PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Workshops and Internal Staff Training – OCTOBER, 2009

Register through GWAEA Professional Development registration link:

“Globalization and American Education”

Yong Zhao, Ph.D., MichiganStateUniversity, will present on Globalization and American Education. Yong is the author of the recently published book, Catching Up or Leading the Way, ASCD. Participants will learn about the needs for learners to be prepared to succeed in the 21st Century. This session will include a discussion of the impact of global competition and explore global competitiveness as a result of focusing on the diversity of talents and recognition of individual passions and creativity. Eastern Iowa business leaders will also share information regarding how they respond to the changing global and technology context and encourage on-going attention towards creativity and entrepreneurship. Oct 1, 5-8 pm at the Kirkwood Continuing EducationBuilding.

Course number 9472-09-01. $15 registration fee.

“CASSLS Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Language and Speech in Classroom and Therapy Environments for children Acquiring Spoken Language”

Participants will learn the purpose and use of CASSLS, how to select appropriate language targets within the CASSLS framework, assessment of target acquisition, how to use language sampling to meet individual student listening, language and speech goals, classroom and therapy techniques and integration of CASSLS goals throughout the curriculum.

Oct 7, 8:30-4 GWAEA 6th Street

Course number 9401-09-01 $45 AEA staff fee.

"Identifying Student Strengths and Weaknesses in Brain Injured Student Populations"

Plan to attend this informative, free workshop to learn specific strategies to work with students with executive functioning deficits, learning weaknesses, memory problems and slow processing speed. Presented by Valerie Cool, Ph.D. Project Coordinator, Angela Smith, Psy.D, Clinical Psychologist and Peg Meder, M.A., Educational Consultant from the Department of Education Brain Injury Consultation Service at the Center for Disabilities and Development at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital.

Oct. 8, 8:30-11:30 GWAEA 6th Street

Course number 9403-09-01.

“Implications for Modifications in Environments for Persons with Disabilities”

This workshop will focus on design considerations for environments for persons with disabilities and the aging population by exploring examples of universal design, product and material choices, funding and other potential resources. Home modifications and Bathroom modifications will be the focus. Kelly Dinges, Midwest Accessibility Initiative

October 15, 12:30 – 4pm GWAEA 6th Street

Course number 9404-09-01 $20 AEA staff fee.

“Mental Illness in the Classroom: When Behavior is More than Just Behavior”

Chris Okiishi, MD, will review the most common mental illnesses in children, presenting symptoms, medical and therapeutic treatments available and how a school system can help maximize recovery. Specifically Dr. Okiishi will focus on understanding and identifying the most common childhood psychiatric illnesses, mental health assessment, similar symptoms caused by different illnesses and how to differentiate these distinctions, and how help students with mental health concerns.

October 20 8:30 – 4 GWAEA. 6th Street

Course number 9409-09-01. $35 AEA staff fee.

“Classroom Acoustics”

Scott Wright will outline the ANSI specification for classroom acoustics and how schools can meet these standards.

October 22 1-4 pm GWAEA - Coralville

Course number 9410-09-01. $15 AEA staff fee.

“Aligning Early Childhood Assessment, Curriculum and Instruction”

Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, Ph.D., KentStateUniversity will discuss how to prompt learning within diverse groups of young children. She will investigate a tiered model of instruction (RTI/IDM) to support all children, including those with disabilities. Prioritizing need, evidence-based instructional strategies, data-driven decision making and assessment will be reviewed.

October 27, 8:30-4 GWAEA 6th Street

Course number 9466-09-01 $35 AEA staff fee.


Register through GWAEA Professional Development registration link:

What Really Matters: Effective Reading Interventions – Thursby, Beer, Ries, Veldhuizen, Hall, Jones

Sept 30, Oct 22, Nov 10, Jan 20, Feb 23, Mar 31 various times GWAEA 6th Street

Course Number: 4294-09-01

Using Google Docs and Sites in Education – Andy Crozier

Sept 30 9-3:30 Coralville Public Library

Course Number: 9485-09-01

IEP Basics for AEA Clerical Staff – Jodee Beck

September 30 12-1 GWAEA 6th Street

Course Number: 9399-09-01

Strategies for Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders – Sunner, Trier, Delsandro, Beem

October 1 8:30 – 4 GWAEA 6th Street

Course Number: 9398-09-01

CPI Recertification – McSweeney, Jones, Lewis

October 6 8-12 GWAEA 6th Street

Course Number: 9678-09-02

Excel Spreadsheet Basics - Kiely

October 6 1-4 GWAEA Coralville Office

Course Number: 6372-09-02

Outlook for Beginners

Oct 7 9-11 GWAEA Coralville Office

Course Number: 6677-09-01

Outlook for Beginners

Oct 14 2-4 GWAEA 6th Street

Course Number: 6677-09-02