Professional Educator As A Reflective Decision Maker- 1 –


HPE 270

137 Shaver

Instructor:Dr. Tim Mead


Web page:

Office:136 Stopher Gym


Office Hours:TTH 12:00-1:30, 2:50-4:00 MWF 9:30-11:40 or by appointment

Text:American Red Cross First Aid: Responding to emergencies

(2003)(optional),Pocket mask required from bookstoreor

American RedCross ($14.00), Bandage packs from Red Cross

only ($3.00) –1233Canal, 447-3229

There are no supplemental readings for this course

“All parts of the NTE/Praxis must be passed priorto student teaching” () – Praxis web site

1.0-3.0Course Number, Title, Credit: HPE 270. First Aid. 2-1-2. Preparation of participants to respond to emergency situations with confidence in their ability to perform the necessary skills. Completion of American Red Cross certificates is optional. (13.1307)

4.0Candidate Outcome Objectives: After completion of this course, the student will have followed the COE Conceptual Framework of the “Professional Educator as a Reflective Decision Maker” and be able to make effective decisions about: <NASPE> {LCET} [COE Program Outcomes]

4.1Responding correctly in emergency situations <4.3, 6.11>

4.2 Knowing how to stay calm in emergency situations <4.3>

4.3 Knowing how and when to notify emergency medical service (EMS) <4.3>

4.4 Performing skills of checking the victim, rescuebreathing,assisting a choking conscious and unconscious victim,CPR, and proper techniques for stoppage of bleeding and for splinting. <2.2,2.3,4.2,4.3,7.1,7.2,8.1> {3.2a} [13]

4.5Demonstrating content knowledge of areas through written tests <4.3> {3.2a} [1]

4.6Demonstrating content knowledge of situations that require first aid such as moving victims, recognizing poisoning, bites and drug problems, water rescue, misuse of drugs, exposure to heat and cold, injuries to the body, and other important issues to include prevention of heart disease and stroke and healthy lifestyle choices. <4.3, 6.7> {3.2a} [1]

5.0aCourse content:(Chapters)

Lesson 1: Body Systems (Chapter 3)

Lesson 2: Red Cross Terms(1-2)Test 1

Lesson 3: Breathing Emergencies (5)

Lesson 4: Choking (4)______

Lesson 5: Cardiac Emergencies (6)

Lesson 6: Bleeding and Shock (7)

Lesson 7: Injuries (9)Test 2

Lesson 8: Musculoskeletal injuries (10)

Lesson 9: Head/Spine Injuries (12)

Lesson 10: Chest/Abdominal/extremity injuries (11,13)______

Lesson 11: Sudden Illnesses (14)

Lesson 12: Environmental extremes (18)

Lesson 13: Poisoning(15-17) Test 3

Lesson 14: Exercise and Healthy Lifestyle (23)

Lesson 15: Special situations (Delayed help,

Wilderness First Aid) (20-21) ______

5.0bTentative Topical Outline – Lab <technology application>

5.1Lab 1: Moving victims, emergency steps

& procedures, spinal injury,

rolling victims, drowning

5.2Lab 2: Rescue Breathing & Choking

5.3Lab 3: Infant, child, adult CPR, blood pressure,


5.5Lab 4: Splints, slings, severe bleeding

5.6Lab 5: Review of skills, defibrillator training

5.7Lab 6: Skill practicum

6.0Course Requirements (Objective Measured):

6.1Students are required to participate in all skills and take all written tests. Written documentation is required for all missed assignments, labs, or tests otherwise a zero will be given for that day. (4.1-4.7)

6.2 Attend all labs. If you miss more than one lab, you cannot get certified. Students will sign up for one of two lab groups and come on alternating days unless otherwise noted(4.2, 4.5-4.7)

6.3 Participate in in-class assignments. These assignments will involve assessing various emergency scenarios and determining what you can do to assist. (4.2,4.3,4.7)

6.4 Participate in the skill testing. One point will be obtained for arriving on time and the remaining 5 points will be obtained from completing all the skills (4.3-4.5, 4.7)

6.5 Students are expected to display a professional attitude. University policy requires attendance to be taken.

6.6 Students are expected to perform their own work and will receive a zero for any work completed dishonestly.

7.0Methods of Evaluation and Grading:

7.1Attendance and participation (see 6.4) in the labs (40 points). Each lab is worth 6 points

7.2Three written exams (50 points each). Bring a scantron answer sheet on the day of the exam

7.3An additional Red Cross certification exam is required to become certified in CPR and first aid. The Red Cross test may be taken twice and is optional

7.4 Grading

171-190 (90-100%):A

152-170 (80-89.9%):B


114-132 (60-69.9%):D


8.0Bibliography(no supplementary readings required)

8.1 Text

Anderson, Marcia K. (2003) Fundamentals of Sports Injury

Management, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Stark, Peter (2001) “Last Breath: The Limits of Adventure”

8.2 Internet

Aid Online

Health World Online



"If you have a documented disability that requires assistance, you will need to register with the Office of Disability Services for coordination of your academic accommodations. The Office of Disability Services is located in Peltier Hall, Room 100-A. The phone number is (985) 448-4430 (TDD 449-7002)."

Programs of study in the COE are grounded in the Conceptual Framework of “Professional Educators as Reflective Decision-Makers”. Candidates are prepared in the core knowledge and skills needed to become culturally responsive inquirers, acting as curriculum agents, and engaging in professional praxis. These core components educate candidates to develop and maintain the dispositions of openness to cultural diversity; an attitude of responsibility in the service of students, community, and profession; and a belief in the transformative potential of education. The College’s core components and dispositions represent the University’s commitment to transforming the lives of students by working to ensure that all students become successful life-long learners.

Fall 2004 –2M- revised 9/17

9.0 Tentative First Aid lab and exam schedule

Week 1 (Aug 23-27)

M – Introduction

W - Lecture

Week 2 (Aug 30-Sept. 3)

M – Lecture

W – Lab 1 - (Group 1) - Reaching and moving victims, emergency


F – Lab 1 - (Group 2) - Reaching and moving victims, emergency


Week 3 (Sept. 6-10)

M -no class / Labor day

W - lecture

Week 4 (Sep 13-17)

M –No class

W –School cancelled due to Ivan

F - Lab 2(group 1)- Rescue Breathing,Choking/Bring masks

Week 5 (Sep 20-24)

M – 10 minute lecture,Lab 2(group 2)- Rescue Breathing,

Choking/Bring masks

W – Exam I

Week 6 (Sept 27 – Oct. 1)

M - lecture

W – Lab 3 (group 1) - CPR / Bring masks

F - Lab 3 (group 2) - CPR / Bring masks

Week 7 (Oct. 4-8)

M - lecture

W - Lab 4 (group 2)- Splints and Slings / Bring packs

F - Lab 4 (group 1)- Splints and Slings / Bring packs

Week 8 (Oct 11-15)

M,W – fall break

F – lecture

Week 9 (Oct 18-22)

M – Lecture

W - Lecture

Week 10 (Oct 25-29)

M –Exam II

W – Lecture

Week 11 (Nov. 1-5)

M - lecture

W - Lab 5 (group 1)- skill review / bring masks

F - Lab 5 (group 2)- skill review / bring masks

Week 12 (Nov 8-12)

M – lecture

W - lecture

Week 13 (Nov 15-19)

M - Lab 6 - Skill tests (group 1) / bring masks and packs

W - Lab 6 - Skill tests (group 2) / bring masks and packs

Week 14 (Nov 22-26)

Thanksgiving break

Week 15 (Nov. 29 - Dec. 1)

M – Exam III

W – certification tests

Fall 2004 – 5T – revised 9/17

9.0 Tentative First Aid lab and exam schedule

Week 1 (Aug 23-27)

T – Intro

Th – Lab 1 (Group 1) - Reaching and moving victims, emergency steps

Week 2 (Aug 30-Sep 3)

T – lecture

TH - Lab 1 (Group 2) - Reaching and moving victims, emergency steps

Week 3 (Sep 6-10)

T - lecture

TH –No class

Week 4 (Sep 13-17)

T – Ivan cancellation

TH – Ivan cancellation

Week 5 (Sep 20-24)

T - lecture

TH –Lab 2 (group 1)- Rescue Breathing, Choking/Bring masks

Week 6 (Sep 27 -Oct. 1)

T – Lab 2(group 2)- Rescue Breathing, Choking/Bring masks

TH - Exam I

Week 7 (Oct. 4-8)

T – lecture

TH – Lab 3 (group 1) - CPR / Bring masks

Week 8 (Oct 11-15)

T –No class – midterm break

TH – Lab 3 (group 2) - CPR / Bring masks

Week 9 (Oct 18-22)

T – Lecture

TH - Lab 4 (group 1)- Splints and Slings /Bring packs

Week 10 (Oct 25-Oct. 29)

T – Lecture

TH - Lab 4 (group 2)- Splints and slings / Bring packs

Week 11 (Nov. 1-5)

T – Lecture

TH - Exam II (tentative)

Week 12 (Nov 8-12)

T – lecture

TH - Lab 5 (group 1)- skill review / bring masks

Skill tests (group 1) / bring masks and cravats

Week 13 (Nov 15-19)

T - lecture

TH - Lab 5 (group 2)- skill review / bring masks

Th - Skill tests (group 2) / bring masks and cravats

Week 14 (Nov 22-26)

Thanksgiving break

Week 15 (Nov 29 -Dec 1)

T –Exam III, certification tests (optional) $5