Professional Technical Contract and Customized EmploymentUpdate on 4/17/18

Welcome everybody

to our Webex. This is

Gretchen. I will be

your host for this

training … (housekeeping)

We'll do all

communications via the

chat function…

I will turn it over to our

trainer, Chris and Anne

> Thank you so

much. Good afternoon

everybody. My name is

Chris McVey. I'm the

strategic partnership

director with vocational

rehabilitation services.

To my left is --

> Anne, I'm the rehab

specialist community


> Focus of our webinar

today is twofold. First,

is providing key updates

regarding the

professionals technical

master services

contract. Second is on

updates of customized


> Today we want to

help everybody identify

the key changes

professional master

services contract

amendment process.

We want to help identify

the key dates for

community partner so

we can request contract


> Also to help in


regarding VRS plan to

ensure knowledge and

competence for

community partners

who offer employment.

Let's start with our first

key update. Which is

the PT contract

amendment process.

> Today we wanted to

talk about what was.

Versus what is. What

was historically we've

had operating agreements.

> What is now

actually starting in

2012, VRS moved from

old operating

agreements to

professional technical

contracts in 2012.

Really within that

2012-2017, there was

some additional with

VRS to move into the

flow of the deeds and

the office for

procurement or office of


Essentially what we

needed to do is really up

our game. We needed

to be able to move into

the flow and the

expectations that are

required of us as a state

of Minnesota entity as

an agency within a

department. Within the

state of Minnesota.

> What was, VRS has

owned contracting

process. We can do

amendments any time.

> What is now is that

the office of

procurement owns final

review of each PT

contract and the

amendment process

only they can execute

the contract. The fees

any time in the past,

now we're looking at an

amendment opportunity

twice yearly.

> Historically we could

have increases any time

added to our


> We recognize that

our partners have been

able to request

amendment at any time

in years past. What we

need to do coming into

upping our game

around PT contract and

the entire contracting

process, is to set some

guidelines and set some

opportunities so that it's

not coming in at all

times but rather it's in a

measured way that

allows us to consider

our other work flows as

well. In that case, the

amendments will now be

taking place twice yearly

rather than at any time.

> What was.

Operating agreement,

we can finalize

internally with

opportunities and VRS


> What we have now as

will be outlining in the

webinar, is that there

are multiple sign-offs

and ultimately the office

of procurement has a

final signature. This

additional bullet that we

have here will be going

into that in one of the

upcoming. As we've

learned from deeds VRS,

the fees are locked for

the length of the PT

contract. Let's talk

about the reasons to

amend a PT contract.

First of all, we know

that there are providers

that have been

anxiously awaiting the

opportunity to amend

their contract. Because

they want to add

services to their PT

contract. We want to

allow more of that

opportunity so freewayer

with offer needed

services for VRS clients

that are not currently

offered. We're looking

also to align service


> As of 2017

contracting pross what

we did, we did the fee

schedule to align better

with our voc-rehab


> Within our policy

guidance we have the

same information

relating to not only the

services but also some

definitions. We wanted

to seek ways to reduce

confusion on VRS and

community partners

staff and invoicing.

There may be synapses

with this new

amendment contract

process where VRS may

request community

partner to make

changes to an existing

contract. For example,

there may be under the

under PT contract that

exist now, there are

some providers that

have other services that

might be better fit in

some of tip -- typical

services. We're looking

to reduce confusion and

create understanding

across VRS and

community partners. I

was doing recognizing

that in the past, our

community partners

have been able to

submit a PT contract

amendment request.

Solely for the reason of

increasing the fees to

their contract. they

have refer us to

statutory language.

That says fees to the fee

for services without any

other changes. In a

scope of work, or

deliverable. Are rarely

if ever justifiable. it

would require the

services must have

changed significantly

and justify that in

signature services. We

recognize this is

departure what has

been the case.

> we want to provide

fee date. [can't hear]

> Then, the approved

PT contract amendment

will be in effect no later

than September 30,

2018. What we really

want to do encourage

those of you considering

an amendment to your

PT contract, please stay

true and focus on that

early end of the dates

that are available as

we're going to share

with you, there is many

steps to be able to move

from the request to a

fully executed contract.

Therefore, in order to

have that PT contract

amendment in place by

September 30th, we are

really encouraging you

to opt for the earlier

date like in early to

mid-may. If you are

submitting your PT

contract amendment

request in the tail end of

June, we cannot assure

that your PT contract

will be amended by

September 30th. We're

trying to allow for some

additional time in order

to ensure that the

process that's required

and the time that it

takes for each of these

areas that we're not so

in a crunch time

situation. Again, the

sooner you get those

amendment request to

us the better.

> The PT contract

amendment step by step

process, community

partner must request a

PT contract amendment

proposal via VRS grant

app address that's

available. Then you

will e-mail PT contract

amendment proposal to

me Anne Paulson.

> We should let you

know that in your

request for PT contract

amendment form, that

will be sent to you. It is

a fillable form. We

wanted to create ease

for you in terms of being

able to get that

developed and then sent

back to us. The sooner

you can move that

forward and get that

contract amendment

proposal to us, the

better. Earlier than

later in May. This is a

new step for us that

we're including. In

regarding the

amendment approval

process. The VRS

leadership team once

Anne receives the

application, amendment

request, VRS leadership

team will review each

community department

amendment proposal

that is submitted.

Then will approve or

decline the amendment

proposal based on

service needs. This is

very important to us in

that we want the

services that are being

provided to VRS to meet

the needs of what we're

looking for. Under the

umbrella of WIOA, these

are the elements that we

wanting to see so that

we have the services

that are going to be best

meet our clients? needs.

The VRS leadership

team will be making

those decisions and

either approving or

declining the proposal.

If they are approved

they will move forward.

If they are decline, there

will be contact made to

the provider indicating

the reason for the

declining. There may

be time if there's

something that needs to

be adjusted, that it

could be resubmitted.

> The PT contract

amendment step by step

process. Deed

administrative fiscal

services contract will

conduct a review of the

community patterns

existing PT contract.

They take it seriously.

They really looking at

everything with a fine


> That -- as we've been

advised from deeds AFS.

They will look existing

PT contract. And

determine based on the

amendment that before

them are there any

similarities to what is

already being provided

and if they feel as

though there's a degree

without a differences.

They may not allow the

amendment to continue

on. That's an

important part of the

process. We have

contract attorneys that

are taking a look at

language and services

proposed and really

from a state of

Minnesota as the entity,

taking that careful

review. This is a

contract with the state

of Minnesota. It's

upping our game, I

think, across the board.

With our community

partners. Once it's

approved by deed-AFS.

The contract

amendment will be

returned to deeds AFS.

> They will send

drafted PT contract

amendment to the

community partner for

signature. We will go

ahead and have you

return that to us.

> It's only after it's

been approved by

deeds-AFS. We would

be -- Anne will be

working with the you as

the provider to make

any of the changes that

was suggested by

DEEDS-AFS. Anne will

ensure that the contract

is routed for signature

to the following. Her

responsibility will be to

ensure that it goes to

Kim Peck who is the

deeds VRS director.

The macro view here is

that Kim as the deeds

VRS director it will

ensure it went to acting

service. They will then

carefully review the

contract and if they

approve, which we hope

they would, then they

would sign off on it.

Then from there, it goes

to the department of

administration's office of

procurement. Their

contract management

staff. They will also do

a very careful in-depth

review. To let you know

as we've been

understanding through

deeds AFS each step will

take about two weeks.

This is a time

consuming process as

well. This is something

that has been learning

curve for us. We've

come along and upped

our game again. Come

in line what the state of

Minnesota requires for

any contractor or any

vendor who's providing

services for the state of

Minnesota. Or the

individuals that we


> The department of

administration office of

procurement, they will

return contract back to


will notify the contract.

Once we get the

executed signed PT

contract back, we'll send

to the community

partner that will be

added to our DEED-VRS

site and DEED-VRS will

be notified.

> I hope you get a

sense of what the many

subsets it takes. This

was the same process

when we had the 2017

PT contract put in place.

It's when you amend

your PT contract, it goes

through a process same

as an approval. Please

know, this is something

that I think with what

was versus what is.

What was is that the

provider could see that

Kim Peck signed off on

it. That's all that was

required. There are

many signatures

required. There are

many steps in the

process. Each of those

steps takes as we're

being told instructed

about two weeks each.

This is at least 8 to 10

weeks from start to

completion. Starting

getting amendment

request in May is highly


> Once again, if you

have any questions,

contact me Anne

Paulson. There's my

e-mail address and

phone number.

> Anne is available for

any questions that you

have regarding the PT

contract, even though

it's in existence now,

just know that she's

available. Let's move

on to the second key

update. Which is

around customized

employment. Within

VRS, we have taken

some time and done

some deep heavy work

regarding what does

customized employment

means. Engaging with

number of community

partners in some

training through Marc

Gold and associates.

It's so essential that the

individuals that are

providing customized

employment not only do

they need to have

training but they also

need to demonstrate

their competency in

delivering those

services. I think that in

putting this process in

place, will be much

closer to where we need

to be to help individuals

requiring these services

getting the services that

they need but also to

have our VRS staff one

of your referral persons

for customized

employment, really

understanding who's

best served through

customized employment

and what compensate

customized employment

look like. In order for

community partner to

provide customized

employment services,

they must demonstrate

the following. The first

is, evidence of

completing ACRE

certified training within

the last three to five

years. ACRE certified

train is what the

standard is for the many

of the large providers of

customized employment

in the puss. Those

providers have a big

hand helping to elevate

customized employment

into a beginning by

agreeing what are the

essential components.

We felt that knowing in

Minnesota, we had

multiple training

institutes about


employment. The

second is that that

individual needs to

submit work samples of

a discovery assessment

and what we're looking

at is between two of our


Griffin-Hammis has

been providing


employment. He use a

list of 20 employers and

also in some cases

visual resume. That

would be an example of

the work samples that

we would be reviewing.

The second set of work

samples is through

Marc Gold and

associates. Combining

the training someone

received and the

evidence of competent

work sample is going to

be the ability for that

provider to continue or

to offer customized

employment on their PT

contract. What we

wanted to do in thinking

about how are we going

to measure competence

and thoughtfully

considering that there

are individuals around

the state, not many but

some, who has the

benefit of having both

the Griffin-Hammis

model of training. We

developed a customized

employment review.

These people will be

reviewing the worm

sample submitted by the

community partner that

wishes to continue or

add continue to provide

or add customized

employment to their PT

contract. It includes

Josh Dean, Margie

Webb who is a VRS

career counselor but

has what significant

experience and has done

work with individuals

with disabilities. Jolen

Juhl. See has been

working with her staff in

understanding and

delivering customized

employment services.

And Tony Gantenbein.

They will be looking at

the competency pieces

that you referred to.

What I like you to do is

consider joining us for a

May 15th webinar where

we will be laying out the

process for those

providers that are

planning to submit

evidence of the training

and the work samples

for the competence

review process.

Question that some may

have on their minds is

what happens if

customized employment

documents submitted.

In that case, customized

employment service will

not be lowed as a

service on the PT

contract. What we

want to do is help

people in their learning

process and allow for

opportunities for a

provider to add those

services. There may be

some instances where a

provider or that

individual doesn't quite

meet -- we want to be

flexible, but we'll be

laying that out in our

May 15th webinar. The

second is that in the

event that the

customized employment

services and the

documents submitted

are standard if after

some conversation, we

realized or the provider

realizes that they're not

able to provide

customized employment

based on our

competence standard,

that DEED-VRS will

remove customized

employment from

provider contract. Fees

for the customized

employment discovery

assessment. Lot of

questions are in the air

regarding this. As I as

a strategic initiative

director have looked at

all of the PT contracts of

providers that offer


employment. We do

see there's quite a bit of

difference in term what

is charged and whether

per hour or per flat rate

for service. DEED-VRS

is in discussion with

DHS to ensure the

reimbursement rate is

comparable regardless

of the funding stream.

There's something else

that we want to change

and adjust within the PT

contract for providers

that offer customized

employment. One of

the areas where there's

been confusion about

customized employment

is what it is and what

are the phases of


employment. I know

that with some of our

providers, they kind of

forecast it and put

customized employment

on their PT contract and

may have included


employment. And

finally understand there

are these distinctions

within customized

employment. The other

pieces of customized

employment, Jon

development and

systematic instruction

are funded in different

ways from the

assessment. What I

wanted to divert from

this slide is to say that

with the three areas of


employment, discovery,

assessment, job

development and

systematic construction.

The only piece that we're

talking about here that's


customized employment

is the discovery

assessment. What

we're going to be doing

with our providers that

want to offer customized

employment is to make

sure that your PT

contract reflects

appropriately and

include what it is we're

talking about. We

wanted to say on your

PT contract, customized

employment, discovery

assessment. We will

also have customized

employment PBS. It

includes job

development portion

and 20 hours

job -- there's no

distinction what we pay

for in retention services.

We are not at this point

making any change to

how we pay for

placement and retention

services under