Professional Development Opportunities in Virginia

June – August 2017

Compiled for the Region 4 Special Ed Directors (3-28-17)

(Scroll over headings & web addresses for LIVE LINKS to more information)

June 2017

PEATC: 2017 Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) and School Liaison Officers (SLO) Training-Quantico, June 7

Location: Courtyard Stafford Quantico, Stafford, VA

This EFMP/SLO training opportunity is for the professionals who support military families who have children with special needs. This free training will provide participants with vital information on special education law, resources, and supports specifically for Virginia’s military families.


For more information, contact Lakesia Yancey at 800-869-6782

ASCD Level 2 Coaching: Problems of Practice in Instructional Coaching, June 7

Location: Roanoke, VA

This "level 2" session will focus on common challenges coaches face, such as addressing the needs of teachers who are reluctant to work with coaches, and working with teams. This session is designed for coaches who have had previous training and/or experience in coaching roles. It is also appropriate for administrators who provide feedback to teachers. The session will be followed by an optional online book study using Diane Sweeney's Student -Centered Coaching.

For more information, visit:

I’m Determined Youth and Parent Summit,June 14-16

Location: James Madison University

Youth with disabilities from across the Commonwealth will meet to identify ways to become better advocates and lead more self-determined lives. The selected individuals and a parent/guardian will receive paid registration, dormitory accommodations, travel expenses and meals for the three-day event. A concurrent Parent Summit for the selected participant’s parent/guardian will be held at the university. Parent attendance is based on their child applying and being accepted to the summit. Parents do not complete an application.

ASCD Age-Appropriate Classrooms for Young Learners, June 19

Location: Marriott at Center City, Newport News, VA

VASCD's Second Annual PreK-Kindergarten conference is themed "Problem Solving vs Punishment". Sessions will address the ways in which classroom environments, instructional design, approaches to solving problems, and other factors influence children's abilities to manage their behaviors and their learning.

For more information, visit:

12th Annual Speech and Language Pathologist Institute, June 19-21

Location: Best Western Hotel and Conference Center, Waynesboro, VA

For more information, contact: Yvonne Skingley at 540-568-6746 or

Innovation Lab, June 20-22

Location: William & Mary’s School of Education, Williamsburg, VA

Designed for dedicated educators, master teachers, and dynamic leaders, this is an interactive, two-day workshop exploring strategies for deeper learning for all students. iLab is the first annual conference sponsored by the Center for Innovation in Learning Design, and will be held in conjunction with SURN’s Annual Leadership Conferenceat William & Mary’s School of Education.


VTSS PBIS New Team Training, June 20-22

Location: Doubletree Charlottesville, VA

By invitation only:This three-day event is exclusively for teams who are newly accepted into the VTSS statewide program. It is designed for school administrators, PBIS coaches and team members to receive comprehensive PBIS Tier One training.

For more information contact Tom Manthey at , Maribel Saimre at or Sophia Sullivan Farmer at

Twice Exceptional Institute, June 22

Location: Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, VA

Target audience is Special Ed Directors and School Coordinators of Gifted Programs.

For more information, contact: Teresa Lee at:

PEATC’s 2017 Parent Institute, June 22-23

Location: DoubleTree, Charlottesville, VA

PEATC's Parent Institute is a great opportunity for Virginia Parents to gather, collaborate, grow, and learn together.

Registration is closed.

For more information, contact: Lakeshia Yancey at 800-869-6782 or

VA Secondary School Principals Conference, June 25-28

Location: Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel, 425 Water St., Portsmouth, VA

The purpose of the state conference is to develop and enhance middle and high school administrators' leadership skills, increase their understanding of current educational issues, and expand their knowledge base for success.

For information about the conference, please call VASSP at 804-355-2777.

Content Teaching Academyat James Madison University, June 26-30

  • Adapted PE, Teachers grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 (June 26-30)
  • Supts. Memo #078-17
  • AMSET/Co-Teaching Math Teams, Teachers grades 6-8, 9-12 (June 28-29)
  • Supts. Memo #086-17
  • ASSET-TILT/Co-Teaching Science Teams, Teachers grades 6-8, 9-12 (June 26-27)
  • Supts. Memo #085-17
  • BPI/Best Practices Inclusion Institute, K-12 Administrators (for selected/invited school divisions teams)(June 27-29)
  • Children’s Engineering/Elementary STEM, Teachers grades K-2, 3-5 (June 26-30)
  • Coaching (Athletic), Teachers grades 9-12 (June 26-30)
  • Dual Language, Teachers grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, K-12 Administrators (June 26-30)
  • Elementary Math & Reading, Teachers grades K-2, 3-5 (June 26-30)
  • English, Teachers grades 6-8, 9-12(June 26-30)
  • Math, Teachers grades 6-8, 9-12 (June 26-30)
  • Media Creation, Teachers grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 (June 26-30)
  • Project-Based Learning, K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, K-12 Administrators (June 26-30)
  • Strategic Instruction Model (SIM), Teachers grades 6-8, 9-12, K-12 Administrators (June 26-28)
  • Visual Arts, Teachers grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, K-12 Administrators (June 26-30)

For more information, please visit:

Community of Leaders in Autism Conference (COLA), June 28-29

Location: Doubletree by Hilton, Midlothian, VA

This statewide event is designed for 1-2 division autism specialists to attend. The tracks will be embedded data collection, supporting behavior and building capacity. Panel sessions on best practices and division success will be included to learn from one another across the state.

For more information, contact Daniel Irwin at or Paige Carter at

Opening Doors to Life Beyond HS(Parents/Students/Professionals), June 28

Opening Doors-Unlocking Potential 2017, June 29-30

Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Richmond-Midlothian, VA

Both opportunities are professional development for students, and those who work with and otherwise support students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Details can also be found at:
For more information, contact Ann W. Hughes at 804-828-1342 or

July 2017

English Co-Teaching Summer Institute, July 6 &7

Location: Richmond, VA, exact venue TBD

For more information, contact: Teresa Lee at:

Twice Exceptional Institute, July 10

Location: Richmond, VA, exact venue TBD

Target audience is Special Ed Directors and School Coordinators of Gifted Programs.

For more information, contact: Teresa Lee at:

STEMABILITY (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics),July 10-11

Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Prof. Alex Leonessa and Raffaella De Vita conduct a 2-day STEMABILITY summer campfor high school students with disabilities, who have expressed interest in a career in science and engineering.

Application Deadline: April 30, 2017. Selection made by: May 15, 2017


Virginia ASM International Teacher Camps, July 10-14

Location: Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

The ASM Materials Education Foundation recognizes the urgent need to engage students in Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) both in post-secondary education and technical careers. The organization is offering two FREE summer teacher camps for middle and high school math and science teachers; high school chemistry, physics and environmental science teachers; and Career and Technical Education teachers. The goal of the camp is to motivate the teachers and to provide them with the needed tools to pass this enthusiasm to their students. Further, to promote an understanding for the importance of math and science for developing engineers and material science majors.

Teacher camp applications are available at:

For additional information, contact Jeane Deatherage at or 1-800-336-5152 ext. 5533

PBIS Classroom Systems State Training, July 12-13

Location: TBD

By invitation only:This statewide training is designed for PBIS school teams to receive training on classroom implementation.

For more information contact Tom Manthey at , Maribel Saimre at or Sophia Sullivan Farmer at

Unified English Braille (UEB) for Technical Materials Training, July 14 & 15

Location: The Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired-Richmond, VA

This free training will focus specifically on UEB for math, science and technology content and is highly recommended to further support TVI during the transition to the new braille code. Registration information will become available soon.

For information, contact Wanda Council at (804) 371-4059

MOVE 2017, July 16-18

Location: Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA

This is a VDOE statewide event for rising 9th,10th, and 11th grade African-American males with a disability and their parents. MOVE empowers African-American Males with Disabilities to Overcome Barriers, Become Self-Determined, and to Graduate High School College & Career Ready.


For information, visit:

Traumatic Brain Injury Team Training, July 17-19

Location: Stonewall Jackson Hotel, Staunton, VA

An Assistant Superintendent’s email was sent Friday March 3rd to Special Education Directors announcing the Opportunityfor Team Training in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Applications due by Apr 14 to:

Summer Institute for VDOE Excellence in Co-Teaching Demonstration Site Teams, July 18-19

Location: Richmond, VA, exact venue TBD

Only for those co-teaching teams already selected for the current school year!

This institute is for continuing teams that were new in 2016-17 and teams moving from developmental to demo site status this coming school year. Marilyn Friend will be the speaker on July 18.

For more information, contact: Teresa Lee at:

VTSS Advanced Tiers Forum, July 18-20

Location: Omni, Charlottesville, VA

By invitation only:This training is exclusively for divisions who are part of the VTSS statewide program. It is designed for VTSS division leadership and school personnel supporting advanced tier implementation.

For more information contact Tom Manthey at , Maribel Saimre at or Sophia Sullivan Farmer at

Creating Connections to Shining Stars (CCSS), July 19-21

Location: Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, VA

This is Virginia’s premiere collaborative conference for professionals who serve early childhood children, birth through age five years.Through the leadership of the Virginia Cross-Sector Professional Development (VCPD) team, conference committee members representing state agencies and early childhood organizations have partnered to offer a rich opportunity to explore evidence-based practices in inclusive settings for young children, both with and without disabilities.

Multisensory Summer Institute, Pilot IV, July 24-27

Location: For Region 4 teachers, the institute will be on the GMU Fairfax campus

Multisensory Summer Refresher Institute, July 27-28

Location: Sheraton Four Points, Richmond, VA

Guidance will be sent to principals about teacher requirements.

Classrooms Not Courtrooms Conference, July 25-26

Location: TBD

By invitation only: This event is a two-day school climate conference for administrators and school personnel focused on preventing student behavior challenges, developing relationships, and increasing time in instruction.

For more information contact Tom Manthey at , Maribel Saimre at or Sophia Sullivan Farmer at

PEATC: 2017 Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) and School Liaison Officers (SLO) Training-Tidewater, July 26

Location: Hilton Norfolk The Main, Norfolk, VA

This EFMP/SLO training opportunity is for the professionals who support military families who have children with special needs. This free training will provide participants with vital information on special education law, resources, and supports specifically for Virginia’s military families.

For more information, contact Lakesia Yancey at 800-869-6782


Webinar:Top-Down SEL: Administrative Practices That Support Children's Emotional Development, July 26, 9:00-3:30

This webinar by early education expert, Kay Albrecht, will focus on four leadership strategies designed to help build teacher competencies in this area. The webinar will include specific teaching strategies and the concomitant administrative strategies that educators can use every day in their roles with their peers, the children, and the families in their care.

August 2017

Aspiring Special Education Leaders Academy (ASELA) – Cohort 10

Begins with 3-day workshop in August, followed by monthly, two-day seminars, observations, assignments, and field experiences.

This special education leadership initiative, established in 2008 to assist school divisions and state-operated programs with succession planning, is designed to help prepare potential leaders for administrative positions in special education.

Please refer to Supts. Memo #032-17for details and application

VTSS PBIS New Team Training, Aug 1-3

Location: Williamsburg, VA

By invitation only: This three-day event is exclusively for teams who are newly accepted into the VTSS statewide program. It is a three-day event designed for school administrators, PBIS coaches and team members to receive comprehensive PBIS Tier One training.

For more information contact Tom Manthey at , Maribel Saimre at or Sophia Sullivan Farmer at

William & Mary Summer Literacy Institute 2017, Aug 7-10

Location: School of Education, 301 Monticello Ave., Williamsburg, VA

The Summer Literacy Institute offers elementary/middle school teachers, coaches, librarians, reading specialists, or related professionals an exciting opportunity for learning with literacy experts. This year, the institute is hosting writing expert Meredith Alvaro, reading expert Beth Estill and coaching expert Sara Miller.


Virginia ASM International Teacher Camps, Aug 7-11

Location: Highland Springs High School, Richmond, VA

The ASM Materials Education Foundation recognizes the urgent need to engage students in Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) both in post-secondary education and technical careers. The organization is offering two FREE summer teacher camps for middle and high school math and science teachers; high school chemistry, physics and environmental science teachers; and Career and Technical Education teachers. The goal of the camp is to motivate the teachers and to provide them with the needed tools to pass this enthusiasm to their students. Further, to promote an understanding for the importance of math and science for developing engineers and material science majors.

Teacher camp applications are available for the Richmond location at:

For additional information, contact Jeane Deatherage at or 1-800-336-5152 ext. 5533