Professional Education Faculty Newsletter
Faculty Research Funding Available for PEF Members
As announced last month, CMSU received a $5,000 gift from the Ewing Marion Kaufman Foundation to support faculty research. As a result, there are twenty $250 awards to support faculty involvement in scholarly/creative activities. Applicants must be current members of the PEF. Support may be requested for a variety of needs relating to engagement in scholarly/creative activities, including travel to a professional conference to present a paper, purchase of supplies, or other needs. Applicants must indicate clearly in the application below how the funds requested will be used to support scholarly/creative activities. Funds requested must be expended by the conclusion of the spring 2006 semester. For a copy of the application, email Helen Mills.
Last PEF Meeting for Spring Semester
The PEF met on April 25, 2005 in Lovinger 2140. Members discussed and approved the following modifications to the Unit’s assessment plan:
· Praxis II – existing instrument, need to refine data analysis process and how used to guide program improvement
· Dispositions assessment – new assessment, based on model developed at one of our sister institutions
· Student teaching evaluation – revision of existing document
· Differentiated unit/lesson plan – exists as part of portfolio but varies across program areas, need to develop consistent format, instructions and scoring rubric
· Unit/lesson work sample evaluation – for most students, exists as part of field experience or student teaching, need to develop consistent format, instructions and scoring rubric
· TEAC survey – existing instrument, need to refine and realign
Subcommittees of the PEF are being formed that include representatives from across the college, from our public school/community partners, and other relevant CMSU programs. A couple of committees have filled, but most still have vacant positions. These groups will meet in person and/or electronically during May and June. Please see the attached list and email Joyce Downing if you would like to join a committee.
Additional task forces will be needed beginning in Fall 2005 to start planning for the NCATE Institutional Report. These are being formed around the six accreditation standards that CMSU must address in the report and site visit. You may also sign up for one of those groups now and beat the rush in September.
Existing/Proposed Unit-level Assessments
for Undergrad and Initial Certification Programs
(will work during May and June)
Assessment / Name / Scope/Description of TasksDispositions assessment / 1. Linda Koehler
2. Dianne Mack
3. Beverly Wallace
4. …vacant (non-CEHS)
5. Community rep. / Review NW documents. Modify to align with CMSU conceptual framework. Conduct internal validation. Write description of assessment, timeline and procedure for collecting, analyzing, and using data.
Praxis II / 1. …vacant (CEHS)
2. …vacant (non-CEHS)
3. …vacant
4. Testing ctr. rep.
5. Community rep. / Review current policy concerning taking vs. passing Praxis for graduation. Write description of assessment, timeline and procedure for collecting, analyzing, and using data.
Student teaching evaluation / 1. Pat Antrim
2. Sue Sundberg
3. Renee Cole
4. Opal Johnson
5. Don Melichar
5. Community rep. / Review current document. Modify to align with CMSU conceptual framework, NCATE and DESE standards. Write description of assessment, timeline and procedure for collecting, analyzing, and using data.
Differentiated Unit/Lesson Plan / 1. Karen Foster
2. Don Melichar
3. Chad King
4. Wanda Dahman
5. Community rep. / Design an assignment (content-free or interdisciplinary) that will meet NCATE and DESE standards for planning instruction. Write description of assessment, timeline and procedure for collecting, analyzing, and using data.
Unit/Lesson Work Sample Evaluation / 1. Jenny Robins
2. Beverly Wallace
3. …vacant (non-CEHS)
4. …vacant (non-CEHS)
5. Community rep. / Design an assignment that will meet NCATE and DESE standards for measuring impact on P-12 student learning. Write description of assessment, timeline and procedure for collecting, analyzing, and using data.
TEAC Survey / 1. Yuankun Yao
2. Dirk Nelson
3. …vacant (non-CEHS)
4. …vacant (non-CEHS)
5. Community rep. / Review current document. Align with NCATE/DESE standards and CMSU conceptual framework (e.g., add dispositions, diversity). Write description of assessment, timeline and procedure for collecting, analyzing, and using data.
Subcommittees by Standard
(beginning in Fall, 2005)
Standard / Name1. Candidate knowledge, skills, dispositions / 1. Odin Jurkowski
2. Renee Cole (or standard 2)
3. Bev Wallace
4. vacant (non-CEHS)
5. Community rep.
2. Assessment system and Unit evaluation / 1. vacant (CEHS)
2. vacant (CEHS)
3. vacant (non-CEHS)
4. vacant (non-CEHS)
5. Community rep.
3. Field experiences and clinical practice / 1. Beverly Wallace
2. vacant (non-CEHS)
3. vacant (non-CEHS)
4. vacant (CEHS)
5. Clinical services
6. Community rep.
4. Diversity / 1. Jenny Robins
2. vacant (non-CEHS)
3. vacant (non-CEHS)
4. vacant (CEHS)
5. Community rep.
5. Faculty qualifications, performance, and development / 1. Sally Zellers
2. vacant (non-CEHS)
3. vacant (CEHS)
4. vacant (CEHS)
5. Community rep.
6. Unit governance and resources / 1. vacant (CEHS)
2. vacant (non-CEHS)
3. vacant (non-CEHS)
4. vacant (CEHS)
5. Community rep.