Metcalfe - 1


Duncan Metcalfe


Museum Address:University of Utah

UtahMuseum of Natural History

1390 E Presidents Circle, Rm. 301

Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0050

Office - (801) 581-3876

FAX - (801) 585-3684

Department Address:University of Utah

Department of Anthropology

270 S 1400 E, Rm. 102

Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0060

Office - (801) 581-4494

FAX - (801) 581-6252



1987Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

Dissertation Title: Mate Choice and Sickle Cell Hemoglobin.

1982M.A., Anthropology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

1978B.S., Anthropology, University of Oregon, Eugene.


1997 - 2003Chief Curator,

UtahMuseum of Natural History

1995 - presentCurator of Archaeology,

UtahMuseum of Natural History

1992 - presentAssociate Professor, Department of Anthropology

1989 - 1995Associate Director, University of Utah Archaeological Center

1988 - 1995Adjunct Curator of Archaeology,

UtahMuseum of Natural History

1987 - 1992Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology

1986 - 1987Instructor, Department of Anthropology

1985 - 1986Adjunct Instructor, Department of Anthropology


Behavioral ecology, archaeological method and theory, and prehistory of western North America.


American Anthropological Association

Great Basin Anthropological Conference

Society for American Archaeology

Society for Archaeological Sciences

Utah Professional Archaeological Council

1993-95 Vice President for Governmental Affairs & Research


1999 Massimino, J., and D. Metcalfe

New Form for the Formative. Utah Archaeology 1999 12:1-16.

1996 Barlow, K., and D. Metcalfe

Plant Utility Indices: Two Great Basin Examples. Journal of Archaeological Science


1993 Barlow, K., P. Henriksen, and D. Metcalfe

Estimating Load Size in the Great Basin: Data on Conical Burden Baskets. Utah Archaeology

1993 6:27-37.

1992Metcalfe, D., and K. Barlow

A Model for Exploring the Optimal Tradeoff Between Field Processing and Transport. American

Anthropologist 94:340-356.

1990Metcalfe, D., and K. Heath

Microrefuse and Site Structure: The Hearths and Floors of the Heartbreak Hotel. American

Antiquity 55:781-796.

1988Metcalfe, D., and K. Jones

A Reconsideration of Animal Body Part Utility Indices. American Antiquity 53:486-504.

1988Jones, K., and D. Metcalfe

Bare Bones Archaeology: Bone Marrow Indices and Efficiency. Journal of Archaeological

Science 15:415-423.

1985Metcalfe, D., and L. Larrabee

Fremont Irrigation: Evidence from GooseberryValley, Central Utah. Journal of California

and Great Basin Anthropology 7(2):244-254.


1998 Metcalfe, D.

An Archaeological Assessment. In Visions of the Grand Staircase - Escalante: Examining

Utah’s Newest National Monument, edited by Robert B. Keiter, Sarah B. George, and Joro

Walker, pp. 31-40. Publishers Press, Salt Lake City.


1995 Metcalfe, D.

Archaeology. In Treading in the Past: Sandals of the Anasazi, edited by Kathy Kankainen,

pp. 11-17. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

1982Metcalfe, D.

Worked and Unworked Faunal Remains. In Final Year Excavations at the Evans Mound Site,

edited by W. M. Dodd, pp. 79-92. University of Utah Anthropological Papers, No. 106.

1981Metcalfe, D.

Charles B. Hunt Site. In Bull Creek, edited by J. D. Jennings and D. Sammons-Lohse,

pp. 48-52. University of Utah Anthropological Papers, No. 105.


2004 Spangler, Jerry D., Duncan Metcalfe, and K. Renee Barlow

Summary of the 2002-2003 Intuitive Surveys of the Wilcox Acquisition and Surrounding Lands,

RangeCreekCanyon. UtahMuseum of Natural History Report of Investigations 03-1.

Salt Lake City.

2002 Christensen, E. R., and D. Metcalfe

Results of Sourcing Obsidian Artifacts from FS-05-09-53-0995 and FS-05-09-53-0996 in the Warner Mountain Ranger District, Modoc National Forest, California. UtahMuseum of Natural History Report of Investigations 99-4. Salt Lake City, 9 pp. + appendices.

1997 Metcalfe, Duncan

Federal Curation Standards (36CFR79) and the UtahMuseum of Natural History’s Anthropology

Collections. UtahMuseum of Natural History Reports of Investigations 97.1. Salt Lake City,

12 pp. + appendices.

1995 Metcalfe, Duncan

Inventories of Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects in the Collections of the Utah Museum of Natural History from Lands Administered by the Bureau of Reclamation. Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, 78 pp.

1995 Metcalfe, Duncan

Inventories of Human Remains, Associated Funerary Objects, and Unassociated Funerary Objects in the Collections of the UtahMuseum of Natural History from Lands Administered by the Bureau of Land Management. UtahMuseum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, 255 pp.

1993O'Connell, J. F., and D. Metcalfe

University of Utah Archaeological Center Report of Activities, 1991-93. University of Utah

Archaeological Center Reports of Investigations, No. 93-2, 18 pp.

1993Barlow, K., and D. Metcalfe

1990 Archaeological Excavations at JoesValley Alcove. University of Utah Archaeological

Center Reports of Investigations, No. 93-1, 136 pp.

1991O'Connell, J., and D. Metcalfe

University of Utah Archaeological Center Report of Activities, 1989-91. University of Utah

Archaeological Center Reports of Investigations, No. 91-1, 27 pp.


1989Sharp, N., K. Lupo, and D. Metcalfe

Interim Report: Excavations in SquawPark. University of Utah Archaeological Center Reports

of Investigations, No. 89-3, 62 pp.

1989Metcalfe, D., and N. Shearin

Jordan River Marsh Survey. University of Utah Archaeological Center Reports of

Investigations, No. 89-1, 22 pp.

1984Metcalfe, D.

Gooseberry Archaeological Project: 1983. University of Utah Archaeological Center Reports

of Investigations, No. 83-1, 194 pp.

1984Metcalfe, D., and R. Holmer

Sampling Design. In Prehistoric and Historic Settlement in the Southeastern Great Basin,

edited by R. Holmer and J. O'Connell, pp. 109-116. University of Utah Archaeological Center

Reports of Investigations, No. 82-28.

1982Metcalfe, D.

The Cockscomb Project. University of Utah Archaeological Center Reports of Investigations,

No. 80-2, 123 pp.

1981Jones, K., and D. Metcalfe

Preliminary Report: Archaeological Research at NawthisVillage, 1981. University of Utah

Archaeological Center Reports of Investigations, No. 81-9, 28 pp.

1979Metcalfe, D., and J. F. O'Connell

Preliminary Report: Archaeological Research at NawthisVillage, 1979. University of Utah

Archaeological Center Reports of Investigations, No. 79-27, 17 pp.


1994 Metcalfe, D.

The Foods We Ignore. Salt LakeTribune, Natural History Column, 24 July:D1-2.

1994 Metcalfe, D., and J. F. O'Connell

Comment on the Presentation of Data in Archaeological Monographs. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 16:130-131.


1992Point of Pines, Arizona: A History of the University of Arizona Archaeological FieldSchool,

by E.W. Haury. American Antiquity 57:184.

1990The Archaeology of MonitorValley: 3. Survey and Additional Excavations, by D.H. Thomas.

American Antiquity 55:871-872.


2006 Metcalfe, D.

Archaeology of Range Creek. Geology and Geophysics Guy F. Atkinson Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

2005 Metcalfe, D.

Range Creek: A Fresh Lens on Fremont Archaeology. 76th Annual Meeting of the Texas

Archeological Society, Austin, Texas.

2005 Metcalfe, D.

RangeCreekCanyon: Past, Present, and Future. Public lectures, delivered at the John Wesley

PowellRiverHistoryMuseum, Green River, Utah; College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum,

Price, Utah; and Museum of the San Rafael, Castle Dale, Utah.

2005 Metcalfe, D.

The Challenges of Conducting Archaeology in Range Creek. Public lecture series, Discoveries at

Range Creek: New Perspectives on the Fremont People. Delivered at the Salt Lake City Downtown Library.

2005 Metcalfe, D.

The Archaeology and Paleoecology of RangeCreekCanyon. Colloquium Series, Department of

Geography, University of Utah. Salt Lake City.

2005 Metcalfe, D., K. Renee Barlow, and Kevin Jones

Range Creek: An Overview. Utah Professional Archaeological Council Winter Meeting,

Salt Lake City.

2002Metcalfe, D.

The Range Creek Project. Symposium: The Archaeological and Historic Treasures of Range

Creek, Utah. Delivered at the 28th Great Basin Anthropological Conference. Elko, NV.

2002Barlow, K. R., and D. Metcalfe

Storage Strategies, Caching, and the Economy of a Variable Environment. Symposium: The

Archaeological and Historic Treasures of Range Creek, Utah. Delivered at the 28th Great Basin

Anthropological Conference. Elko, NV.

2002Metcalfe, D

Presenter and participant in roundtable discussion, Curation Issues in Utah Museums. Delivered at

the 2002 UtahMuseum Association Annual Conference. Park City, UT.

2002 Spangler, J., and D. Metcalfe

Categories, Conundrums, and Radiocarbon Dates: Temporal Frameworks for the Northern Colorado Plateau. Delivered at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology. Denver.

2000 Metcalfe, D.

Statewide NAGPRA Coordinator. Delivered at the 2000 UtahMuseum Association Annual Conference. Price, UT.

1998 Metcalfe, D.

Prehistoric Architecture in Utah. Historic Architecture Series, Division of State History,

Salt Lake City.


1997 Metcalfe, D.

The Archaeology of the Grand Staircase - EscalanteNational Monument. Delivered at the

conference “Visions of the Grand Staircase - Escalante: Exploring the Future of Utah’s Newest

National Monument.” WallaceStegnerCenter for Land, Resources and the Environment,

University of UtahCollege of Law, Salt Lake City.

1996 Jones, K.T., and D. Metcalfe

Historic Archaeology of AntelopeIsland. Delivered at the 25th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, Kings Beach, California.

1996 Metcalfe, D.

Cashing In Versus Caching Out: Storage Strategies Among the Fremont. Lecture to the Provo Chapter of the Utah Statewide Archaeological Society, BrighamYoungUniversity, Provo.

1995 Metcalfe, D.

Archaeology: An Evolving Science. Treading in the Past Lecture Series, UtahMuseum of

Natural History, Salt Lake City.

1994 Metcalfe, D.

Discussant. Foraging and Farming at the Edge of the Basin: Variation in Subsistence and Settlement in the Archaeological Record of the Fremont. Symposium, 24th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, Elko.

1993 Metcalfe, D.

Prehistoric Occupation of JoesValley, Utah. Public lecture, College of EasternUtah Museum, Price.

1991Metcalfe, D.

The Heartbreak of Microrefuse Studies. Symposium: Investigating Site Structure. Delivered at the 1991 Autumn Utah Professional Archaeological Council Meetings, Salt Lake City.

1990Metcalfe, D.

Are We Done Yet? Butchering Mule Deer and Elk. Symposium: Selection Thinking in

Current Great Basin Research. Delivered at the 1990 Great Basin Anthropological

Conference, Reno.

1989Metcalfe D.

A General Cost/Benefit Model of the Tradeoff Between Transport and Field Processing.

Symposium: Hunter-Gatherer Mobility, Resource Transportation, and Storage. Delivered at

the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology. Atlanta.

1988Metcalfe D.

The Fremont: Utah's Early Farmers. Public lecture, Utah Division of State History, Salt Lake City.

1987Metcalfe, D.

Excavations in Squaw Park, Utah. Colloquium series, Department of Anthropology,

University of Utah.

1987Metcalfe, D.

NawthisVillage: Six Years of Investigation of the Fremont in Central Utah. Public lecture, Utah Division of State History, Salt Lake City.


1986Metcalfe, D.

Fremont Subsistence Variability: Storing Versus Caching. Colloquium series, Department of

Anthropology, University of Utah.


1996Massimino, J., And D. Metcalfe

Peaks and Valleys: Fremont Chronology Revisited. Poster session, presented at the 25th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, Kings Beach, California.

1988Juell, K., and D. Metcalfe

Distinguishing Primary and Secondary Faunal Refuse: Implications for the Investigation of

Site Structure and Taxonomic Abundance. Delivered at the 1988 Great Basin

Anthropological Conference, ParkCity. Chair of the symposium: Zooarchaeological


1988Metcalfe, D., and K. Heath

Microrefuse and Site Structure: An Archaeological Example. Delivered at the 53rd Annual

Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Phoenix.

1985Metcalfe, D., and K. Jones

Binford Recalculated: A Reconsideration of Animal Body Part Utility Indices. Delivered at

the 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Denver.

1982Metcalfe, D.

Intrasite Spatial Organization at NawthisVillage. Delivered at the 1982 Great Basin

Anthropological Conference. Reno.

1980Metcalfe, D.

An Examination of the Process of Size Sorting at a Fremont Site. Delivered at the 1980

Great Basin Anthropological Conference. Salt Lake City.


Metcalfe, D.

A Matter of “Smallness” – Bone Marrow Indices Revisited. In preparation.

Metcalfe, D.

Some Theoretical and Practical Considerations in the Development of Animal Body Part Utility Indices. In preparation.


2003-2004Division of State History. Range Creek Arcaheological Investigation. $10,000

2001-2002School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration: East Teasdale II Archaeological Investigation. $39,270

2000-2001School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration: East Teasdale Archaeological

Investigation. $29,966.

2000-2001U.S. Forest Service: ModocNational Forest Obsidian Sourcing. $2,450.

2000School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration: Big Water Survey. $1,500

1999-2000National Park Service: Hill Air Force Base Cultural Resource Management Plan.



1999-2000School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration: Bagley Meadow Archaeological Investigation. $38,000.

1999U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Fish Springs Cultural Resource Protection Plan. $3,500.

1999U.S.Forest Service: Testing of Two Sites on the Warner Mountain Ranger District. $2450.

1999School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration: Tintic Parcel Archaeological Investigation. $3,000.

1998-1999University of Utah: FortDouglas Archaeological Project. $539,394

1998National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Grant, Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation of Ancient Eastern North American Arctic Peoples ($12,000,

Geoffrey Hayes, candidate)

1997Bureau of Land Management: Class I: Grand Staircase - EscalanteNational Monument.

$20,182 (with Jerry Spangler)

1990U.S. Forest Service: Excavation of JoesValley Alcove. $9,950

1989Division of State History: Jordan River Marsh Survey. $2,500

1987University of Utah Research Committee: Test Excavation of SquawParkCave. $2,400


2000-2001U.S. Department of Interior, Save America’s Treasures Grant: Conservation of the

PromontoryCave Sandal Collection. $50,477

2000-2001National Park Service, NationalCenter for Cultural Resources, NAGPRA Grant for

Museums: Statewide NAGPRA Coordinator. $67,840.

1998Utah Division of State History: Digitizing Archaeological Photographs. $1,250

1997-2001Bureau of Land Management: Curation of Museum Collections. $18,000

1995-2001Bureau of Reclamation: Curation of Anthropology Collections. $222,024


2003-04August. Field direct of the University of Utah Archaeological Field School. Archaeological investigations in RangeCreekCanyon, Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah.

2001-02June-August. Field director (with Professor Donald Currey) of the University of Utah Archaeological and GeoarchaeologicalFieldSchool. Archaeological and geomorphological investigations at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Utah; archaeological investigations at Teasdale, Utah.

2000June-August. Field director (with Professor Donald Currey) of the University of Utah Archaeological and GeoarchaeologicalFieldSchool. Archaeological and geomorphological investigations at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Utah; archaeological investigations at Teasdale, Utah; archaeological and geomorphological

investigations in Surprise Valley, California and Nevada.

1999June-August. Field director (with Professor Donald Currey) of the University of Utah Archaeological and GeoarchaeologicalFieldSchool. Archaeological and geomorphological investigations at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Utah; archaeological investigations at Bagley Meadows, Utah; archaeological and geomorphological investigations in Surprise Valley, California and Nevada.

1998June-August. Test excavations at the Pony Express Station, Fish Springs National Wildlife, Utah. Paleoecological Investigations, Surprise Valley, California and Nevada.


1997July-August. Systematic collection of obsidian quarry (4-LAS-990), Modoc National

Forest, California.

1996July-August. Field director of the University of Utah Archaeological Field School, AntelopeIsland, Davis County, Utah.

1996June. Survey of obsidian sources, Surprise Valley, California and Nevada.

1994August-September. Ethnoarchaeological study of the Tarahumara, northern Mexico.

1994June-July. Survey of obsidian sources, ModocNational Forest, Surprise Valley, California.

1993August. Field director, Bennett Site, Millard County, Utah.

1990August. Field director, Joes Valley Alcove, Emery County, Utah.

1989April-June. Field director, Jordan River Marsh Survey, Salt Lake County, Utah.

1987June-August. Field director of the University of Utah Archaeological Field School, SquawParkCave, Grand County, Utah.

1983June-August. Field director of the University of Utah Archaeological Field School, GooseberryValley, Sevier County, Utah.

1981 - 1982June-August. Field supervisor of the University of Utah Archaeological Field School,

NawthisVillage, Sevier County, Utah. Director: James F. O'Connell.

1980June-August. Field director of the Cockscomb Project, Kane County, Utah.

1979June-August. Field supervisor of the University of Utah Archaeological Field School, NawthisVillage, Sevier County, Utah. Director: James F. O'Connell.

1977June-August. Student in the 1977 University of Utah Archaeological Field School, Bull Creek, Wayne County, Utah. Director: Jesse D. Jennings.

1978 - 1995Numerous small contract surveys in Davis, Emery, Grand, Kane, Rich, SaltLake,

San Juan, Sevier, Tooele, and Vernal counties, Utah.


1991Sigma Xi

1984 - 1985University of Utah Graduate Research Fellowship

1982Phi Kappa Phi


Utah Department of Transportation

Dames & Moore







National Science Foundation

Graduate Research Fellowship Program20022002


Division of State History,

Utah Historic and Cultural Sites Review Committee19861990

Division of State History,

Utah State Antiquities Advisory Committee 19881989

Utah Department of Transportation,

Enhancement Advisory Committee19941996

Division of Indian Affairs,

Native American Remains Review Committee1996present


Academic Senate 19881988

Environmental Studies Steering Committee19931998

Academic Policy Advisory Committee19941996

General University Institutional Review Board19941997

Task Force on Lecturer Rank19941996

University Press Faculty Editorial Advisory Committee19962002

Chair (1999 – 2002)

Graduate Council Program Review, Internal Review

Committee, Dept. of Geology & Geophysics20042004


College Research Committee19881993

College Superior Teaching Award Committee (Chair)19861987

College Development Committee1995present


Rules Committee19911998

Accessions Committee1995present

Indian Advisory Committee1995present

Faculty Advisory Committee1995present


Search Committee: Assistant Director for Exhibits19971997

Search Committee: Coordinator for Traveling Exhibits19971997

Search Committee: Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology (Chair)19981999

Search Committee: Curator of Astronomy (Chair)19981999

Search Committee: Registrar (Chair)2004present

Accreditation Committee (Chair)19992003

Search Committee: NAGPRA Coordinator (Chair)20002001

Building Committee:2002present


Curriculum Committee19861993

Executive Committee19931996

RPT Advisory Committee (Chair)19971998







Anthropological Papers Advisory Board,

University of Utah Press1988present






Peter AinsworthM.A.Current

Katherine BarlowM.A.1993

Jason BrightM.A.2001

Joel BoomgardenM.S.Current

Edward ChristensenM.A.2002

Teneal JensenM.S.2005

Timothy PrinceM.A.1989

Dominique RamptonM.A.1999

Brian RobertsonPh.D.1998

Corinne SpringerM.A.Current

Andrew YentschM.S.Current


Shannon ArnoldM.S.Current

Everett BassettPh.D.Current

Tiffany BustinM.A.Current

David ByersPh.D.Current

Shawn CarlylePh.D.2003

Doug EdwardsM.A.1999

Alan GriffithsM.A.1995

Glade HaddenM.S.1993

Geoffrey HayesPh.D.2002

Melissa HeckM.A.1999

``Higgins, JudePh.D.Current

Zbigniew FiemaPh.D.1991

George LanierM.A.1987

Karen LupoPh.D.1993

Brian McEneaneyM.S.2005

Michael NelsonM.A.1997

(Dept. of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism)

Shannen RobsonM.A.2003

Karyn SharpM.A.1999

Nancy ShearinM.S.1991

Lauri TravisPh.D.1996

Andrew UganM.A.1999

Ewa WasilewskaPh.D.1991


Anthr 1301The Human Past

Anthr 3311/5311Indians of North America: Prehistory

Anthr 3313/5313Utah Prehistory

Anthr 4341Fundamentals of Archaeology

Anthr 381/581Museum Sciences (team taught)

Anthr 570Seminar in Evolutionary Anthropology

Anthr 5711Student Independent Research Group

Anthr 4962/5962Special Topics-Storage

Anthr 4962/5962Special Topics-Museum Sciences

Anthr 5712FieldSchool: North America

Anthr 650Archaeological Method And Theory

Anthr 6381Archaeological Practice

Lb Ed 302Rise and Fall of Civilization

Honor 472H-1The First Americans
