(Note: the standards and descriptors are not meant as an exhaustive list; they are included solely to provide guidance around behaviours and expectations relating to each standard)
DOMAIN I: Planning and Preparation
STANDARD 1: Demonstrates knowledge of subject, content, grade level, and best practices in instruction.Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Uses AISB curriculum, but at times teaches incorrect information or does not explain correct information clearly.
- Seldom is clear about what students are to learn and why.
- While planning makes limited cross-curricular connections.
- Periodically checks for student understanding.
- Seldomdemonstrates and shares curriculum knowledge with colleagues.
- Displays relevant knowledge of subject, grade level, and content knowledge.
- Makes daily objectives clear and communicates to students: what they should know and be able to do.
- While planning often makes some cross-curricular connections.
- Consistently checks for student understanding.
- Often demonstrates and shares curriculum knowledge with colleagues.
- Gives evidence of ongoing pursuit of content knowledge to extend and deepen students’ knowledge of AISB curriculum and skills.
- Frequently helps students set their own learning objectives while also making daily objectives clear and communicates to students: what they should know and be able to do.
- While planning makes frequent connections within and across curricula.
- Frequently focuses on and checks for student understanding.
- Frequently demonstrates and shares curriculum knowledge with colleagues.
STANDARD 2: Demonstrates effective planning and organization to actively engage students in learning, using AISB mission, curriculum, skills, processes, and unit plans as a framework for lesson planning.
Not Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Does not demonstrate regular planning based on AISB mission, curriculum, along with appropriate content, content skills, and unit plans.
- Plans learning activities that are occasionally inappropriate for students and do not meet instructional goals.
- Does not sufficiently support student learning and developmental needs by the progression of instruction within and between lessons and/or grade levels.
- At times fails to take into adequate account the English language needs of students.
- Does not use student assessment results consistently for planning.
- When planning, uses some of the available resources.
- Planning and content taught seldom address multi-cultural perspective.
- Plans learning activities that support the AISB curriculum.
- Plans in a way that helps students understand the relationship between what is taught and AISB mission and curriculum; helps students make connections across subjects and grade levels.
- Plans for and makes appropriate and coherent connections between abilities and developmental needs of students and curriculum; provides appropriate progression within and between lessons and activities.
- Plans instruction consistent with English language needs of students.
- Uses assessment results to guide instructional planning.
- Is aware of and plans for the use of a variety of school resource material.
- Integrates open-minded multi-cultural perspective into units of study.
- Plans for and implements lesson plans that are highly relevant to students; helps students understand learning goals in the context of AISB curriculum.
- In planning allows for a variety of instructional grouping, student choice, and different learning pathways according to student ability, developmental needs, and English proficiency.
- Plans for the use of multi-faceted approaches to learning and problem-solving based on student abilities to meet students’ developmental needs.
- Individualizes learning based on student English language needs.
- Consistently uses wide variety of student assessment data in planning
- Frequently seeks out resources to supplement AISB curriculum.
- Demonstrates planning that consistently allow for flexible adjustment to differentiate instruction and better meet student needs.
Domain Comment:
STANDARD 3: Communicates effectively with students, and encourages use of English throughout the day.Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Has reasonable but occasionally inconsistent expectations for students.
- Seldom gives clear directions, orally or in writing.
- At times makes grammar and syntax errors in class and when preparing handouts/parent communications.
- Seldom asks questions at higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
- Seldom promotes literacy learning across curricula.
- Seldom provides sufficient time for student speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
- Seldom communicates IB and/or AISB learning expectations.
- Has high expectations for individual student achievement.
- Often gives clear directions to students that provide an appropriate level of detail.
- Uses vocabulary appropriate to students’ age and when preparing handouts/parent communications.
- Often asks questions at higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
- Often promotes literacy learning across curricula.
- Often provides opportunities for student speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
- Often communicates IB and/or AISB learning expectations.
- Communicates high expectations to each student.
- Gives directions that clearly anticipate possible student questions/confusions.
- Uses oral and written language in an appropriate way that develops and extends student’s learning.
- Frequently asks questions at higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
- Frequently promotes and displays literacy learning across curricula.
- Frequently individualizes opportunities for student speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
- Frequently communicates IB and/or AISB learning expectations, accommodating as necessary to meet students’ needs.
STANDARD 4: Provides timely evaluative feedback on student performance.
Not Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Seldom uses assessments that are tied to AISB curriculum.
- Seldom provides timely feedback on student learning to students and parents.
- Uses formative and summative student assessment, but seldom uses data to modify instruction.
- Seldom uses assessment instruments to track student progress, and give students specific feedback on progress.
- When requested, communicates with parents, providing feedback and responses to student and parent concerns.
- Often uses assessments/rubrics that are correlated to AISB curriculum.
- Often provides timely feedback on student learning to both students and parents.
- Uses formative and summative student assessment, and often uses data to modify instruction.
- Often uses assessment instruments to track student progress, and give students specific feedback on progress.
- Often communicates with parents, providing positive feedback and responses to student and parent concerns.
- Frequently develops assessments/rubrics that are correlated to AISB curriculum and are shared with colleagues.
- Frequently provides timely feedback, both oral and written, and helps students use that feedback to improve their learning.
- Uses formative and summative student assessment, and frequently uses data to modify instruction and track student progress.
- Frequently uses assessment instruments to track student progress, and give students specific feedback on progress as well as helping them assess and track their own progress.
- Frequently and proactively communicates with parents, providing positive feedback and anticipating issues before they occur.
STANDARD 5: Motivates and engages student in meaningful learning and growth.
Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Demonstrates a limited-range of effective teaching strategies.
- Seldom engages all students in a wide variety of activities: inquiry, individual work, group work, and collaborative problem-solving.
- Seldom varies teaching style to accommodate students’ individual learning styles.
- Seldom chooses content, materials, primary and secondary resources, and assessment techniques that are appropriate and linked with student knowledge and experience.
- Does not consistently make learning relevant to students.
- Seldom provides motivation and opportunity for students to engage enthusiastically in projects or activities for learning.
- Seldom helps students become self-directed learners, setting their own goals for improvement.
- Seldom differentiates instruction based on students’ needs and abilities.
- Demonstrates ability to use a variety of teaching strategies effectively.
- Often engages all students in a wide variety of activities: inquiry, individual work, group work, and collaborative problem-solving.
- Often varies teaching style to accommodate students’ individual learning styles.
- Often chooses content, materials, primary and secondary resources, and assessment techniques that are appropriate and linked with student knowledge and experience.
- Often makes learning relevant to students.
- Often provides motivation and opportunity for students to engage enthusiastically in projects or activities for learning.
- Often helps students become self-directed learners, setting their own goals for improvement.
- Often differentiates instruction based on students’ needs and abilities.
- Uses a wide repertoire of appropriate teaching strategies depending on teaching objectives and students’ needs.
- Frequently engages all students in a wide variety of activities: inquiry, individual work, group work, and collaborative problem-solving.
- Frequently varies teaching style to accommodate students’ individual learning styles.
- Frequently chooses content, materials, primary and secondary resources, and assessment techniques that are appropriate and linked with student knowledge and experience.
- Frequently makes learning relevant to students.
- Frequently provides motivation and opportunity for students to engage enthusiastically in projects or activities for learning.
- Frequently helps students become self-directed learners, setting their own goals for improvement.
- Frequently differentiates instruction based on students’ needs and abilities.
STANDARD 6: Demonstrates proficiency with technology and uses technology to enhance student learning.
Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Seldom utilizes technology in ways that exceed expectations, rarely using additional software/components nor demonstrating a great degree of depth, detail and knowledge.
- Seldom meets the requirements for storing/tracking information digitally (e.g., Atlas, Moodle, Veracross).
- Struggles to improve technology skills of himself/herself and students.
- Seldom integrates technology in all aspects of student learning.
- Often utilizes technology in ways that exceed expectations, often using additional software/components and demonstrates a degree of depth, detail and knowledge as well as sharing knowledge with peers.
- Meets the requirements for storing/tracking information digitally (e.g., Atlas, Moodle, Veracross).
- Often takes opportunities to improve himself/herself and student technology skills.
- Often integrates technology in all aspects of student learning.
- Frequently utilizes technology in ways that exceed expectations, regularly using additional software/components and demonstrates a great degree of depth, detail and knowledge as well as sharing knowledge with peers.
- Always meets the requirements for storing/tracking information digitally (e.g., Atlas, Moodle, Veracross).
- Frequently takes opportunities to improve himself/herself and student technology skills.
- Seamlessly integrates technology in all aspects of student learning.
Domain Comment:
STANDARD 7: Demonstrates sensitivity to teacher-student relations.Observable in classroom
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Occasionally relates inappropriately with students, not taking into consideration their developmental level and cultural background.
- Not always accessible to meet with and get to know all students; not always available to provide students with additional help and attention.
- Does not consistently address conflict between students.
- Interacts well with students taking into consideration their developmental level and cultural background.
- Is accessible to meet with and get to know all students; is available to provide students with additional help and attention.
- Addresses conflicts between students and bullying when it is reported.
- Strives to get to know each student as an individual; Interacts extremely well with students taking into consideration their developmental level and cultural background.
- Is highly accessible to meet with and get to know all students; is available to provide students with additional help and attention; proactively helps students overcome difficult barriers and/or problems.
- Uses proactive strategies to maintain a positive socio-emotional climate in classroom that helps students handle conflict and bullying.
STANDARD 8: Provides an emotionally and physically safe learning environment
Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Does not consistently maintain a safe learning environment for students.
- Seldom holds students responsible for inappropriate or unsafe behaviours.
- Provides minimal instruction of safety and procedures to students and lacks an understanding about its importance.
- Maintains a physically and emotionally safe learning environment for students.
- Addresses and holds students responsible for inappropriate or unsafe behaviours.
- Promotes safety awareness and knowledge of relevant safety procedures.
- Creates a classroom environment where students offer peer, social, and emotional support.
- Addresses and holds students responsible for inappropriate or unsafe behaviours; anticipates problematic situations and intervenes before student safety is compromised.
- Promotes safety awareness and knowledge of relevant safety procedures; advocates for improvements in school emotional climate.
Domain Comment:
STANDARD 9: Demonstrates effective interpersonal and collaborative relationships with colleagues.Not Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Seldom maintains collaborative and cooperative relationships with colleagues.
- Seldom participates in and supports team or departmental decision-making and team building activities.
- Seldom exerts a positive influence on team or school.
- Seldom works to build cross-cultural sensitivity and understanding.
- Seldom plans units collaboratively.
- Maintains collaborative and cooperative relationships with colleagues.
- Participates in and supports team or departmental decision-making and team building activities.
- Exerts a positive influence on team or school.
- Demonstrates cross-cultural sensitivity and understanding.
- Completes the required UbD(Understanding by Design) units, following AISB’ s collaborative expectations; engages in teacher conversations to improve teaching and learning.
- Frequently maintains collaborative and cooperative relationships with colleagues;consistently shares time, new ideas, methods, and resources with colleagues.
- Takes a leadership role in team or departmental decision-making and team building activities.
- Frequently exerts a positive influence on team or school; is well-respected and mentors colleagues.
- Proactively demonstrates cross-cultural sensitivity and understanding.
- Frequently seeks out and leads collaborative relationships within subject areas and grade levels across the school.
STANDARD 10: Supports AISB values, policies and regulations, participating willingly in student activities beyond the classroom.
Not Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Demonstrates minimal knowledge and understanding of AISB policies and procedures.
- At times may interact with students in an unprofessional manner.
- Does not always uphold and model AISB values of honesty, respect, responsibility, and kindness toward all constituencies of the school community.
- Does not consistently hold students responsible for living AISB values.
- At times, may lack sensitivity, tolerance, and respect for diverse value systems.
- At times may use inappropriate means of resolving workplace concerns and problems.
- Occasionally gets involved in school events, student activities, and/or school initiatives.
- Knows and understands AISB policies and procedures.
- Demonstrates all aspects of professionalism as defined in the AISB Policy Handbook.
- Upholds and models AISB values of honesty, respect, responsibility, and kindness toward all constituencies of the school community.
- Consistently holds students responsible for demonstrating AISB values.
- Demonstrates sensitivity, tolerance, and respect for diverse value systems.
- Uses appropriate means of resolving workplace concerns and problems.
- Participates in school events, student activities and/or school or community improvements beyond the classroom.
- Knows and understands AISB policies and procedures;contributes to on-going review and improvement of AISB policies and procedures.
- Demonstrates all aspects of professionalism as defined in the AISB Policy Handbook; contributes to review, improvement and implementation.
- Upholds and models AISB values of honesty, respect, responsibility, and kindness toward all constituencies of the school community; is recognized as a leader in this area of school life.
- Consistently holds students responsible for demonstrating and adhering to AISB values.
- Encourages students to model AISB values by contributing to the broader community.
- Uses appropriate means of resolving workplace concerns;actively involved in seeking lasting solutions within broader community.
- Actively volunteers and participates in a variety of school events, student activities, and school improvement activities; demonstrates involvement in student and community life beyond the classroom.
STANDARD 11: Shows evidence of continuous learning, self-reflection, and staff development, along with ongoing contributions to AISB, for both personal growth and school improvement.
Not Observable in classroom visit
Approaching / Proficient / Distinguished
- Seldom seeks out activities for professional development to enhance content knowledge and teaching practices that support AISB initiatives.
- Needs support to keep curriculum and teaching practices current.
- At times does not willingly support colleagues through teaming and peer observation.
- Makes a minimal contribution to school-wide improvement initiatives.
- Sets SMART annual goals but does not consistently maintain documentation of personal improvement.
- Often seeks out activities for professional development to enhance content knowledge and teaching practices that support AISB initiatives.
- Seeks to keep the school’s curriculum and teaching practices current.
- Willing to support colleagues through teaming and peer observation.
- Contributes to school-wide improvement initiatives.
- Sets SMART annual goals and demonstrates progress toward achieving them.
- Frequently seeks out activities for professional development to enhance content knowledge and teaching practices that support AISB initiatives; leads in sharing professional development opportunities with colleagues.
- Seeks to keep the school’s curriculum and teaching practices current; proactively seeks out professional activities that support school initiatives.
- Willing to support colleagues through teaming and peer observation; is well-respected and sought out by colleagues for professional advice and assistance.
- Contributes to and is a leader in school-wide improvement initiatives.
- Sets SMART annual goals and demonstrates progress and achieve them in such a way as to have a demonstrable impact on both personal professional growth and school improvement.
Domain Comment: