Scotch Plains-Fanwood School District

Evergreen & Cedar

Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076

Name: District: Scotch Plains-Fanwood
School: School Year:
1. My professional development goals include: (indicate at least 2)
A. To learn about and implement technology-based activities and lessons that enable students to apply their language skills in authentic situations beyond the classroom, and assess their impact on student learning.
B. To research differentiated instruction, implement a differentiated lesson and assessment in two units each for French 3 and French 4, and assess the impact of differentiation via student feedback.
  1. 2. Indicate how the above goals relate to the New Jersey Standards for Professional Development:
  2. I think I could achieve my goals by:
R ___X Refining skills and practices (see Standards 2, 3, 4, 5).
___X Developing new methodologies (see Standards 8, 9, 11).
___X Collegial and collaborative dialogue (see Standards 8, 9, 11).
___X Broadening knowledge and expertise (see Standards 1, 2, 3).
___X Experimentation (see Standards 5, 9)
I would like my professional development to:
___X Be ongoing (see Standards 2, 3, 4).
_____ Be based on an understanding of how adults learn (see Standards 6, 7).
_____ Offer new visions of continuing Education (see Standards 4, 5, 9, 12).
_____ Have financial support, time, and planning (see Standards 10, 11).
3. To achieve my goals, I have elected to participate in the following activities according to the timeline indicated: (indicate the letter of the particular goals that each activity addresses) ) (Participation in professional development activities that are part of the approved district professional development plan and are relevant to the teacher’s goals are considered to be included in the PDP and must be documented on the Record of Professional Development Hours.)
Selected Activities / Timeline / Responsible Party
1. Attend in-district professional development opportunities on Technology (A) / October / District
2. Observe colleagues and note the technology strategies used where students applied their language skills to communicate with others. (A) / October, November / Teacher (Supervisor or Principal if coverage is needed)
3. Read professional articles, books, research, on effective strategies using technology (A) / Marking period 1, 2 / Teacher
4. Plan lessons for all classes that include technology. (A) / Marking periods 1, 2 / Teacher
5. Get feedback from supervisor and from peer informal observations. (A) / Marking period 2 / Supervisor, colleague
6. Attend in-district workshops on differentiated instruction (B) / Marking period 2 / Supervisor
7. Research differentiated instructional strategies (B) / Marking periods 2, 3 / Teacher
8. Create and implement a differentiated lesson and assessment in two different units each for Spanish 2 (B) / Marking Periods 3 and 4 / Teacher
9. Develop a questionnaire for students to complete to get their feedback on the differentiated lessons and assessments. (B) / Marking Periods 3, 4 / Teacher
This PDP was mutually developed and agreed upon by:
Staff Member’s Signature ______Date___/___/___
Principal’s Signature ______Date___/___/___
Supervisor’s Signature______Date___/___/___
**My approved Continuing Education experiences shall include, but not be limited to, in-service programs, approved local Professional Development experiences and other state approved Professional Development experiences. All professional development contained in this PIP may be modified and shall count towards my continuing education program.