DRAFT Minutes of the Pitton & Farley Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 25th January 2017 at Farley Village Hall
Cllr Rod Coppock (Chairman)
Cllr Jaimie Latham (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Geoff Lowndes
Cllr Stuart Mariner
Cllr Mrs Sarah Strong
In attendance:
Mrs C Purves (Parish Clerk)
Also present: Wiltshire Councillor Chris Devine and five members of the public.
Public session
Debbie McIsaac - spoke eloquently about the proposed flood amelioration scheme, and asked the Parish Council to press Wiltshire Council to consider the alternative schemes suggested if this preferred scheme was to be delayed because of the cost. She also raised the issue of the earthwork/bund which had been enlarged along the Pitton road, and her concerns about the possible impact on general drainage, the flood waters when they rose, and the extra mud/silt on the road which had been generated. She felt that a public meeting was necessary to discuss these issues.
Chris Sanke - the Flood Warden referred to his report, and agreed that there should be a public meeting.
Rachel Morrison, owner of Pitton shop - understood that planning permission had been given for the bund some three years ago, but that neitherPitton & Farley or Winterslow Parish Councils had been consulted. She was also concerned about the impact of the bund on potential flood waters, and any possible consequent impact on her shop and livelihood.
Wiltshire Councillor Chris Devine gave his report:
Earthworks on Pitton Road – he is very aware of this, and had involved the Enforcement Officer in the matter. He confirmed that planning permission had been given three years ago, and that there was nothing to be done in this respect. However, he had asked the local Land Drainage engineer and Highways officer to attend, to ensure that the works complied with their regulations.
Wiltshire Council budget/precept 2017/18–officers will still awaiting final figures, but its precept would rise by 1.9%, plus an additional 2% or 4% for ringfenced funding for social services.
Fire Authority – nothing to report other than all is well.
- Mayfield, Pitton – he was not happy with the outcome, but noted that permission had been granted on the Chairman’s casting vote.
- In Excess, on boundary with Grimstead parish – no application had been received as yet.
Roads/Highways – Lucewood Lane, Farley would be closed for two days between 8th and 15th February for resurfacing.
Area Board – the next meeting was the following evening. He had raised the lack of patrol car coverage with the police at the last meeting.
Broadband – take up of the new FTTC facility was low, and he suspected that not enough residents were aware that the cabinets were now enabled.
Flooding – he was happy to become more closely involved, and also thought it was useful to have a public meeting.
1.17 To receive apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Nigel Lilley, who was on holiday, and Cllr Tony Ashworth who was unavoidably detained.
Resolved: to accept these apologies and the reasons for them
2.17 Minutes
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the ordinary Parish Council meeting held on 7th December 2016
Resolved: to approve these minutes as correct without amendment.
3.17 Declarations of Interest
a. To receive any Declarations of Interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 in respect of councillors, and in accordance with the Local Government act 1972 in respect of officers.
Cllr Mariner declared a personal interest in flooding matters.
Resolved: to note
b. To consider any Dispensation Requests received by the Parish Clerk, and not previously considered.
Resolved: to note none received.
4.17 To consider any urgent matters raised in the public session, and any other urgent matters or items of information from councillors.
Resolved: to note no matters raised that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
5.17 To receive reports from:-
a. The Council's representative on the Pitton Village Hall Management Committee – Mrs Purves reported that the AGM will be held on Wednesday 22nd February in Pitton Village, to which everyone is warmly welcomed. There will be a formal unveiling of some of the village photos from the Ivor Whitlock archive, and wine and nibbles will be served. This will be followed by the next Management Committee meeting.
b. The Council’s representative on the Farley Village Hall Management Committee – Cllr Latham reported that all was well.
c. Parish Website representative – the previous editor had provided usage statistics for 2016. It was noted that the number of visits had stayed fairly constant at approximately 18700, and that 87% of these were from the UK. It was also noted that the Pitton & Farley Facebook page was now live, and this closed group could be accessed via the website.
d. Chairman’s report – Cllr Coppock reported on a conversation with Richard Hughes of Wiltshire Council Planning about the material errors of fact contained in the planning officer’s report to the Southern Planning Committee about Mayfield, but unfortunately if the Committee members don’t notice, the information will be accepted unchallenged.He had also received a personal letter of sympathy from a Pitton resident, to which the Clerk was asked to reply. Action: The Clerk
e. Parish Clerk’s report – Mrs Purves reported the following:
i. Elections – she had circulated the timetable for the forthcoming elections in May to all councillors. She understood that the Notice of Election will be published on Wednesday March 15th, and nomination packs will be available to download from Wiltshire Council’s website from Thursday 16th March. Paper copies will also be sent to the Clerk.
ii. Keep Britain Tidy is running its Great Britain Clean-Up weekend on 3rd/4th/5th March and Wiltshire Council will collect filled litter bags produced as a result of a community clean up event over this weekend.
iii. The CPRE is running its Best Kept Village competition again this year. Judging is basedon awritten submission and a site visit focused primarily on communal buildings and public areas such as village greens, footpaths, car parks, noticeboards, bus shelters etc. The judges are looking for evidence of a vibrant village which puts time and effort into its Clubs and Organisations and keeps litter and general untidiness to a minimum. However, it is emphasised that it is not a “chocolate box” competition!
f. Southern Area Board – Mrs Purves reported that the next meeting is on Thursday 26th January at Trafalgar School, Downton. The agenda includes an item on Parish collaboration.
6.17 Enhanced Flood Amelioration scheme in Pitton
a. To note the latest information regarding this project – The next Wilts Council FloodWorking Groupmeeting is at 10.00am on Wednesday 15th February at Coombe Bissett Village Hall.
b. Cllr Mariner’s report - Cllr Mariner shared Pitton residents’ frustration at the slowness of progress in the matter. He confirmed the Parish Council’s support for a public meeting, but reiterated the Council’s view that such a meeting was not worthwhile unless and until the Parish Council understood and was happy with the proposed scheme, otherwise it was unable to recommend it to residents. The Parish Council had requested that a representative from Atkins, the Wiltshire Council engineers who had drawn up the proposed scheme, be allowed to visit the Parish Council and explain the technical drawings of the scheme, but the request had been declined. The Parish Council had also asked for an explanation as to how the Environment Agency had calculated its cost benefit analysis for the various schemes proposed, and whether it was based on there or thirty nine houses being affected, and also whether the impact on Pitton shop had been taken into account. There had been no response. With regard to the White Way bridge, the Land Drainage Engineer had advised that this would cost over £2m to restructure, and so ifthe capital funding can be obtained for the scheme, the bridge would not need altering.
Councillors were aware that there is very little money available, and thought the Parish Council might fund the visit from Atkins’ engineer. The other, cheaper options should also be explored.
Resolved: to submit a request to Wiltshire Council in advance of the next Flood Ops Group meeting to consider the alternative options for the flood amelioration scheme, and to invite (again) a response to the Parish Council’s queries. Action: The Clerk and Cllr Coppock
b. To consider asking Wiltshire Council to look at the other possible flood amelioration schemes suggested – see above
c. To note the Flood Warden’s report – Resolved: to note
d. To note legal advice given to the Country Landowners Association concerning bridges and flooding Resolved: to note, this being a matter for individuals to pursue if they wished.
7.17 Planning
a. To determine a response to the following planning applications received:
i. 16/12333/FUL – retention of two metal storage containers at Bentleigh Farm, Pitton Road, Pitton. Resolved: to support, on condition that the containers are removed when the building approved in 16/07340/FUL has been completed, or within a maximum of three years
b. To confirm the response to the following planning applications received:
i. 16/12180/TCA - fell 1 x damson and 1 x silver birch, crown raise 1 x purple leaf plum and reduce 1 x laurel at 10 Davids Garden, Pitton- Support
ii. 16/12155/TCA - reduce 2 x beech trees by 25% at Taylors Farmhouse, Pitton - Support
iii. 16/12084/TCA - fell 1 x horse chestnut, fell 1 x elm, reduce lateral growth by 30% 1 x horse chestnut at All Saints Church, Farley –Support
c. To note planning decisions made by Wiltshire Council since the last meeting:
i. 16/10869/FUL – removal of existing garage and garden room and erection of side extension at West View, Parsonage Hill, Farley. Approved 15th December 2016
ii. 16/10909/FUL – proposed single storey extension to create new porch at Middlewood House, The Street, Farley. Approved 19th December 2016
d. To note the background to the earthworks along the Pitton Road
Resolved: to note that planning permission had been sought and obtained three years ago for these works, but that regrettably the Parish Council had not been informed. However, local Highways and Land Drainage officers had been asked to inspect the works to ensure that it complied with the appropriate regulations.
8.17 Finance – see enclosed
a. To note the bank balance as at 31st December 2016. Resolved: to note this stood at £18481.80
b. To approve for payment a schedule of accounts in the sum of £3777.06Resolved: to approve for payment
c. To note the updated 2016/2017 Budget Monitoring form. Resolved: to note
d. To note the Q3 bank reconciliation. Resolved: to note, and that the reconciled balance stood at £18172.90 as at 31st December 2016.
e To consider estimates for a replacement an upgraded Parish Council laptopResolved: to select the Acer laptop plus Microsoft package, and apply for Government funding available to implement the Transparency Code to cover the total cost of £458.00.
Action: The Clerk
f. To consider the proposed budget and precept figure for 2017/2018. Resolved: to set a budget of £17776.60, and to request a precept figure of £17800 for 2017/2018.
9.17 To consider any Highways matters, including tasks for the parish steward
All were asked to identify tasks for the Parish Steward, and advise the Clerk as soon as possible. White Hill in Pitton needs resurfacing as the potholes are quite bad.
Resolved: to report this issue via the My Wilts app. Action: The Clerk
10.17 To note updates on Footpath matters
a. The Parish Improvement Grant has been confirmed in the sum of £848.00 to match the PC’s contribution towards the cost of improving the safety of PIFA16 at the Pitton end. The Footpaths Co-Ordinator will order the materials needed in early spring and begin the project once the weather has improved.
b. PIFA13 – this has now been cleared, reopened and properly signposted. More information is available on the parish website
Resolved: to note
11.17 To consider what may be done to combat the increase in fly tipping in the Parish
a. Flytipping can be reported directly to Wiltshire Council by anyone via the My Wilts app, which can be used on a laptop, iPad, or iPhone. It does not have to be reported to The Clerk first.
b. Some flytipping has been cleared from Cock Walk in Pitton.
c. The Area Board has bought a surveillance camera for sole use in the Southern Community Area, and will deployed at various hotspots to try and obtain the necessary evidence to prosecute.
The public are encouraged to record the vehicle number and report it to the police if they witness items being dumped.
Resolved: to note
12.17 To review and note other ongoing matters
a. Internal audit actions – the final action outstanding, reclaiming the VAT on the e-on payments will be done in March, with the annual VAT reclaim.
b. Registering title – nothing further to report.
c. Replacement toddler swing – now installed. This will no longer be an agenda item.
d. Litter & grit bins – now installed. The Clerk will arrange for the old litter bin to be removed, and the grit bin to be filled. Action: The Clerk
e. Quotes for tree work – the Clerk had contacted the tree surgeon, and he will visit The Close when working on other trees in the village.
f. Defibrillator in Farley – no further news about possible fund raising events.
Resolved: to note these updates.
13.17 To note the date of the next meetings
a. Annual Meeting of Parish Electors – Wednesday March 22nd at 7.00pm in Pitton Village Hall
b. Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council - Wednesday 22nd March at 7.30pm in Pitton Village Hall
c. Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – Wednesday 10th May 2016 at 7.30pm in Farley Village Hall
Resolved: to note
14.17 To close the meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.25pm
Members of the Council considered the foregoing matters in consideration of their duties: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime and Disorder; Health and Safety, and Human Rights.