10-WeekStudy Group to prepare for the SHRM-CPSHRM-SCP exams

Sponsored by SHRM SWFL

SHRM Certification is a career long commitment that sets you apart from peers.

This will be our 34thStudy Group and it has been a beneficial experience for all who have participated.

You must purchase the SHRM Learning System to maximize the benefit of this course. Generally, the SHRM Learning System costs would be $795-$985. When you participate in our study group, this cost is greatly discounted. For the first five participants who payby check the price will be $495.00 and $15 shipping ($510.00 total). For additional orders shipping will be $25. There would be an extra fee for orders through PayPal credit card.

Participants can access the SHRM Learning System via PC, laptop, mobile device or e-Reader – making it easy to study! The cost of the exam varies depending on National SHRM membership. For more information, visit the and

SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP EligiBility Chart

In order to participate in the Study Group, you should be a member of the SRHM SWFL or SHRM national. If you are not a member of the SHRM SWFL, this is a great opportunity! If you are interested, please fill this registration form and have a check or money order payable to SHRM SWFL submitted by January 31, 2017 toP.O. Box 61984, Fort Myers, FL 33906.

Print Name:______Company Name: ______


_____ Yes, I’m interested in purchasing the 2016 SHRM Learning System.

_____No, I don’t need to purchase the current version of the SHRM Learning System because I have purchased
a prior SHRM Learning System. My SHRM Learning System is dated 2016. Older versions are not
permitted by SHRM.

_____Yes, I am a member of the SHRM SW FL chapter. If you are not a member, please visit our website ( and become a member today!

_____Yes, I am a member of the SHRM national. Please provide your ID No. here ______.

Valuable information will be shared in the Orientation meeting to be held on Friday February 10TH, 2017 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on Lee County Clerk of Courts, 2201 Second Street, 3rd Floor, Fort Myers, FL. Attendance to this meeting is required.Please mark it in your calendar!For more information please visit our website and click Chapter Information/Certification/FQA. Please submit this form to Rossy White, MHRM, SHRM-CP – SHRM SWFL Certification Committee Director at:


Signature Date