Farmer’s Dilemma
Go over each of the documents (A- I.)
For each of the documents answer these 4 questions.
1. What is the problem? (from the farmer’s perspective)
2. Who is to blame? (from the Farmer’s perspective)
3. How are they to blame? (from the farmer’s Perspective)
4. How would that “group” (bankers, corporations, middlemen, etc.) respond to this blame? (what would they say is the reason for the “ex.” High interest rates?)
Finally, write an intro, with a THESIS STATEMENT, and (2-3) topic sentences on EITHER of the following essay questions.
1. Why was the Populist Party so appealing to farmers in the late 19th century?
2. “In the late 19th century, farmers failed to understand economics and their role in the market economy, so they looked for scapegoats for all of their problems.” Support or refute this statement.
Your INTRO should provide context (time and place)
Your THESIS should Answer the question and provide sub-topics.
Your TOPIC SENTENCES should relate back to the thesis and provide a clear idea of what the rest of the paragraph would cover.