
Christ Church C E Primary School Padgate

Station Road Padgate Warrington WA2 0QJ
Tel: 01925 492422
Head Teacher : Mr I H Williams
Larger print version available on request

27th June 2017

Dear Parents,

We would like to inform you of a number of events that will be taking place to mark the end of your child’s time at Christ Church C.E. Primary School.

The Leavers’ Prom is to be held on Tuesday 18th July from 5.00pm until 7.00pm. Children should arrive no earlier than 5.00pm as there will be nobody available to look after them. Children should enter via the library doors. A buffet tea will be provided and there is no charge. We ask that if children are bringing a mobile phone to the Prom, they hand it in to a member of staff on arrival. We are currently trying to arrange for a photographer to take photographs of the children which will then be uploaded to the school’s website. If your child takes photographs before entering the school site, please be mindful that not all parents will be happy for those photographs to be uploaded onto social media sites whilst their child is wearing their prom outfits and potentially looking older than they actually are. If you do not wish for your child to appear on social media sites, please return the slip below and we will ask other children not to include them in photographs. Children will need to be collected after the Prom from the Library doors at 7.00pm. Please complete the reply slip below giving permission for your child to attend.

The Leavers’ Eucharist is to be held in church on Wednesday 19th July at 9.30am. You are very welcome to come along to see your child receiving their Bible.

Finally, our Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly is taking place on Thursday 20th July at 10.00am in the Hall. Please indicate below how many people will be attending (up to a maximum of 3).

We very much look forward to sharing your child’s last weeks of primary school and seeing you at the Leavers’ Eucharist and Assembly.

Yours sincerely

The Year 6 Staff.


Reply slips to class teacher please

Ø  I give permission for my child ______of Class ____ to attend the Leavers’ Prom on Tuesday 18th July 5.00pm.

Ø  Please list any known allergies ______.

Ø  I am happy/ not happy for other children to take photographs and upload them to social media sites. (Delete as necessary).

Ø  I am give permission/ do not give permission for prom photographs to appear on the school’s website.

Ø  My child will be collected by ______at 7pm.

Ø  I would like to reserve ______seats for the Leavers’ Assembly on the 20th July.

Signed ______Date______