A GPMHA Strategic Plan
Vision 2018

August 17, 2015

Facilitated by

TeamWorks Canada Inc.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Strategic Plan History...... 3

GPMHA Vision Statement...... 4

GPMHA Mission Statement...... 5

GPMHA Core Values...... 6

Strategic Plan Key Success Factors...... 7

Strategic Plan Core Strategies...... 9

  1. Organizational Governance Strategy...... 10
  2. Hockey Development Strategy...... 13
  3. Financial Strategy...... 15
  4. Marketing and Communications Strategy...... 17

SWOT Analysis...... 20

Environmental Scan...... 22

Introduction and Strategic Plan History

This Vision 2018 Strategic Plan reflects the Board of Director’s planning vision for the next three years of GPMHA and is designed to identify priorities and responsibilities in a variety of core areas important to achieving the vision of becoming a leader in our sport and in the Peace Country.

The process of developing this Strategic Plan began early in the 2013-14 season following a period of change in association leadership. The Board of Directors had significant discussion and a decision was made to perform a review of the association. In May 2014 the Board of Directors participated in an association review that included a “Team Effectiveness Review” to identify strengths and issues at the executive level followed by a mini summit approach to discuss key issues facing the game in Alberta, Grande Prairie and the Peace Country. A series of short presentations followed by discussion and review identified a number of key areas for ongoing attention and commitment. Following this review in May 2014 a major and important outcome was a director commitment to engage in a strategic planning process.

An initial Strategic Planning retreat was conductedon June 13 and 14th, 2014 to draft a new vision and mission for the association, identify core values of GPMHA and to establish criteria to consistently evaluate the association’s efforts over the life of the strategic plan.A second workshop on August 25th further developed our plan. Two additional meetings in November 2014 and April 2015 completed this strategic plan.

Through this strategic planning process the Board has identified and agreed to five key measurement areas(pg7). These key measurement areas are Organizational Excellence, Volunteer and Staff Satisfaction, Member and Participant Satisfaction, Regional Leadership and Innovative Programs and Services. Annually an evaluation will be undertaken to ensure we are doing as we said we would, a key component in ensuring our commitment to continuous improvement and success.

Four Core Strategies were articulated during the planning process and work to help frame the focal points for Board and Senior Staff over the next three years. These core strategies include:

  1. Organizational Strategy
  2. Financial Strategy
  3. Hockey Development Strategy
  4. Marketing and Communications Strategy

The Board of Directors have made a commitment to continueevolvingas a governance board that operates in an ethical manner with modern and high level governance practices. The value that the staff and volunteers of GPMHAcontribute to the overall success of GPMHA has been reinforced and initiatives have been identified to recognize their contributions and ensure their long term stability and ongoing professional development.

Since 1960, GPMHA has been a place for Peace Country athletes to participate and learn important skills to participate in the game of hockey and to become positive contributors to our communities. The future is bright for Grande Prairie Minor Hockey Association as we become “a leader and ambassador for young athletes and families throughout the Peace Country”.

A GPMHA Vision

A Vision Statement is an idealistic view or image of what we want our future to look like at a certain future point in time. It has dreamlike qualities, future hopes and aspirations, even if they are never fully attainable. It is an energizing and inspiring statement of where and what we want to be in the future.

Visioning is a process that enables us to put reason aside – temporarily – and look beyond the present to the future, as we would like it to be.

“It can’t be done” is irrelevant. How to turn a vision into a reality is something that happens after the vision is created.

A Vision must be:

1. Leader initiated, shared and supported

2. Positive & inspiring – it is a reach, a challenge.

3. Comprehensive and detailed

Our Vision for GPMHAis:

To Be……..

. . . a leader and ambassador for young athletes and families throughout the Peace Country.

A GPMHA Mission

Our mission statement outlines the purpose towards which we commit our people and their efforts. These are the reasons for the existence of Grande Prairie Minor Hockey Association and it clearly describes whom we are making our commitment to, and what we produce as outcome benefits for them. Our Mission Statement is more pragmatic than the Vision Statement. It is more realistic, more focused and more achievable – by design. It describes our unique purpose and outlines the business we are in. The Mission Statement helps us answer important questions.

  1. Why do we exist?
  2. What’s our reason for being?
  3. What do we produce and provide?
  4. In benefit and outcome terms.
  5. Who do we serve?
  6. Who are our customers and clients?

Our Mission at GPMHAis:

To provide our communitya safe and fun environment

using progressive tools, innovative programs and skill development

to promote long term growth for players, coaches and volunteers,

giving respectful leaders and contributors.

The GPMHA Core Values

Core Values are our fundamental beliefs about how we should act while accomplishing our mission and conducting our business. These form the principles that guide our daily behaviours. The way we apply our values will contribute to our overall public image as an organization. This will help others to form their impressions of us, based on how they are treated by our staff and our volunteers. Our core values describe what we believe in and how we will act at individually and collectively. We are expected to honour, practice and live all of them in every situation.

Team Work and Collaboration

We are committed to teamwork. Working together withrespect and trust being a key to our health and which supports our ability

to work as a team.

Ethical Behaviors, Professional Reputation and Respect

We will be a strong organization built on ethical behaviors which commands trust and respect within our community.

Trust and Communication

We provide a framework of expectations and clarity of roles. With consistent communication and feedback, the best interest of

the association will be achieved.

Service, Contribution and Acknowledgement

We will provide a progressive, safe and organized environment for individuals to develop as leaders and positive contributors to society. We will acknowledge the contributions, excellence and achievements’ and efforts of all our stakeholders.


We seek challenges and progressive ideas to provide solutions that foster fun and excitement at every level.

Personal Goals

In recognizing individual strengths and weaknesses, we commit to personal growth and development as an individual and as ateam.

Relationships, Family and Friends

We will create an atmosphere of accessibility and opportunities for all to build and maintain positive relations.

Health and Fitness

We will promote the physical and emotional well-being of our participants by providing a fun, safe and healthy environment.

Key Success Factors

Our key success factors are our measures of success. They measure how effectively Grande Prairie Minor Hockey is achieving their vision, mission and values on a year-by-year basis. It is our scorecard for continuous improvement and success. These factors should be evaluated annually. Year One will establish a benchmark to enable more accurate data on how we are doing at our business. Each year’s evaluation data will clearly shows how we are doing and can help us be effective in our efforts.

Organizational Excellence

  • Financial accountability and transparency with fiscally responsible record keeping.
  • Clear roles and responsibilities and expectations at all levels.
  • Policies and Procedures are implemented consistently and we are accountable.
  • Annual planning and evaluation.

Measurement Tools

Regular analysis of Budget Variances.

Ongoing review of Financial Processes.

Monthly Team Financial Statements.

Exceptional Board Governance exemplified by:

  • Identified Yearly Priorities developed collaboratively by the Executive Director and Board.
  • Annual reviews and evaluation of programs and policy & procedures.
  • Annual board evaluation survey.

Volunteer and Staff Satisfaction

  • Positive and fulfilling experiences for all staff, elected and appointed volunteers.
  • Positive growth and experiences of our staff and volunteers.
  • Numbers of volunteers is maintained and / or increased.

Measurement Tools

Annual satisfaction survey of volunteers.

Annual reviews with staff.

Provideconsistent opportunities for feedback.

Number of complaints and issues.

Key Success Factors continued

Member and Participant Satisfaction

  • Positive experiences for all our members and participants.
  • Retention of our current registration base and growth in numbers.
  • Members are positive ambassadors for GPMHA and the game of hockey.

Measurement Tools

Satisfaction surveys from members, coaches and players.

Post event evaluations, annual reviews.

Informal feedback.

Innovative and Progressive Programs and Services

  • Innovative programs and services that respond to our customer needs.

Measurement Tools

Variety of programs and services offered year to year.

Number of people participating in our programs and services.

Number of opportunities where our clients and stakeholders are engaged (Town Halls).

Tracking of players coming back as coaches and volunteers (medium and long term).

Summary reports on what we did and why we did it.

Community, member and participant feedback.

Regional Leadership

  • Our programs and services are offered to other communities and groups in the Peace Region.
  • Our leaders also provide support and leadership regionally providing for positive impacts.

Measurement Tools

Number of players and coaches coming to GPMHA to participate for try-outs and to make our teams where allowed.

Number of programs and services offered to the zone.

GPMHA leaders graduate or are involved at the regional or zone level.

Core Strategies

Our Core Strategies are the primary means for GPMHAto keep focused on its vision and mission… “to be a leader and ambassador… thus they are the “glue” and “organizing framework” for all parts of the organization. Core Strategies are the key important areas where we will focus our efforts and work in “bridging the gap” over thelife of our strategic plan – from our Current State Assessment (where we are today) to our Ideal Future State (where we want to be in the future).

Organizational Governance Strategy

The Board of Directors have made a commitment to continue evolving towards a board that operates in an ethical manner with modern and high level governance practices. They will endeavor to provide an effective, efficient and responsive mechanism to govern and manage Grande Prairie Minor Hockey that honours and respects our By-Laws, Policies and Procedures, as well as those of Hockey Alberta and Hockey Canada.

Hockey Development Strategy

We will provide training, education and skill development programs and services for players and those who support them. We believe it to be important that our players are taught appropriate skills at all levels and that early in their participation young players must be taught the basic skills important to their participation and safety. We believe it important to develop our coaches so that they in turn can develop young players that will enjoy the game and participate in the game for life.

Finance Strategy

We will endeavor to maintain stable financial operation, covering our costs, maintaining positive cash flows and to meet our financial obligations including the maintenance of the fixed costs of our operation. Balanced budgets and the development of a reserve to support critical situations and or emergencies is our responsibility. We believe that facilities and ice access is key to our future success. We will be diligent in our relationships with our partners.

Marketing and Communications Strategy

We will move towards incorporating social media into our operations including enhancing our web page, the use of social media.

We believe it a very important requirement to continually develop, monitor and maintain our relationships with our sponsors.

Core Strategies and Actions

The following pages provide a more detailed list of goals to be achieved within each of the Core Strategies. It also includes a three year view and an indication of the lead roleto accomplish the actions.

Strategy #1 Organizational Development Strategy

Strategy Description: The Board of Directors have made a commitment to continue evolving towards a board that operates in an ethical manner with modern and high level governance practices. They will endeavor to provide an effective, efficient and responsive mechanism to govern and manage Grande Prairie Minor Hockey that honours and respects our By-Laws, Policies and Procedures, as well as those of Hockey Alberta and Hockey Canada.

FROM 2014TO 2018

  • Experiential and historicalknowledge is used to make decisions.
  • Reactive in our work.
  • Unable to analyze.
  • Unable to forecast.
  • Limited number of people willing to be responsible.
  • Formalized process.
  • Be more proactive in our work.
  • Improved analytics.
  • Improved planning processes and timing of planning activities.
  • Clear awareness of the business cycles of minor hockey.
  • Organizational efficiencies are identified and improved.

Organizational Governance Strategy

KEY GOALS / EXPLANATIONACTIONS / 20152016 / 2016 2017 / 20172018 / LEAD ROLE
Organizational Structure /
  1. Review the board committee structure to identify changes and adjustments to accurately reflect our operations..15-16
  2. Establish new Standing Committees as required..15-16
/ 
 /  /  / President
Policy & Procedure Manual (PPM) /
  1. Review and approve work done to date by committee. .15-16
  2. Publish completed PPM for membership. .15-16
  3. Governance Committee to review all governance documents and report back to the executive with recommendations annually.
/ 

 / 
 / 
 / Governance
Conduct a “gap analysis” in our formalized processes /
  1. Determine what already exists in writing and what needs to be developed.
  2. Committee to report findings to the Board for review. Prioritize and assign development of process.
  3. Committee to present completed process to the Board for approval.
  4. Conduct yearly reviews of our processes.
/ 

 /  /  / Governance
Formalize Job Descriptions Executive Members /
  1. Standing Committee to research and develop appropriate descriptions for all executive members and committees.
  2. Review and approval by the Board.
  3. Committee to review and recommend changes and adjustments annually.
/ 

 / 

 / 

 / Governance
Formalize Job Descriptions for
Non-executivePositions /
  1. Standing Committee to review and update all in a consistent format.
  2. Commissioners
  3. Office Staff
  4. Committees
  5. Team Staff
  6. Other Volunteer Positions
/ 
 / 

 /  / Governance
Executive Director

Organizational Governance Strategy continued

KEY GOALS / EXPLANATIONACTIONS / 2015 2016 / 2016 2017 / 2017
2018 / LEAD ROLE
Succession Planning /
  1. Develop a succession plan for executive positions.
/  /  / Governance Committee
Succession Planning /
  1. Develop a succession plan for staff positions.
/  /  / Governance Committee
Information Gathering /
  1. Develop a plan including methodology for conducting surveys, town halls etc.
  2. Conduct regular feedback sessions with members and coaches.
/ 
 / 
 / 
 / Governance Committee
Training & Development /
  1. Ensure funding is available to train staff as required.
  2. Put together “development plans” for all staff positions.
/ 
 / 
 / Executive Director and HR Committee

Strategy #2 Hockey Development Strategy

Strategy Description: We will provide training, education and skill development programs and services for players and those who support them. We believe it to be important that our players are taught appropriate skills at all levels and that early in their participation young players must be taught the basic skills important to their participation and safety. We believe it important to develop our coaches so that they in turn can develop young players that will enjoy the game and participate in the game for life.

FROM 2014 TO 2018

  • Mandatory certification is causes resentment.
  • Minimal recognition for coaches and volunteers.
  • Lack of direction to coaches from the Board.
  • Lack of communication between the Board and coaches.
  • Sense of entitlement.
  • Not accountable for what is happening???
  • Finding non-parent coaches is a challenge.
  • Coaches actively seeking more education, showing pride in learning.
  • Rewards including coach and player of the month with clear criteria identified.
  • Regular opportunities for dialogue between executive and coaches.
  • Consistent awareness and education messages for parents.
  • Improved oversight and support for Technical Director by the Board.
  • Commissioners hold persons and teams accountable.
  • We have a policy that is right and works to have the best available coaches in place.

Hockey Development Strategy

KEY GOALS / EXPLANATION ACTIONS / 2015 2016 / 20162017 / 2017 2018 / LEAD ROLE
Development /
  1. Sell the value of certification and supplemental training and hostseveral of each.
  2. Develop a rewards system for team staff. Participation goes towards Yearly Awards, Rewards and hiring implications for next season.
  3. Simplify coach, team staff evaluations – forms and timing.
  4. First Coach meeting must be mandatory.
/ 

 / 

 / 

 / Development Committee
Development /
  1. Coaches to have seasonal plans for their teams and players with support from the Technical Director.
  2. Conduct special skills sessions for both recreation and competitive coaches for development.
  3. Conduct classroom sessions for mental skills training and team building.
  4. Shared initiatives with the Junior A Storm.
/ 

 / 

 / 

 / Development Committee
Board and
Development /
  1. Conduct an orientation session for all board members after each AGM.
  2. Review roles and expectations.
  3. Provide ongoing regular training for volunteers as required. Identify and to develop new leaders.
  4. Continue with annual board retreats for planning, evaluation and program reviews.
/ 

 / 

 / 

 / President
Executive Director
Awareness /
  1. Incorporate awareness programs for players and parents as players move up categories.
  2. Offer awareness programs around bullying, nutrition, respect and others as identified.
/ 
 / 
 / 
 / Development Committee
Development /
  1. Identify and plan for “continuing education” for staff.
  2. Incorporate staff in board and staff retreats for planning and evaluation of programs.
/ 
 / 
 / 
 / President
Executive Director
Reward & Recognition Program /
  1. Create a Rewards and Recognition Program for players, coaches, volunteers of the month and Board Member of the Year.
  2. Develop criteria for all rewards.
  3. Conduct monthly and annual recognition exercises.
/ 

 / 

 / 

 / Development & Volunteer Committees
Core Values /
  1. Incorporate core values into all of our hockey programs.
  2. Create an orientation program and package for all coaches.
/ 
 / 
 / 
 / Development Committee

Strategy #3 Financial Strategy