Economic History Society

Women’s Committee

14th Annual Workshop

Information and Social Knowledge:

From Gossip to the Internet

Friday 7 November 2003

5.15 p.m. at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House,
Malet Street, London

Round-table discussion information in economic explanation, social and urban history, the history of science and technology and medical history. Speakers: Pat Hudson (University of Cardiff), David Green (King’s College London), Jon Agar (London), Cornelie Usborne (University of Roehampton)

Saturday 8 November 2003

in the Local History Room, at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet Street, London

9.30 Arrival and coffee

10.00-10.45 Social knowledge and modernity

Adelheid von Saldern (University of Hannover), Modernisation and political systems as challenges for urban ways of living: Towards a history of social knowledge

Chair: Eve Rosenhaft (University of Liverpool)

11.00 -12.15 Gender, power and information technologies

Flis Henwood (University of Brighton), Informing gender: health, the internet, and everyday life

Alison Adam and Helen Richardson (University of Salford), Women working the wires? From the telegraph to telephone call centres

Chair: Cornelie Usborne (University of Surrey, Roehampton)

12.15-1.30 Lunch and Women’s Committee meeting

1.30-2.30 Early Career Researchers’ Panel

Claire Jones (University of Liverpool), There as a mathematician, not a woman: Grace Chisholm Young and the mathematical community at the “shrine of pure thought” in late nineteenth- century Germany

Sandra Mols (University of Manchester), The faulty stardom of early electronic computers: The computing laboratory as a nursery for the curing of computer faults and errors

Chair: Graeme Gooday (University of Leeds)

2.45-4.00 Money and information in everyday life

Judith Spicksley (University of Hull), Was the single woman really marginal? Lending and information networks in seventeenth-century England

David Green (King’s College London), Wealth transmission in the 19th century: Knowing where to find your money

Chair: Pat Hudson (University of Cardiff)

4.00-4.15 Closing discussion

Drinks reception

Accommodation is provided for speakers only. Other participants seeking reasonably-priced accommodation in London are advised to visit the following website and click on WC1:

Conference fee: £25, £12 students and unwaged, includes buffet lunch, coffee, tea and drinks on 8 November. Some bursaries may be available for postgraduate students; please enquire.

Further information: Contact Dr Eve Rosenhaft, School of Modern Languages, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZR (E-mail )


Registration Form

Information and Social Knowledge, 7-8 November 2003

I wish to attend the workshop, and enclose a cheque for ______(£25 full fee, £12 students and unwaged).

I have the following special dietary needs: ______

I require a receipt (please tick)


Mailing address


Please send this to Information Conference, c/o Dr Eve Rosenhaft, School of Modern Languages, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZR. Cheques should be made out to Dr Eve Rosenhaft (Conference Account).