7th Grade Choir CLASS INFORMATION *** SECOND Semester, 2016-2017
Ms. Vardanega (Ms. “V”), Director 503.673.7400 Choir Web Page: www.acms.wlwv.k12.or.us click on “Academics” then "Related Arts"
Welcome to 7th Grade Choir! I am excited to work with this group of students. We will tackle more difficult music than in 6th grade choir and will have the goal of learning to sing a capella and in three part harmony. Students in this class who are interested are welcome to take this class for the full school year! Those interested in being considered for 8th grade Select Choir will want to be sure to master the skills of being a hard-working, enthusiastic choir member as well as a skilled vocalist.
Concert Calendar for the Semester:
We will have two evening performance that are a required part of your son or daughter’s choir experience! That should make sense, as our class is performance-based. Missing our performances would be like missing any other class' final exam, however, if it turns out that there is an unavoidable conflict, please contact me just as soon as possible to see if we can discover a solution. I’d hate for any student to miss what might be considered the most fun part of the choir experience!
· Early Spring “Scrimmage” Concert...... Thursday, April 13, 2017 at Athey Creek, 7-7:30pmThis “short and sweet” concert will give those who are new to choir since the semester a chance to experience a performance before the final spring concert
· Formal Spring Concert...... Thursday, June 8, 2017 at Athey Creek, 7-8:15pm
For both of these events, 7th grade choir students should report to the library no later than 6:40pm, completely dressed in their uniforms and ready to sing! (Personal items like coats, jackets or purses should be left with parents during the concert.)***In order that all performers and groups are equally supported, all choir students (at all grade levels) are required to stay for the entire concert. Exceptions may be made with the director in special circumstances.
Choir Uniforms:
7th Grade Choir students are expected to PROVIDE THEIR OWN BLACK CLOTHING from the waist down: Skirts or Pants, Socks or Tights and Shoes. Athey Creek will provide a black dress shirt and music-themed tie for boys and a red top and pearl necklace for girls. GIRLS WILL WANT TO PROVIDE A BLACK, SPAGHETTI STRAPPED TANK TOP TO WEAR UNDER THEIR RED TOPS, and BOYS WILL NEED A BLACK, LEATHER BELT. Since our outfit is semi-formal, best would be slacks or skirts and shoes of a more formal nature. I highly recommend checking out second-hand stores such as Goodwill or Value Village, or a discount store such as Ross, as you may be buying something that your son or daughter may not use often.
Music and Arts Partners ("MAPs")
This wonderful group of parent volunteers was formed over 20 years ago and has worked to raise money for the performing arts departments of all West Linn/Wilsonville's schools. Athey Creek has been the beneficiary of their efforts, and we are hoping that you will be willing and able to become a part of this important parent community group!
· Thank you to Nichole Hildebrandt, Athey Creek Choir/Drama MAP Representative
Assessment and Grades:
Determining a grade in a performance class is a tricky endeavor - it will be my job to try to assess them fairly, while at the same time keeping their enthusiasm and self-confidence intact. Unlike more traditional, academic classes where they are being assessed mostly on cognitive learning, this class’ focus will be on their physical growth and development. They are all going to be starting at different points and will develop at different speeds.
National Music Anchor Standards:
· Create, Present/Perform, Respond:
Imagine, Select, Analyze, Interpret, Develop, Rehearse/Evaluate & Refine, Present
· Connect
Deepen understanding of music through personal connection in daily life
Students are assessed in two major areas:
Rehearsal Skills and Musical Knowledge
· Showing you understand what is expected in a successful and effective choir rehearsal (being on time with materials every day, knowing when to get a drink, when to ask to use the restroom, when to be quiet and listen, when to ask questions, when it is ok to talk, cooperation with other choir members etc.)
· Progress in music theory, quizzes
· Answering and asking questions during rehearsals
· Use of music while rehearsing, following part on the page, making marks in the music as needed
· Observable active daily effort and focus
Music Theory: Music theory this year will be integrated into the rehearsal curriculum. No extra materials are required.
Vocal/Performance Skills
· Breathing correctly and with good control/endurance
· Stance/Posture correct at all times
· Tone Quality/Range developing and increasing, showing progress in voice exams and in class.
· Stage Presence//Riser Etiquette – appropriate to venue
· Singing with greater strength and/or confidence
· Developing more confidence and being more brave about singing in front of others (during class or perhaps trying a solo audition)
Regarding Online Grades: I plan to update grades only at Mid-Term and Quarter’s End (every 4 to 4 ½ weeks). If there are significant issues that should be addressed earlier than that, I will be in touch with you.
How to check your grade and comments: To see the letter grade ONLY, you can log in choosing “Report Card Marks”. To see my personal comments and class information (I hope you will please take the time for this!), log in choosing “Schedule/Gradebooks”, then click on the blue link called “progress”. This will give you the most complete information available on your child’s progress! Thanks for taking this extra moment, as I really try to write something personal on comment forms.
We may see one or two videos of classic Musical Theater pieces, which I believe should be a part of anyone's American musical education. They will be selected from: "Oklahoma", starring Shirley Jones and Gordon McRae; "My Fair Lady" starring Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn; “ Sister Act II” starring Whoopi Goldberg (not a classic, but still valuable), “Fiddler on the Roof" starring Topol, “Annie” (Disney version), “Bye Bye, Birdie” (Jason Alexander and Vanessa Williams), “The Sound of Music” Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer; Parents, of course, have the right to ask me to excuse their child from the viewing of anything they find objectionable, without penalty to their child's grade. If you have questions about this, please contact me!
7th Grade Choir “Information Sheet”:
**Parents, please read carefully, complete and return asap, thanks!**
Parents' Name(s) (include your son or daughter's name if your last names are different)
Phone______Email address______
(Email is the very best way to contact me and for me to be in contact with you!)
______My son/daughter is able to make performance listed in the concert calendar
If conflict, please list and include reason:
I give permission for my son or daughter to be photographed and/or videoed during class or performances for possible inclusion in class posters or on the choir website (not social media)
Volunteers needed!!!
Successful student performances often depend upon the help of great parent volunteers!
If you are interested and able to help with any of the following tasks, please check those you are up for. Thanks!!!
______I am willing to come in and sort/organize/inventory uniforms for fitting (Immediately)
______I am willing to come in and help fit and assign uniforms (late Feb)
Concessions proceeds are dedicated to the care and tuning of the baby grand piano for every concert! Can you help?
______I am willing to get and donate items for sale for concessions_
______I am willing to help those in charge with organizing and/or shopping
______I am willing to help sell concessions before or after concerts (you will not miss anything!)
At Concerts:
______“Spiffers & Wranglers” help supervise students and adjust their uniforms in the library before the concert
______”Choir Spies” are willing to sit where they can keep an eye on students during a concert
(a stern look is usually all you need!)
______I have my own camera, and am willing to take photos during concerts, then provide them on a CD or
thumb/flash drive (no printing necessary). HIGHLY NEEDED!!
______I am interested in being a part of Music and Arts Partners (MAP), please pass my contact info along.