Professional School Counselor Guidance Lesson Plan Form

School Corporation: / Muncie School Corporation
School Name: / Longfellow Elementary
Contact: / Danielle York
Indiana Student Standards for Guidance Addressed
Standard(s) addressed: / Career Development / Indicator(s)
addressed: / K-2.2.3 & K-2.2.6
Instructional Development
Grade Level(s): / K-2
Title: / When I Grow Up
Summary: / Counselor discusses different careers with students. Students draw a picture of what they want to be when they grow up. Explain how rocket takes them to their future.
Time Frame: / 20-30 minutes
Procedure: / 1.  Discuss with students what the word career means and different careers presented on power-point.
2.  Have students name other careers that they know about that adults in their community have.
3.  Ask students if they know what they want to be when they grow up.
4.  Explain to students “Rocket to The Future” worksheet. Explain that the rocket will take them to the star which is what they want to be when they grow up. Explain that each rocket needs fuel to fly and the fuel is the subjects at school in which they do well and they like. Explain that everyone’s rocket will use different fuel to go in different directions and that as the students grow older, they will learn new subjects that will help fuel their rocket.
5.  Have the students draw a picture of what they want to be when they grow up next to the star on the worksheet.
6.  Discuss with the students what they drew and have the students take the picture home to talk to the adults in their life about what they want to be when they grow up.
How will mastery of the guidance indicator(s) be evaluated? / Students will draw a picture of what they want to be when they grow up and participate in discussion about different careers.
Learning Resources
Resources needed:
e.g., technology resources, media resources, books, web sites
You may include copyrighted materials in “resources needed,” but do not reproduce copyrighted materials in your lesson plan. Non-copyrighted materials need to be reproduced and included with your lesson plan. Cite sources here. / Counselor generated worksheet
Power-point presentation
Collaborative Partners:
e.g., advisory teachers, other teachers, community resource people
Contact information (optional)
Telephone: / 317-213-7381
E-Mail: /