AUGUST 8, 2007

In attendance:Paula Shepherd, Sherie Lowe, Bob Stephenson, Harold and Sheryl Veddern, Jeff and Therese Johns, Joe and Meredith Helmer, Phil Harbarger, Kris Allen, Coach Bob Fresch, Chris and Mary Zoky, Julie Letizia, Jeff Varner, Angel Curtis, Dana Fernandez, Troy Cochran, Dan Loy, Jeff Varner, Marc Ayle, Paul Hartings, Jill Kvalheim, Laura Lawrence, Linda Nelson, Mark Mustard, John Wood, Lisa Smith, Coach Craig and Kim Bulger.

Dan Loy called the meeting to order at 7:04.37 p.m.

Dan Loy reported that the Meet-The-Team Picnic was a success and gave special acknowledgment to Therese Johns and Paula Shepherd for their efforts in organizing the event..

Minutes from previous meeting:A motion was made to approve the July minutes (first from Therese Johns, second from Jeff Varner, all approved).

Treasurer’s Report (Therese Johns, Treasurer):Therese Johns made the current treasurer’s report, which is now in an improved format, available to members present. She noted that the football camp money, although appearing as a deposit is only a clearing house item for the coaches. These deposits are not income to the TDC. Larry and Kathy Dixon’s slushy sales have totaled $267. Dave Pisula has contributed $100 toward the alumni scholarship fund. Dan Loy reminded everyone that money for meals is starting to come out of the budget and that there will be Freshman unity t-shirts purchased. Corporate banner sales are now coming in but Lift-A-Thon money is lagging behind last year.


Only 56 out of 114 (74 JV/V per Coach Fresch and 40 per Coach Bulger) athletes had paid their $100 Lift-A-Thon fundraiser. This is behind last year at this same time. Dan Loy indicated that if we are not successful with collecting this fundraiser this year, then there will be no money going forward after this season has ended He also proposed that the TDC send a letter to all non-participating athletes in an attempt to collect the Lift-A-Thon money and also to announce that non-participation would result in penalties.

Coach Fresch asked Paula Shepherd to amend the Warhawk Challenger Letter to send out along with the new letter. Paula agreed to have this done by 08/07/07.

The new letter will be amended to add that if an athlete has a problem raising or contributing the money, then he should see one of the coaches.

After much discussion a motion was made to impose a new deadline for the Lift-A-Thon money of 08/24/07. Sherie Lowe was the first and Meredith Helmer was the second. All approved.

Coach Fresch Report:

Scrimmages. The first annual Silver vs. Black Intersquad Scrimmage will be held on 08/08/07. The V/JV will be scrimmaging Granville on Saturday 08/11/07 on Denison University’s game field. The Freshman will also scrimmage on the practice field. The V/JV will scrimmage Beechcroft at home on 08/17/07. The Freshman will scrimmage Marysville on 08/18/07

Thank you letters. Coach Fresch read thank-you letters from Lou Lord (regarding to the recent death of his father) and from Coach Dave Sheely (regarding his recent kidney transplant donor surgery). These letters expressed the families’ appreciation for the organization’s support.

Senior Breakfast. This event will occur on 08/22/07 at 10:30am at Coach Fresch’s house

Corporate Sponsorship Report (Troy Cochran, Chair):

Troy Cochran reported that banner sales are progressing and reminded everyone that neither Westerville North nor Westerville South sell banners like ours so we should not hesitate to approach all of Westerville for support. The 3’ x 5’ banners are $300.

The deadline for the pride banners is 08/15/07. Freshman banners will be printed with no numbers.

Receipts for tax purposes are available upon request.

Alumni Committee (Dana Fernandez, Chair):

Dana Fernandez presented several ideas regarding fundraising for the Alumni Scholarship Fund, including a tag turkey bowl (Thanksgiving weekend), a telethon, and advertisements in sports book. She also presented ideas for homecoming events including homecoming recognition for alumni, a special bonfire for past and present players, and information sessions inviting past players to share their college football experiences and advice with current players.

Dana needs support in the form of administration support from the WCHS Athletic Department and from volunteers willing to work in committees. She indicated that both Kathy Dixon and Felicia Harper have agreed to help her get started but she needs more people to be involved. Paula Shepherd will forward the Homecoming volunteer list to Dana. Homecoming is on 10/05/07.

Dan Loy indicated that he would like to obtain pictures of players who are playing in college to display on locker room walls.

Website (Linda Nelson, Webmaster):

Linda Nelson indicated that she needs dates and information as early as possible. She also asked the coaches to make sure the player photos are clear and well-developed. She also raised the suggestion that we sell advertising and greetings on next year’s website as well as making apparel available on-line.

Banquet (Sherie Lowe, Chair):

Sherie Lowe had no news to report.

Audio-Visual/Media, (Chris Zoky, Chair):

The new computer is up and running. Coach Brent Morrison is currently uploading info to make it useful for this season

Mark Mustard has agreed to handle filming and duplicating but he really needs more help.

Coach Fresch indicated that he would like a wide angle shot for in-house film study and a narrow (interior 9) angle for exchange There was some discussion about trying to get an end-zone angle but Mark Mustard said that cannot get high enough with our current equipment to get a useful shot. He will check into 2-man lift donations

The TDC is in need of a multiple DVD burner. The current system cannot keep up with the current demand. It is too slow to provide the amount of DVDs required for exchange. Chris Zoky needs help research prices for this new equipment.

Chris also indicated that we need an AV cart so that the new computer monitor can be on top for display and the computer itself can be on the bottom shelf.

Meals (Paula Shepherd, Chair):

Paula Shepherd reported that many of the team meals are already arranged. She and Sheryl Veddern have secured many donations. They are still in the process of finishing the confirmations.

Coach Bulger Report:

Coach Bulger indicated that he is having a Freshman parent meeting in the commons at 6pm on 08/09/07. He needs a filming volunteer. He also is going to iron out the Freshman meal situation. His wife, Kim Bulger, will be coordinating the meals with parent help. The TDC has committed $1,000 to Freshman meals and banquet. In order to supplement this budget, Coach Bulger is going to ask all Freshman families to either provide a $20 donation, a specific food item, or a bona fide corporate donation lead.


Bob Stephenson indicated that the T-shirts have been ordered but will not be ready for the scrimmages. He also indicated a need to sell good ball caps.

New Business:

Vice President. Ron Calpin has resigned as vice-president since his son is no longer playing football. Marc Ayle has volunteered to be the new vice-president. Dan Loy opened the floor to nominate Marc Ayle as vice-president. The first came from Angel Curtis and the second from Troy Cochran. Then Dan Loy asked for a motion to close the nomination. The first came from Therese Johns and the second came from Sherie Lowe.

Player Bags. Each JV/V player will be given the use of a ProSports Grande Bubba Bag to carry their equipment during the football season. These bags will have a number printed on them but will not be kept by the players after the season ends. The cost of the bags is $50 each and has been paid for by Mark Giresi. There will be four extra bags for carrying extra helmets, extra shoulder pads, extra uniforms, and extra footballs and towels.

Player Ties. The team needs approximately 50 more ties at $8 each.

Replica Jerseys. The cost of these jerseys is $75 (with $15 of each sale going to the TDC). There will be no additional charge for the names on the back. A form will be available at the scrimmage. Checks need to be made payable to WCABC only (write Touchdown Club in the memo).

Next Booster Meeting.The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 10, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Westerville Central High School Commons area.

Adjournment:Dan Loy asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Sheryl Veddern motioned and the second came from Therese Johns.

The meeting adjourned at 8:56.01 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Shepherd
