1. / Name of the Candidate and Address / Dr.M.RAJARAM
PG Scholar
Department of Ilmul Advia,
National Institute of Unani Medicine,
Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road,
2. / Name of the Institution / National Institute of Unani Medicine
3. / Course of the Study and Subject. / MD Unani (Ilmul Advia)
4. / Date of Admission / 26th November-2012
5. / Title of the Topic / Anti Anxiety Activity of Kaahu (Lactuca sativa Linn) and Nilofer (Nymphaea albaLinn) in Animal Models
6.1 / Brief resume of intended work:
Need for the study :
Anxiety, a normal response to stress is a feeling of apprehension (or) fear, combined with increased sympathetic activity. It is an emotional state, unpleasant in nature, associated with uneasiness, discomfort and concern or fear about some defined and undefined future threat 1.A clinical problem may arise, if anxiety becomes severe (or) persistent, that interferes with everyday performances. Due to sophisticated life style, irregular diet patterns there has been a disturbance in the equilibrium of the body and mind that leads to many psychosomatic disorders like anxiety, mood disturbances, etc.
Anxiety is derived from the Latin word-“Anxieta” – meaning “disquiet”.The word anxiety has been derived from a German word, “Angst” – sense of fear2.The term “izterab” is used for anxiety in Arabic and Unani texts and the word “Nafsani” are added to izterab to specify its psychological state3.
Anxiety affects about 1/8th of the world population and has become a very important area of research in psychopharmacology. Anxiety disorders are the most common type of psychiatric disorders, with an incidence of 18.1% in total world population and a lifetime prevalence of 28.8% 4.
Benzodiazepine agents, which allow relief of anxiety symptoms with less impairment of respiratory, cognitive, attention, and motor function than barbiturates. Depressants have complex effects. Benzodiazepines are useful in the short term, but long-term use can lead to dependence5.
The increasing awareness of herbal medicine has been acknowledged by WHO. WHO estimates about three quarters of the world population currently used herbs and other forms of traditional medicine to treat their diseases. WHO estimates that 70% of the population in India is using herbal drugs for their primary health care6.
The search for drug with a better pharmacological profile continues. The use of Nilofer (Nymphea alba Linn) and Kaahu (Lactuca sativa Linn) in mental disorders has been mentioned in Unani medicine, but no experimental evidence is reported for these drugs.
6.2 / Review of literature:
Mental problems have been recognized from the earliest time in Unani Medicine by the famous Greek physician, Hippocrates (460-377BC) 7.The description in classical literature of Unani medicine is available, but in separate expressions aswaswasinMalikholia (melancholia), Junoon(insanity), Bedari (insomnia), and Khafqaan (palpitation)8.Anxiety disorders are most common of all psychiatric disorders throughout the world. Conventional treatments for anxiety include the benzodiazepines, antidepressants and buspirone in low doses, which are associated with certain disadvantages also. In Unani System of Medicine, several drugs have been reported to have beneficial effects in psychiatric (mental) disorders. Keeping in view, the prevalence rates of anxiety and the side effects of the conventional allopathic medicine, it was intended to study safer and effective treatment of anxiety.
Kaahu (Lactuca sativa Linn), is grown mostly as a cold weather crop in the plains of India. Kaahu commonly known as “Garden Lettuce” is useful in insomnia, nervousness, wakefulness due to mental work, head ache, fevers, active inflammations, bronchitis, asthma and pertussis, etc..Used in insomnia, nervous excitability, anxiety, restlessness, hyperactivity in children, nymphomania, smoker’s cough, irritable cough and bronchitis9,10.
Nilofer(Nymphaea albaLinn)is used in high fevers, in heat apoplexy and inflammatory diseases of brain. It is also used in insomnia for its mild sedative action.Flowers and rhizomesof Nilofer acts as astringent, demulcent, mild sedative, spasmolytic, antiseptic, antimicrobial11.
  • To evaluate the anti anxiety activity of Kaahu (seeds of Lactuca sativa Linn) and Nilofer (flowers of Nymphea alba Linn) in animal models.

7. / Materials and Methods :
7.1 / Source of data :
Laboratory data will be generated out of experimentation in the Department of Ilmul Advia, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore
7.2 / Method of collection of data (including sampling, if any):
Elevated Plus-Maze Test 12
Elevated Plus-Mazeconsists of two opposite open arms 50x10 cm crossed with two close arms of the same dimensions with walls 40 cm high. The arms are connected to a central square 10x10 cm2 to give the apparatus a plus sign appearance. It is elevated to a height of 40 cm from the ground.
Forty Albino rats of either sex will be selected randomly. Healthy albino rats of either sex weighing 150-200gms will be included. The selected rats are divided into 4 groups having 10 rats in each group. Control group will receive distilled water at a dose of 5ml/kg/b.w orally. Standard group will receive diazepam syrup at a dose of 0.5mg/kg/b.w orally. Test group 1 will receive hydroachoholic extract of Kaahu at a dose of 1gm/kg/b.w orally.Test group 2 will receive hydroalchoholic extract of Nilofer at a dose of 0.4mg/kg/b.w orally. The doses for animals have been extrapolated from the human dose
The vehicle, test drugs and reference standard would be administered for 7 days and on the seventh day one hour after drug administration; they would be assessed for antianxiety using Elevated Maze Plus.
  • Latency of the entry of the closed arm in seconds.
  • Number of entries in open and closed arms (entry defined as entry of 4 paws into the arm).
  • Average time spent by the animal in each arm.
Statistical analysis: Comparison of the activity of animal in each group for time spent in open arm, closed arm, and number of entries in each armby one way ANOVA with Dennett’s multiple “t” test.
7.3 / Does the study require any investigations (or) interventions to be conducted on patients (or) humans (or) animals? If so, please describe briefly. / Yes, all experiments will be conducted on the albino rats of either sex.
7.4 / Has ethical clearance has been obtained through the ethical community, formulated in the institution? / Applied for ethical clearance
8. / List of References:
1)Tripathi KD. Essential of Medical Pharmacology. 6th Edition. New Delhi; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, 2008: p.449
2)The Encyclopaedia of Mental Health, Third Edition Copyright 2008, by Ada P. Kahn, Ph.D. Facts On File Inc, An imprint of InfoBase Publishing, New York, p.41.
3)Maulvi Firozuddin,Jame Firoz-Ul-Lughat, Educational Publishing House, Delhi-6, 2004: p. 99 & 1368.
4)Kessler R.C, Berglund P, Demler O. et al. Lifetime prevalence and age ofonset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National ComorbiditySurvey Replication. Archives of General Psychiatry. 2005:62: p.593-602, 617-627
5)Davidson’s Principles and practices of Medicine, 21st edition, edited by R.Colledge, Brain R.Walker, Stuart H.Ralston.2010: p.241
6)Traditional Medicine – Growing needs and Potential, No.2, May 2002: World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva.
7)Kendell RE, The distinction between mental and physical illness, Br J Psychiat, 178(2001); p. 490-493.
8)GhaniMN, Khazianul Advia, Vol. 2, Sheikh Mohd. Bashar & Sons, Lahore, 1926: p.863-864.
9)Hakeem Mohammed Abdul Hakeem, Busthaanul Mufradaat, Idare Kithab-ul-Shifa, New Delhi: p.423-424.
10)Hakim Najmul Ghani, Khazainul-Advia, Idare Kithab-ul-Shifa, p.1012-1013, 1329-1330.
11)Hakim Mohammad Said, Hamdard Pharmacopoeia of Eastern Medicine, 2nd edition, Karachi, 1970, Reprint edition: 1997, Published by Sri Satguru Publications, Indological and Oriental Publishers, A division of Indian Books Centre, Delhi-110007.: p.48.
12)Lister R. The use of a plus-maze to measure anxiety in the mouse. Psychopharmacology. 1987; 92(2): p180–185.
9. / Signature of the candidate
10. / Remark of the guide
11. / 11.1 Name anddesignation of Guide / Dr. Ghulamuddin Sofi
Department of Ilmul Advia
National Institute of Unani Medicine
11.2 Signature
11.3Head of theDepartment / Prof. Abdul Wadud
Head of the Department
of Ilmul Advia
National Institute of Unani Medicine
11.4 Signature
12. / 12.1Remarks of the Principal

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