Southeastern New Mexico Economic Development District/COG

Board of Directors’ Quarterly Meeting – July 11, 2014

Minutes – Page 1



July 11, 2014


  1. Call to Order:

The quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southeastern New MexicoEconomic Development District/COG was called to order by Board President Marilyn Burns at 10:05 a.m.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call and Introductions of Guests:

The following member governments were represented by Directors or Alternates:


Chaves County-Kyle D.Wooton,Commissioner Eddy County Private Sector-Jim Grantner

/Alternate Lea County Private Sector-Lisa Hardison

Eddy County-Royce Pearson, Commissioner Lincoln County Private Sector-Becky Brooks

Lea County-David Gasch, Planner/Alternate Otero County-Private Sector-Bill Mershon

Lincoln County-Dallas Draper, Commissioner

Alamogordo-Susie Galea, Mayor/Alternate

Artesia-Terry Hill,Mayor-Pro Tem/Alternate

Capitan-Dennis Haskell, Mayor

Cloudcroft-Dave Venable, Mayor

Corona-Sam Seely, Trustee

Eunice-Matt White, Mayor

Hope-Rudy Sales, Public Works Director

Lake Arthur-Desiree Calvillo, Clerk/Alternate

Loving-Pete Estrada, Mayor

Lovington-James Williams, City Mgr

Roswell-Dennis Kintigh, Mayor

Ruidoso-Tom Battin, Mayor

Ruidoso Downs- Gary Williams, Mayor

Tatum-Marilyn Burns, Mayor

Tularosa-Ray Cordova, Mayor



Otero County- Pam Heltner, County Mgr. Chaves County-Private Sector-Phelps Carlsbad-Nick Salcido, Councilor Anderson

Carrizozo-Yovanne Lucero, Trustee

Dexter-Mitch Daubert, Mayor

Hagerman-Connie Andrews, Councilor

Hobbs-Kevin Robinson, Development Director

Jal-Bob Gallagher,City Mgr

A quorum was present with 19of the 26 member governments represented. Four of the five Non-Government members were also present.


Antoinette Vigil,Team Leader, New Mexico Economic Development Department

Adam Johnson, Senior Lending Officer, NMFA

Steve Henderson-Councilor/SNMEDD Treasurer-Roswell

Bill Morris, Eddy County General Services Director

Michael Espiritu, President/CEO, Otero County Economic Development Council

Evelyn Holguin, Director, Lovington EDC

Tabatha Lawson, Director, Lovington Mainstreet

Mara Salcido, Intern, Lovington Mainstreet

Cliff Hudson, CEO, Emerging Technology Ventures

Juliana Sutherland, Business Advisor, SBDC

John Mulcahy, President, Economic Development Corporation for Roswell-Chaves County


Hubert Quintana, Executive Director

Carl Kallansrud, SBDCStaff

Mary Ann Burr, SERPO Planner

Pansy Moffitt, Office Administrator

Christine Sisneros, Office Assistant

  1. Approve meeting agenda for July 11, 2014:

The agenda for the meeting was included in the board packets mailed to each Director for their review prior to the meeting.Hubert Quintana requested a late change to the agenda to include a discussion and approval of Resolution 14-01 authorizing the Certification of the District’s 2013 Capital Assets Inventory. The Resolution if adopted will be brought back to the Board in October for ratification. The change was necessary to comply with a request from DFA/LGD. A motion was made by Matt White to approve the agenda as changed and Gary Williamsseconded the motion. Motion carried.

  1. Approve minutes ofApril 11, 2014 Meeting:

The minutes of the April 11, 2014 quarterly meeting were included in the packets mailed to each Director for their review.A motion to approve minutes was made by Dave Venableand seconded by Matt White. Motion carried.

  1. Review and AcceptFinancial Report and Budget Adjustments:

Hubert reviewed financial report and budget adjustments for the Board’s consideration.

Jim Grantnermade a motion to approvethe report and adjustmentsand Steve Henderson seconded. Motion carried.

  1. Report and adopt Proposed Changes to the SNMEDD By-Laws:

Mayor Dave Venable reported to the Board on proposed changes recommended by the following panel: Mayor Dave Venable, Councilor Steve Henderson, Mayor Matt White and Hubert Quintana. Board reviewed/discussed changes and Steve Henderson made a motion to enact the amended By-Laws and Dave Venable seconded. Motion carried.

  1. Review and adopt the 2014-15 SNMEDD Operating Budget:

Hubertpresented the Proposed 2014-15 Operating Budget to the Board. Matt White made a motion to approve budget as proposed and Dave Venable seconded. Motion carried.

  1. Review and adopt 2014-15 SNMEDD Work Program for State Grant In Aid Funding:

Hubert stated the Executive Committee had received the Annual Work Plan in advance for review due to timing issues imposed by DFA/LGD for our Annual Grant-in-Aid contract The State requested an addition to the work program which was to include language addressing District as a Fiscal Agents for our communities as needed. James Williams made a motion to approve the work plan and Gary Williams seconded. Motion carried.

  1. Review and adopt by Consensus Resolution 14-01 2013 Annual Capital Asset Inventory:

Hubert informed Board Members DFA would not be requiring the Annual Capital Asset Inventory to be certified by Resolution in order for the District to continue to serve as the Fiscal Agent for several of our member governments The requirement created the need to add the Resolution to the agenda at such a late date. If the Resolution is adopted it will be placed on agenda for our October’s Board Meeting ratification following proper notice. The Resolution was approved by consensus and will be placed on the October Agenda for ratification and vote of the members.

11. Program and Activity Reports:

Dora Batista

The CDBG Allocations will be held July 15, 2014. The applicants presentations were videotaped June 30th and will be presented before the CDC Council at their July 15th meeting.DFA/LGD did not properly give notice of the June 30th meeting and a quorum of the CDC was not present. Our District submitted six applications. The applicants had to be available to answer questions. The District staff prepared six (6) applications for the following: theTown of Hagerman; Town of Carrizozo; City of Ruidoso Downs; Village of Corona; City of Roswell; and City of Alamogordo.Chaves County also submitted an application prepared by their staff. These applications consisted of 2 street, drainage and sidewalks; 1 Domestic Violence Facility Improvements;2 water system improvements and 1 wastewater improvements.

The CDBG implementation workshop is scheduled for July 30, 2014 and all grant awardees are required to attend the workshop.

The last available Workforce Board minutes are included with your handouts.

Carl Kallansrud

Activity Report

New Mexico Small Business Development Center

Quarter Ending June 30, 2014

This report includes activity for all of the Small Business Development Centers in the SNMEDD/COG region: Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Hobbs and Roswell.

Final statistics for the first quarter of 2014 for the four centers include:
200Clients counseled
17New businesses created
24Jobs created
$3,347,030Dollar amount of loans/equity
20Training events

In other news:

Russell Wyrick, State Director of the NMSBDC has completed regional meetings with all SBDC staff in preparation for a national accreditation review to take place in October.

Staff changes:

Alamogordo is losing business advisor Cachet Prescott.She has been with the network for the past year. She and her family will be relocating based on their military orders.

Carlsbad administrative specialist Vada Mata has resigned; she had been with the network since 2009. She was replaced by Brittany Sarkozi who started in May. Brittany recently relocated to Carlsbad from Casper, Wyoming.

Roswell will miss retiring business advisor Nancy Holland, and is welcoming Julianna Sutherland to the position. Julianna has a master’s degree in management leadership from Webster University, served for four years as an SBDC business advisor in Albuquerque, and has small business ownership experience.


Two centers hosted SBDC Advisory Council meetings to update their councils about activities during the past reporting period and obtain their feedback/suggestions.

The Alamogordo SBDC hosteda booth at the NMSU Alamogordo Resource Day and spoke with students about SBDC programs and services; hosted a booth at the Holloman AFB Job Fair and provided information about entrepreneurship and SBDC programs to military members and dependents; sponsored and hosted the Women’s Business Luncheon and Punch Bowl Conversation for the purpose of networking with and honoring women business owners; had a booth at the NMSU Alamogordo Discovery Day; providedinformation to the public about SBDC programs and services; and held an SBA Lenders Forum for the SBA to provide current information to area lenders about SBA loan programs.

The Hobbs SBDC participated in the Economic Development Summit, attended the SBA Lenders forum in Carlsbad, and took part in the appreciation breakfast hosted by the Hobbs Chamber of Commerce.

Hobbs SBDC director, Brandon Hunt,has been appointed the NMSBDC Quality Council chairman.


The following regular workshops were held this quarter: From Idea to Business, Basic Steps to Starting a Business, Business Taxes, and Operation Boots to Business.

The following non-regular workshops were held this quarter: Effectively Branding Your Business, Marketing Your Business on Facebook, Email & Mobile Marketing, Health & Safety Issues in the Construction Industry, and Facebook 101: Intro to Facebook Marketing. Upcoming workshops will include the above mentioned regular workshops and an IRS Regional Tax Practitioner meeting.

Carl Kallansrud, Director of the ENMU-Roswell SBDC has been selected as this year’s New Mexico SBDC State Star, and will be recognized at the America’s SBDC 34th AnnualConference in September.

Contact your local SBDC to learn about small business activity and resources available in our area, or for more information about any topics mentioned in this report.

Alamogordo, Sierra Duran, Director – (575) 439-3660

Carlsbad, Lisa Chavez, Director – (575) 885-9531

Hobbs, Brandon E. Hunt, Director – (575) 492-4700

Roswell, Carl Kallansrud, Director – (575) 624-7133

Mary Ann Burr

Mrs. Burr gave updates regarding functional class projects and having completed all requestswhich were submitted to NMDOT. These applications are routed to RTPO then to NMDOT for consideration andare also submitted via an online process. The applications are being currently reviewed and preliminary approvals will be sent to the LGD. SERTPO and SNMEDD havebeenvery busy with regional work group meetingsto discuss state long range plans. Mrs. Burr provided Board Members notes from the March Regional Working Group (RWG) meeting and will provide notes from the subsequent meetings. If anyone has any concerns/issues submit these to Mrs. Burr to be included in the RWG outline.SERTPO will be setting up information booths at events which expect a large number of the public to attend. The idea is to reach the community for their input on projects in the local area. The next meeting for SERTPO will be held mid-October and NMDOT the following month. The purpose is to accept safety applications at the SERTPO meeting and NMDOT’s meeting will have the project selection committeeto review applications. More funds have become available for safety, which has opened up a year round application cycle. Submit applications anytime to the RTPO.

Christine Sisneros

Christine assisted Dora with putting together 3 copies of 6 CDBG applications/flash drives forCarrizozo, Chaves County, Corona, Hagerman, Roswell and Ruidoso Downs.

Also conducted several employee interviews, took pictures of employees and equipment

used at job sites for projects in Artesia, Loving and Roswell. Answered phone/messages to staff, open/dispensed mail, ordered office supplies, sent out e-mails to the district regarding the communities projects and about upcoming meetings,sent out public notices and RFP’s to local newspapers for public review, e-mailed RFP’sas requested, filed correspondence for the office, transcribed April 2014 Board MeetingMinutes, e-mailed Board Minutes for staff to review/change, made changes to Board Minutes for a final draft, copied handouts/reports and mailed out Board Meeting Packets for July 2014, reminder calls to Board members about meeting.

Updated SNMEDD Website and Directory Address Book as needed.

Added weekly NADO Newsletters and e-mailed June’s NADO pro to Board Members.

Adam Johnson

The New Mexico Finance Authority operates the Public Project Revolving Loan Fund/Local Government Planning Fund/Water Trust Fund and the Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund. Currently, NMFA is fully operationalin the largest bond program and have issued over $40 millionin bonds this year.There has been an update on The Local Government Planning Fund which had changed its policies to accept applications quarterly rather than one time per year. After staff input, it is being recommended to the Oversight Committee thatthe process return to accepting applications monthly. Adam will contact the COG’s once the change has implemented andprovide information on any future planning grants from the Region.

Pansy Moffitt

Provided Census information to one entity.

Attended Accounting & Consulting Group workshop on “Fraud-Internal Control”

Worked on the proposed budget for 2014 to 2015

Worked in preparation of the upcoming Mayors’ Summit to be held in Artesia.

Gathered information on the Capital Outlay presentation for Otero County.

Attended SNMCAC meeting with Hubert in Carlsbad.

Hubert Quintana

CEDS- Hubert reported CEDS are required to be reviewed every five years and the Councils of Governments will conduct hearings for input from their communities. The District is continuing to work on the Statewide CEDS effort. The effort in addition to the input from the 7 planning districts will also be receiving assistance from other statewide organizations such NMML, NMSU, Association of Commerce and Industry, NM Interim Jobs Council, the Association of Counties and NMEDD. Goals and objectives affecting each community will be reviewed/updated.

SWREDA – Annual conference to be held in San Antonio on November 12-15, 2014.

Scholarships will be available to Board Members. Contact Hubert or Pansy for more information regarding the conference if you are interested in attending.

SNMEDD Audit- Accounting & Consulting Group will be conducting our annual audit for November 3rd. We have the auditors with all paperwork requested in preparation of audit.

Self Assessment Survey– A survey covering the services offered by the SNMEDD will be going out to Board Members, community staffs, and local elected officials for comments. We hope to get the survey out by October.

12.Program: New Mexico Economic Development Department-FundIt Program, Antoinette Vigil:

The FundIt Program is an initiative of the Rural Economic Development Council. The program’s intent is to create a one-stop application and review process for funding agencies to meet regularly to review projects for available funding assistance. The program will hopefully facilitate the application process, applicants will hopefully receive assistance forproject, review/support tocommunitiesseeking funds in a more timely fashion.

13. Comments/Announcements and Information Sharing:

Matt White reported on the Eastern Area Workforce Board. Chief elected officials have oversight of this Board and should be more involved. He asked that CEO’s please make a greater effort to attend the workforce meetings. TheEmployment & Economic Information Center of NewMexico’s administrative and fiscal agent’s contract is coming up for renewal and they do not plan to renew. Several options were presented to the Board.

Mayor White would like to have a discussion on the potential for the District to become the fiscal agent for the program.

Terry Hill, Mayor Pro Tem for Artesia reported that Homeland Security designated FLETC a holding facility for the illegal immigrants coming to the U.S. The group being held in Artesia at the FLETC facility are mostly families and unaccompanied children. Councilor Hill stated the main impact has been on the utilities and expect over 600+ immigrants to be held at FLETC while awaiting deportation back to Central America. Town Hall meetings are being held to answer any questions/concerns from the community.

Mayor Pete Estradareported to the Boardthe activity of the rail system in Loving. Range Land Energy has contracted with Halliburton to bring in frac sand and they are expecting at least 100 rail cars moving through Loving daily. Range Land Energy is currently building a hub terminal north of the Village to handle the large amounts of frac sand required by the oil and gas industry in Eddy County. Also Range Land Energy is looking at installing pipeline to Midland or Pecos and construction of a crude oiltank collection farm. There is another private company EOG which will be bringing in frac sand as well.