Speaker: We are getting it from an outside source.
Chrystal: Wes will be getting back to you.
1. Movie: Ride Along 2- 5/3
Sydney: We were kind of behind schedule on this pub. I think it kind of reflected the numbers. 35 were at the first showing and66 at the second. Next year really set up a schedule with graphics so pub has it and has a set date set up so it doesn’t get put aside and forgot about.
2. Storke Show: Blazing Rays of Sun- 5/4
Bret: Unfortunately we had to cancel due to weather. Good news is ice cream is good to go.
Chrystal: Make sure the weather is checked beforehand.
3. Movie pre- Screening: Popstar- 5/4
Sydney: We had a lower turnout to this pre-screening compared to the others but those who were at the event really pushed tickets and we got a lot more people to come in. We ended up with 135 total. Everyone who watched it really really liked it and all of the promotional materials was taken. I don’t know if it was timing with midterms or that it was a Wednesday as to why people didn’t show up. Also a lot of people didn’t recognize the actor so we should have promoted more who was in it.
Tarush: People in general thought it was a documentary and I feel like the poster itself, which wasn’t our fault at all, was the reason people didn’t know.
Travis: A lot of people I told about it were confused as to what it was.
Sydney: Maybe waiting to do a pre-screening a few days later, who ever does it next year choose the later date so there is more name recognition and more time to pub.
Nick: I think if we do a lot of prescreeningsat once, then the novelty and excitement might go down a little especially with movies that people aren’t really familiar with.
4. Gryffin- 5/5
Burrow: We got a final count of 387. There was a huge push at the door. There was an overlap between board interviews, the release, and the Hub show. For next year maybe don’t do a show 2 to 3 weeks before Extravaganza because a lot is going on.
Haley: I think having the show on Cinco de Mayo hurt ticket sales because a lot of people had other plans.
Burrow: I was bummed about it because Thursday is a big college night downtown so maybe don’t choose that day to do shows.
Travis: Someone downtown said that state has been very slow so a lot of the clubs were pushing to get people down there and away from campus for Cinco de Mayo so that may have been a cause too.
Kim: In the future maybe more Sunday shows? Jai Wolf did really well.
Haley: We had an issue with the Facebook ad. I tried to get it to run multiple times and it kept denying us because the Gryffin poster had too many words that weren’t Facebook “approved” and this was a day and a half before the show so we didn’t have time. It was interesting because we didn’t have a problem with Goldroom. We tried to shoutthe show out a bunch during release but it was hard to keep up because everyone in charge of pub was busy with the release.
Kim: When we posted for Extravaganza right after Gryffin there was a lot of attention towards the page but just not enough.
Travis: With the online fees people aren’t really saving any money than if they paid at the door. I think people are buying at the door because there’s nothing to lose doing it that way so I think that’s something to keep in mind.
Bret: Did you do the event page for the sponsored ads?
Haley: We Boosted the event.
Sydney: I think it would be good to look at the stats and see how the ticket sales are going and pub based on that. Maybe earlier on you can see that not may are selling so you can push more.
Chrystal: Already have a pub plan set up so you don’t have to think on the spot and you already have ideas ready to implement.
Haley: I just felt like people know about the shows they just don’t go.
MD: I think shows that are open to the general public need to really be advertised to them a lot more too- outside of the University. There could be many other people interested in this show.
Nick: I do agree with Haley that people knew about the show but the incentive wasn’t there. For some of these artists, the fact that people know about it is not a big enough incentive so we need to figure something else out marketing wise to pull people in. Maybe do giveaways to getting people excited about it early on.
Travis: We have had a lot of electronic artists and I think maybe it’s not such a huge draw anymore.
Chrystal: I think we have focused on those shows because we haven’t had any in the fall or winter. I would challenge next years board to have more diversity in each quarter.
Sophia: Biggest thing, I agree we need to have more variety, but they are killing it downtown so we need to do something different.
Tarush: I really like the idea of a Sunday show. Sunday would be a cool day to have more hub shows in general.
5. Release- 5/5
Haley: We had a little bit of a hiccup in the beginning. They showed up 45 minutes late due to traffic and when they got there they didn’t think the structure was sturdy so they had to redo it. They were super understanding about it which was cool. Overall it went really well. It was a little stressful having release on the day of a hub show so I don’t advise that in the future. We also have another graffiti artist here that is willing to add X’s name to it. We just need to pick a color.
Chrystal: I heard really great things about it, even from people not from here. I know people were a little frustrated with how long it took but we added a creative element back to the festival that some felt we had lost.
Chrystal: Wewere all very displeased with the leak of our lineup but it has been addressed.
Levine: If you say something before it’s come out you can break contract and ruin that event, keep this in mind when you’re talking about our lineup.
Haley: What was really cool was that over 2,000 people are watching our snapchats now.
Sydney: I definitely think people use Snapchat more to interact with others so we should use that more. People really liked this release and using art and other art forms is really important.
Kim: Maybe in the future build a relationship with this artist and possibly do more releases with him.
6. Storke Show: Tamara Laurel- 5/9
Bret: She was really cool. We had ice cream so that went really well. We gave a lot away.
1. Movie: Room- 5/10
Sydney: I am really excited for this one. It has really good reviews but it is sad. I have Sophia, Chrystal, Nick, and Wes at 6:30 and I have Tarush, Ernie, Timmy and Kim at 9:30. Lets pub this a lot, I really think this one can do well.
2. X
Levine: I will be emailing you a day of show job. Please do any recs that you have. Send me invoices and quotes for everything that we have confirmed or are going to confirm to make sure we are on budget or if we need to pass more on Wednesday.
Chrystal: We should start as early as possible on Wednesday.
Bret: Has anyone looked into getting a golf cart?
MD: For what purpose?
Bret: To move things and just day of show stuff.
Chrystal: We can’t drive on the field anyway, I don’t think it’ll be useful.
MD: Driving is faster anyway.
Chrystal: 9am Thursday we will start.
Levine: Sunday call time is 7am, unless you are hospitality you are 6am.
MD: Can we go down the budget?
Levine: Trailer is coming in between 2 and 3. Fencing, porta potties, and dumpsters delivered between 1 and 2.
MD: Make sure you order a plumber to hook up the water.
Sophia: AMS coming on Sunday around 12:30, they haven’t exactly let me know yet.
Wes: KIND is coming in 8-10 am on Sunday. They are sending flowers that I said need to be here Friday by 5. Yerba Matte is also coming.
MD: Hopefully Thursday the water bottles will be there. Did we contact recycling?
Levine: Yes, I sent them an email.
Michael: Backline is not ready yet because I just sent a list of performers today. Saturday at 9 is full video load in. I need people on Saturday to build the plywood path to the right because that’s where the video screen is going this year.
MD: Get the dimensions of the truck it’s coming in so we know where to load it. We have to order the bathroom servicing. We have water but did we order cups?
Levine: Peter sent us the pricing of all the stuff he has we just need to order it.
Chrystal: I can order it.
Sydney: We are getting non-refrigerated stuff on Thursday and stuff that needs to be refrigerated on Saturday.
MD: We need to get stuff we need out of the closets and get our canopies and see how many we have. We need to purchase duct tape.
Chrystal: Make sure you are at your office hours this week so we can find you if we need you.
Ernie: Tomorrow co-sponsors are picking up permits so they will be coming in after 10 am to Wednesday by 3pm. I will definitely be there Wednesday to do receipts.
Tarush: Why do we not allow your own empty water bottles?
MD: It’s a throwing thing. We have consequences for people who are selling their access cards.
1. Social Media Wall
Haley: I sent an email with 3 different walls. The first one is $40 doesn’t do Instagram, it’s only Twitter, which I think is not a big deal because you would have to be on public in order to see it on the screen. The next option is $195 for Twitter and Instagram and it looks a little nicer. The $500 is the nicest and has everything and we can monitor everything that goes through. We couldn’t do the free version because it doesn’t let you filter what people post and it plays ads.
Kim: Then nice thing about the $195 one is we have our logo on it.
Sydney: I think we should do the Instagram and Twitter because there are more people active on Instagram.
Haley: Not during the show, when it’s live Twitter is more active.
Chrystal: I think we should go with the $195. Is everyone okay with that? Lets go for it.
2. Politicizing Beyonce- 5/25
Ernie: I talked to pub before the meeting and we would still have enough time to publicize this event. It would be happening during week 9 in Embarcadero. Before we send the offer out I wanted to see how everyone felt about it. Everything is kind of already set so let me know how you feel and any concerns you have.
Javier: How many event staff?
Ernie: I think if we have half board then we won’t need them.
MD: There’s no Q&A?
Ernie: There might be, he’s open to it.
Chrystal: So lets make it 7-9 that way there is time for Q&A.
Sydney: Is it free?
Ernie: This is a free event, open to students and the general public.
1. Cap Decorating 6/1/16
Sydney: 6 – 8 pm in the MCC lounge. If you have any ideas of what art supplies to buy let me know.
Kim: Get sand so they can make it like a beach.
Sydney: If we have any extra snacks or food from X then I can give it out there too.
MD: We won’t because it’s 2 weeks after.
Sydney: Should I get snacks?
Chrystal: Yes I think you should.
1. Wordstock-5/28
Motion language: Motion to table Wordstock on May 28th until confirming staff.
ACTION: Vote: Consent 19 Present
Staff/Advisor Instruction/Request: Insert if Applicable
Responsible for Follow-through:
Additional approval required:
MD: That is memorial day weekend.
Michael: The Surfrider event is the next day.
Chrystal: It’s the 21st.
Michael: I don’t know if I could get staff for that. Should I table it for the time being?
Chrystal: We don’t have anything that weekend.
Michael: Last year I had a lot of trouble getting people to work.
2. Cap Decorating – 6/1
MOTION/SECOND: Sydney/Burrow
Motion language: Motion to pass $580 for cap decorating in the MCC lounge on June 1st from 6-8pm.
ACTION: Vote: Consent 18 Present
Staff/Advisor Instruction/Request: Insert if Applicable
Responsible for Follow-through:
Additional approval required:
Thursday Page/Slides
The Marilyn Report – Who is doing bagel day this quarter? Bret. Don’t forget to bring a spare pair of closed toed shoes on Sunday. AS Banquet at 5:00 in Corwin on the 22nd. You can send pictures for the slideshow.
The Commissioner's Report– Still working on the vigil. Haven’t heard anything back yet. We have one more meeting, well two but new board will be there. I am really proud of you all. Looking to get safari hats too.
Deputy Commissioner’s Report –
Coordinators’ Reports
Alex Levine- You should also bring a spare pair of socks. Get sleep this week. Drink lots of water.
Bo – Really excited for this weekend.
Kimberly-We are going to have posters soon.
Javier- We are hiring more event staff. I have heard nothing but positive feedback on our lineup.
Shahar-Really excited
Sophia- Stoked
Sydney-Interviews are awesome. So many people are passionate and want to be a part of this so we should be appreciative of this.
Tarush– The website is up and looks really good. We have the FAQ being put up tomorrow. It was fun.
Assistants’ Reports
Alex Burrow-
Bret-I am very excited. I have also not heard any negative feedback. I heavily encourage people to get ear plugs.
Travis-Phone is working normal again.
Senate Liaisons
Sara Maroofi-
Kelly Pearman-
RHA Liaison
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