Draft Minutes of the meeting of Starcross Parish Council held in the Starcross Pavilion, Starcross on Monday 11th May2015at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Cadbury, Burrows, Chadwick, Gardner, Greenhough, Hopper, Lovell, Stanley and Thompson, TDC Cllr Connett, DTC Cllr Bloomfield and John Maurice.

110515.01 Apologies for absence.

Apologies should be made to the Clerk in writing or by e-mail at least 3 days prior to the meeting. Apologies received from Cllr Chase.

Cllr Cadbury welcomed Cllr Greenhough to her first Parish Council meeting.

110515.02 Parish Council AGM:

11051502.1Election of Officers:

Chairman: Cllr Cadbury was re-elected unanimously as Chairman.

Vice Chairmand: Cllr Burrows was re-elected unanimously as Vice Chairman.

110515.02.2Acceptance of Office of Council Members: All members present signed and returned acceptance of office forms.

110515.03 Ratification of Minutes:

The minutes relating to the meeting of Monday13th April 2015 previously circulated were approved and signed as a true record of that meeting..

110515.04 Matters Arising:

Councillors are invited to raise matters arising which are not covered under agenda items listed below, or lead Councillors’ reports. No matters raised.

110515.05 Declarations of Interest:

Councillors are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest, including the nature and extent of such interest. No such declarations made.

110515.06 Parish Council Vacancy:The proposal that John Maurice be co-opted to the Parish Council to fill the remaining vacancy was agreed unanimously. Cllr Cadbury welcomed Cllr Maurice back onto the Council.

110515.07Open Forum (Part 1):

The Open Forum is an opportunity for members of the public to register with the Chairman should they wish to speak on a particular agenda item. No matters raised.

110515.08 Governance:

  1. Review of the terms of references for committees.The proposal that these remain unchanged was agreed unanimously. It was noted that each Committee needs to work on the detail of how the responsibilities outlined in the Terms of Reference are to be fulfilled.
  2. Review of delegation arrangements to Councillors, committees, and employees. The proposal that these remain unchanged was agreed unanimously.
  3. Receipt of nominations to existing committees: This item was deferred in the light of changes in membership of the Parish Council, and the establishment of a new committee. Action:Cllr Burrows to liaise with Councillors to establish preferences, and prepare recommendations for the next Parish Council meeting.
  4. Appointment of any new committees, confirmation of the terms of reference, the number of members (including, if appropriate, substitute Councillors) and receipt of nominations to them.The proposal that a new Committee to run the Youth Club be formed, under the attached terms of reference was not agreed. The amended proposal that thatnew Committee to run the Youth Club be formed, under the attached terms of reference, as a temporary measure to allow the youth club to function and be managed, pending review of the terms of reference, was agreed unanimously. Action:Community Committee to review the terms of reference, and represent to the Parish Council as soon as possible.
  5. Review and adoption of appropriate standing orders and financial regulations.The proposal that the attached revised Starcross Standing orders, Financial Standing Orders and Statement of Internal Control be authorised was agreed unanimously.
  6. Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back. It was agreed unanimously that these should remain unchanged.
  7. Review of inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment. It was agreed that further work is required to ensure that the register of assets accurately reflects the value of Parish assets. Action: Cllr Hopper to lead review.
  8. Review and confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks.The proposal that the Council confirms that insurance cover in respect of all insured risks has been reviewed prior to renewal in April2015, and is in place was agreed unanimously.
  9. Review of the Council’s and/or employees’ memberships of other bodies. It was agreed unanimously that this should remain unchanged.
  10. Establishing or reviewing the Council’s complaints procedure. The proposal that this remains unchanged was agreed unanimously.
  11. Establishing or reviewing the Council’s procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998. It was noted that the Parish Council does not currently have a formal procedure for handling such requests. Action: Cllr Burrows to lead the process of developing a procedure.
  12. Establishing or reviewing the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media.It was noted that the Parish Council does not currently have a formal procedure for handling such requests. Action: Cllr Burrows to lead the process of developing a procedure, in conjunction with Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998 procedure above.
  13. Setting the dates, times and place of ordinary meetings of the full Council for the year ahead. It is proposed that meetings take place on Mondays, June 8th, July 13th, September 8th, October 13th, 10th November, 8th December 2015, and on Mondays, 11th January, 8th February, 14th March, 11th April and 9th May 2016 at 7.30pm in the Pavilion, Generals Lane Starcross.

110515.09 Crime Report:

Provided by Devon and Cornwall Police representative







110515.10.1 Youth Club Leaders: The proposal that the Kaf Fuller and Kim Mather be appointed on a temporary basis to the Youth Club Leader and Youth Club Assistant posts respectively pending review of service needs and advertisement of the permanent posts was agreed unanimously These temporary posts to be remunerated, four hours per week for the Leader post, and three hours per week for the Assistant post, on the Joint Negotiating Committee scale for Youth and Community Workers, the Youth Club Leader starting at Point 3 (£15817 pa pro rata - £17651 pa pro rata) rising to Point 6, and the Youth Club Assistant at Point 1 (£14597 pa pro rata) rising to Point 3 (£15817 pa pro rata). Calculated as a casual hourly rate with no benefits (annual leave, sick pay or pension contributions) the hourly rate for the Leader post to be £9.30, and the hourly rate for the Assistant post to be be £8.22.

110515.10.2Financial Report:Circulated at the meeting.

Bank Balances at 01/05/2015:

Current Account

/ £500.00
Precept Deposit (Business Reserve Account) / £23,270.30
Reserve Funds (Business Reserve Account) excluding West Exe Cluster funds / £5004.64
(Funds held on behalf of West Exe Cluster) / (£1831.10)
Reserve Funds (Including West Exe Cluster Funds) / £6,835.74
Building Project Account (Current Account) / £26,248.81

Income 1st April – 1st May 2015






Business Reserve (Precept) A/C Interest



Business Reserve (Reserve)



VAT rebate (Pavilion)



Pavilion hire






Cheque to be authorised retrospectively

Signs Express

/ £88.80

Cheques to be issued 11/05/2015

Quadron Services (Grass cutting April 2015)

/ £72.13

T. Greenslade (Grass cutting April 2015)

/ £40.00

Hillcrest Branch (Grass cutting 2015)

/ £55.00

St. Pauls PCC (churchyard grass cutting)

/ £69.00

M&D Hire (grass cutting)

/ £1180.40

Westec (laminated posters)

/ £24.00

J. Greenhough (reimbursement)

/ £29.09

J. Hopper (reimbursement)

/ £60.97

NALC (LCR subscription)

/ £17.00

Section 137 Grants

Starcross Twinning Association

/ £50.00

Star Club

/ £448.92

St. Pauls PCC

/ £100.00

Starcross in Bloom

/ £70.00

Youth Club Staff Salaries April 20015

Leader Salary £111.60

LessHMRC PAYE £22.20


/ £89.40

Assistant Salary £73.98

Less HMRC PAYE £0.00


/ £73.98

Clerk Salary and Expenses April 2015

Salary £315.81

Telephone and Internet £35.00

Printer ink £49.96

Postage £8.75

Total £409.52
Less HMRC PAYE £66.20
Total / £343.32
HMRC PAYE / £88.40
Direct Debits

Opus Electricity (21/04/2015)

/ £48.98

Opus Gas (26/04/2015)

/ £108.76

DALC subscription (Direct deduction from precept)

/ £391.00

VATon Pavilion Hire

/ £50.82


/ £3,499.97

The financial report was agreed and all cheques authorized for payment unanimously.

110515.10.3 Audit: Accounts and audit documents are available for inspection by appointment with the Clerk.The proposal that the Parish Council accounts for the financial year 2014-2015 be approved and the annual return submitted to the external auditor was agreed unanimously. Action:Clerk to submit the returns to the external auditor.

110515.10.4Finance Committee:ReportNo additional report.


110515.11.1Planning Applications:Consideration of Planning Applications received during the past month. When an application is made mid-month it will have been considered by the Development Committee in order to meet the TDC Deadline.

Decision Notice: Decision notice received in respect of 15/00748/FUL Southbrook House erection of garage: planning permission granted

Planning Applications:

15/01111/CLDE The Loft, Cofford Farm Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of building as a dwelling house. No objections were raised to this proposal. Action: Clerk to inform TDC Planning.

15/01095/AGR Higher Cofford Kenton New access track. No objections were raised to this proposal. Action: Clerk to inform TDC Planning.

15/01158/FUL 5 Heywood Drvie Starcross Erection of wooden boundary fence. No objections were raised to this proposal. Action: Clerk to inform TDC Planning.

A question was raised about 15/00007/FUL Westbank Charity Shop:Change of use of part flat to retail storage and repositioning of external rear staircase. It appears that the whole of the upper floors of the building is now being used as storage and office space.This constitutes a change of use which was not in the planning application as approved, and reduces the stock of residential accommodation in the village.. Action:Clerk to contact TDC Planning and enquire about the status of the apparent change of plans.

110515.11.2Development Committee: Report: No additional report.


110515.12.1Youth Club:Update: The youth club is continuing tobe very popular, with upwards of 25 juniors attending and 8 seniors.

Cllr Chadwick reported the DBS checks on the youth club staff are in process, and should now be completed within five days.

There has been minor incident of vandalism to the plant room door handle. Cllr Hopper was asked to discuss with the youth club leader the possibility of her discussing with the young people their ownership of the building and the need to report any incidents which they notice.

110515.12.2 Child Protection :

a.The proposalthat the Starcross Child Protection Policy be replaced by the attachedStarcross Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable People Policywas agreed unanimously.

b.The proposal that Starcross Parish Council registers to use, and uses and pays for wherever appropriate, the online Disclosure & Barring Service and Disclosure Scotland application service provided by Devon County Council's Safe Recruitment to ensure it carries out its duties as a responsible employer and manager of services to children and vulnerable people was agreed unanimously

c.The proposal that the Parish Council adopts the policies required by the Devon County Safe Recruitment Service

was agreed unanimously.

110515.12.3Community Committee: Report: No additional report.

110515.13 Recreation:

110515.13.1Pavilion Rebuilding Project: Opening Day: The proposal that the Parish Council authorizes expenditure up to £100 to cover the cost of a PA system and publicity for the Opening Day was agreed unanimously.Action: Cllr Hopper to commission.

110515.13.2Elector Fund: The proposal that an application be made to the Elector Fund for £5000 to cover the cost of extending the lighting along the path in the sports field to the car park was rejected.

The amended proposal that application be made to the Rural Aid Fund for £5000 to cover the cost of extending the lighting along the path in the sports field to the car park was agreed unanimously. Action:Cllr Hopper to submit application.

110515.13.3Recreation Committee: Report:Cllr Hopper reported that he will be meeting this week with a representative from St. Martins football club to discuss the possibility of their junior football teams using a junior sized football pitch on Starcross Sports Field. If agreed, this could provide young people from Starcross with increased possibilities of participating in sports activities, as well as additional income from pitch fees towards sports field maintenance. Portable goal posts would be needed to allow this to happen, the costings of which will be presented to the next Parish Council meeting.

Cllr Burrows reported that it had been brought to his attention that, due to an oversight when the Parish Council’s lease of the Pavilion to SSCA was ended and the Parish Council took back responsibility for managing the Pavilion, no formal arrangement for the cleaning of the pavilion was put in place. A contract should have been authorized by the Parish Council. Having taken advice from DALC and discussed the events with the Finance Committee,Cllr Burrows does not not consider this oversight has disadvantaged anyone, since all payments have been properly authorised by the PC and open to public scrutiny through our annual precept/monthly payment systems and minutes. However, Cllr Burrows advised that a formal contract should be put in place, subject to annual review and a tendering process, as are all other maintenance contracts. A draft contract will be drawn up and put to the next Parish Council for approval.


110515.14.1Playing Field Bollard: The proposal that the bollard on the public footpath by Griffons, Bonhay Road be re-sited was rejected unanimously, pending investigation to establish who owns and is responsible for both the bollard and the footpath. Action:Clerk to contact TDC to advise them that reports have been received of pedestrians bumping their heads on the overhanging eaves of the shed building at Griffons next to the public footpath.

110515.14.2 Environment Committee: ReportIt was reported that the pumps will be installed in the pumping station at the end of Bonhay Road and the pumping station commissioned by the end of June.


Summary of general correspondence received. Specific correspondence included in relevant Lead Reports:No additional correspondence.

110515.16Open Forum (part 2):The Open Forum is an opportunity for members of the public to register with the Chairman should they wish to speak on a particular agenda item.No matters raised.

110515.17Items for future meetings:For Councillors to raise any items to be discussed at future meetings: No items raised.

110515.18Date of next meeting: The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Monday 8th June 2015 commencing at 7.30pm in The Starcross Pavilion, Generals Lane, Starcross


Andrew Cadbury

Chairman of the Parish Council DATE: 8th June 2015

Note: In cases where a document or paper is referred to on the Agenda or the Minutes, this document will be available EITHER on the Parish Council website or on request from :- The Clerk to the Council, Two Bells, Bonhay Road, Starcross EX6 8NZ. 01626 890477