Update Monday 26 August

Baby Shower

Wow, what a great event! I didn’t know there were so many specific names for pregnant animals and mammals, and surprised to see how many people are in tune with TV families!!!! Thank you and well done to the organisers, gift purchasers, food providers (this was fantastic!!!) and Nadine for competently ‘MC’ing the evening. Congratulations and very best wishes for upcoming additions to Terry, Mary, Katrina, Lucy and Amy.

Professional Learning Day 25 October

Our last Minister Approved Professional Learning Day is scheduled for Friday 25 October, the day following Show Day. I would like to canvas staff interest in working Thursday 24 October the public holiday rather than Friday. Our plan for the day is not fully developed yet but may include Matthew Spicer, developing behaviour support strategies, follow –up So Safe, ASD specific , more ICT, professional learning communities and planning for 2014. There is a survey sheet in the staff room, please indicate your preference for working on either 24th October or 25th October.

Practice for Ribbon Day

Don’t forget the Ribbon Day skills practice on Thursdays at 1:30. The sports for this event include tennis and basketball.

Up coming events

Terrapin Puppets, 9/9/2013 first session in the hall/gym.

Ribbon Day – Special Olympics


Welcome back Libby, last week. Libby is doing Tuesday and Wednesday in the pool. Wendy Ried is working Tuesday and Wednesday in blue class and Tash working Tuesday and Wednesday in Red Class.

Anne Harvey has started a return to work schedule and will return to work in the kitchen and in Orange class.

Farewell Katrina

Wood Fired Pizza Oven

Please contact Pauline if you would like to be in the pizza oven group (even if you have already told her, please send a reminder email or note).

Initially a meeting is required to discuss how the use of the oven will be managed, what to do to get it set up for use and how to go about having some practice sessions with it.