Professor Graham Henderson CBE DL

Postgraduate Progression Scholarships


Professor Graham Henderson CBE DL, led Teesside University with great distinction as its Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, for over 12 years before his retirement in 2015. During his tenure the University experienced significant growth and received a number of national accolades. In 2015 he gave £2,500 to the University’s Development Fund to institute a new postgraduate scholarships programme. As a result of Professor Henderson’s generosity the University now hasfour postgraduate scholarships available for the 2015/16 academic year, each with a cash value of £750.

Please complete this form if you wish to be considered for a Professor Graham Henderson CBE DL progression scholarship.

As there are a limited number of scholarships available, applications will be judged on the basis of the information you provide in this application. Each application will be considered by a panel of senior staff of the University. Your completed application form should be returned no later than Friday 7 August 2015. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by post/email on or before 31 August 2015.

Return your completed form to:

Personal Details




Post Code:Contact Telephone Number:

Email Address:

Date of Birth:

Please list your academic qualifications:

Have you lived in North Yorkshire or the Tees Valley for at least the last two years?

Yes / No

Applicant Statement

Your response to these four questions will be used to assess whether you receive one of the four available Professor Graham Henderson CBE DL progression scholarships.

It is recommended that you limit each response to no more than 250 words.

A)What would the award of a postgraduate scholarship mean to you?

B)What are your expectations for your learning from your MA / MSc course?

C)What are your career ambitions and how will a postgraduate qualification assist you in achieving them?

D)How will you use your new knowledge and skills to benefit the communities in which you live and work?





Please continue on a separate sheet if required

Applicant Signed: ...... Date: ...... /...... /......