CISV RMD Youth Program Application Instructions


We are pleased that you and your child are interested in participating in CISV. If you are applying for one of our International Programs, please plan to attend the Faces of Denver Mini-Camp which will be held on Friday, February 4 at 6:00pm to Sunday, February 6, 2011 at Noon at Goddard Middle School, 3800 West Berry Avenue, Littleton, CO 80123. We strongly encourage all applicants to try to attend the entire Mini-Camp but if that is not possible, please let us know. Please complete the Mini-Camp Registration Form and return it along with the Youth Legal Form and the $30 Mini-Camp registration fee as soon as possible as we are limiting the Mini-Camp to 100 youth participants. We will place youth on a waiting list when the Mini-Camp is full.


All Applicants for International Programs must fill out the International Delegate Application Forms for the program to which they are applying. Please go to the CISV Rocky Mountain Denver website at to download the appropriate forms.

You will need to download the following forms for these programs:


  • Youth Delegate Application Form
  • Supplement for Village Applicants Form
  • Youth Delegate Reference Form

Summer Camp

  • Youth Delegate Application Form
  • Supplement for Summer Camp Applicants Form
  • Youth Delegate Reference Form

Junior Counselor

  • Leadership Application
  • Supplement for Junior Counselor Applicants
  • Confidential Reference Form for CISV Leadership / Staff Position

Seminar Camp

  • Youth Delegate Application Form
  • Supplement for Seminar Camp Applicants Form
  • Youth Delegate Reference Form

International Youth Meeting

  • Youth Delegate Application Form
  • Youth Delegate Reference Form


  • Youth Delegate Application Form
  • Supplement for Interchange Applicants Form
  • Youth Delegate Reference Form
  • Interchange Family Reference Form


Applicants to all International Programs must pay an application fee of $25. If your child is applying to more than one program (i.e. Interchange and International Youth Meeting), only one application fee of $25 is required.


A Membership Application Form can be downloaded at the CISV Rocky Mountain Denver website at If selected for a program, all program participants must be a member of the CISV Rocky Mountain Denver Chapter and pay a Family Membership Fee of $75.


All Applicants and the Parents of Applicants for Village, Summer Camp and Interchange will need to schedule an interview. Once your application has been received, the Interview Coordinator will be in touch with you to schedule an interview. If the applicant is attending the Faces of Denver Mini-Camp, we will schedule an interview with the applicant during the camp and we will attempt to schedule the parent interviews shortly before or after drop-off on Friday, February 4 or pick-up on Sunday, February 6. Interchange Applicants will also need to schedule a home visit.


Applicants for all programs will be required to supply a reference from a teacher, youth leader, coach or family friend. Please feel free to provide your reference with a stamped envelope addressed to: CISV RMD c/o Madeline Collison, 685 Emerson Street, Denver, CO 80218.


A limited number of partial scholarships are available to assist families in need with the Program Fees for International Travel Programs. If you are in need of a scholarship, please download and fill out the CISV RMD Scholarship Application Form at the CISV Rocky Mountain Denver website at and return it with the other forms.


CISV will host a Program Information Meeting in January. Please check the website for the date and time of the meeting. We strongly encourage anyone who is planning to apply for an International Program to attend this meeting.


Please include this Checklist with your forms:


____Mini-Camp Registration Form

____Youth Legal Form

____Mini-Camp Registration Fee of $30

____ Youth Delegate Application Form

____Supplement for Village Applicants Form

____Youth Delegate Reference Form

____Program Application Fee of $25

____Check here if you are requesting a scholarship for the registration fee and the application fee.

____Check here if you have enclosed the CISV RMD Scholarship Application Form for Program Fees.

Summer Camp

____Mini-Camp Registration Form

____Youth Legal Form

____Mini-Camp Registration Fee of $30

____ Youth Delegate Application Form

____Supplement for Summer Camp Applicants Form

____Youth Delegate Reference Form

____Program Application Fee of $25

____Check here if you are requesting a scholarship for the registration fee and the application fee.

____Check here if you have enclosed the CISV RMD Scholarship Application Form for Program Fees.

Seminar Camp

____Mini-Camp Registration Form

____Youth Legal Form

____Mini-Camp Registration Fee of $30

____ Youth Delegate Application Form

____Youth Delegate Reference Form

____Program Application Fee of $25

____Check here if you are requesting a scholarship for the registration fee and the application fee.

____Check here if you have enclosed the CISV RMD Scholarship Application Form for Program Fees.

International Youth Meeting

____Mini-Camp Registration Form

____Youth Legal Form

____Mini-Camp Registration Fee of $30

____ Youth Delegate Application Form

____Youth Delegate Reference Form

____Program Application Fee of $25

____Check here if you are requesting a scholarship for the registration fee and the application fee.

____Check here if you have enclosed the CISV RMD Scholarship Application Form for Program Fees.

Junior Counselor

____Mini-Camp Registration Form

____Youth Legal Form

____Mini-Camp Registration Fee of $30

____Leader Application Form

____ Supplement for Junior Counselor Applicants

____ Confidential Reference Form for CISV Leadership / Staff Position

____Program Application Fee of $25

____Check here if you are requesting a scholarship for the registration fee and the application fee.

____Check here if you have enclosed the CISV RMD Scholarship Application Form for Program Fees.


____Mini-Camp Registration Form

____Youth Legal Form

____Mini-Camp Registration Fee of $30

____ Youth Delegate Application Form

____Supplement for Interchange Applicants Form

____Youth Delegate Reference Form

____Interchange Family Reference Form

____Program Application Fee of $25

____Check here if you are requesting a scholarship for the registration fee and the application fee.

____Check here if you have enclosed the CISV RMD Scholarship Application Form for Program Fees.


We hope that you will join the Rocky Mountain Denver Chapter of CISV at this time. If selected for a program, all participants must be members of the chapter and pay a family membership fee of $75. You need not be a member to attend the Mini-Camp.

____CISV RMD Membership Form for 2011

____Family Membership Fee of $75

Scholarship Sponsor

We offer scholarships to all children in need who would like to attend the Faces of Denver Mini-Camp so we hope that you will consider sponsoring a child to attend the Mini-Camp.

____I can sponsor a child in need for $30 and have included that amount in my check.


___$30 Mini-Camp Fee __ $25 Application Fee __ $30 Mini-Camp Sponsorship Fee

___$75 Family Membership Fee

Enclosed is my check for ______payable to CISV RMD.

One check is preferred for all fees.



c/o Madeline Collison

685 Emerson Street

Denver, CO 80218

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: Madeline Collison at 303-832-6227 or 720-838-4632 or .