Erasmus +


FundacionEurosur is a partner of the UMETECH (University and MEdiaTEchnology for Cultural Heritage) project co-financed by the Erasmus+ KA2 programme of the European Union.

The project is implemented by a large partnership of Higher Education Institutions from Latin American and European countries. The lead applicant is the University of Florence.

The main objective of the project is: “to strengthen the role of Latin American Universities as instruments of social and economic development in the cultural heritage sector through the design and implementation of 4 competencecentres on cultural heritage specialised in: smart computing, 3d, big data and human-machine interaction. The network will be developed on the model of NEMECH (New Media for Cultural Heritage competence centre) implemented by the University of Florence.”

The project activities will be primarily conducted in the three target countries in Latin America: Argentina, Peru and Paraguay.

FundacionEurosur, relatively to the activities it oversees within the UMETECH project, is responsible of diffusion and dissemination activities, as well as communication and visibility and of the development of the knowledge sharing system.

Coherently with the Financial plan approved by the European Union and within the guidelines provided by the EU, FundacionEurosur would like to avail oneself of subcontractors for the following specific activities:

a)Organization of the Kick-off Conference in Cordoba (year 2017) for a maximum sum of 14000 €

b)Realization of the publicity materials of the project (year 2017) for a maximum sum of 9200 €

c)Development of the Knowledge Sharing System (year 2017) for a maximum sum of 18900 €

d)Organization of the Final Conference in Lima (year 2018) for a maximum sum of 12000 €

Potential operators with interest to present a tender for the realization of the above services should write an e-mail to with the request to make an offer. Operators have to submit their request before February 25th 2017 for the 2017 activities and before February 25th 2018 for the 2018 services.

For the services a), b) and d) it is mandatory for the proponents to have a permanent headquarter in at least one of the three target countries (Argentina, Peru or Paraguay).

For the services of point c): having an headquarter in one of the target countries and having previous experience in application platform for transnational projects is considered a preferential condition.

The proposal, signed by the legal representative, should contain all technical and organizational elements suitable to proper asses the experience of the proponent.

FundacionEurosur reserves the right to implement the subcontracting procedures even in the presence of just one offer.

Buenos Aires,

February 9th,2017

Callao 1710

Buenos Aires, Capital Federal

Via San Pasquale 62
