Director, ”Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research” (DSEE)

Chairman, Accounting Information Systems Department

Bilkent University
FEASS Z-03, 06800 Bilkent, Ankara,Turkey

Telephone: (90-312) 290 24 96, (90-312) 290 16 60 Fax:(90-312) 266 4383



1988 - presentProfessor of Strategic Decision Systems, Econometrics and International Economics. Founder and Director of the Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research (founded in 1988), and since August 2000, Chairman of the Accounting Information Systems Department, SAL, Member of the “Executive Board of UNAM-National Nantechnology Research Center, and Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Strategy, Economy and Industry” (2008), Bilkent University, Ankara

1998 - presentInvited Professor, University of Paris – Panthéon.

2005 - presentUnited Nations, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada, Governing Board Member and Since November 2007, Vice-chairman of the Governing Board

2008- presentPresident, “Applied Econometrics Association”

2002 - 2005President of the Governing Board, Council of Europe Development Bank

2001 - 2005 Representative of Turkey, UNESCO Executive Board

1997 – 2001Member of the Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Turkey

1997 - 2000Ambassador, Senior Adviser to the Prime Minister

1997 - 1999Undersecretary, State Planning Organization, Prime Ministry, Republic of Turkey

June - July 1996Visiting Professor, Systems Engineering Department, Case Western Reserve University, USA

1996 - 1997Vice chairman, OECD Council Executive Committee

1995 - 1997Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the OECD, Vice Chairman of the OECD Council Executive Committee.

1988 - 1994President, State Institute of Statistics, Prime Ministry, Republic of Turkey

1979 - 1988Administrator, directorate for Computers and Communications, OECD

1979 - 1988Research director and Professor of Econometrics, University of Paris, Chargé de Conferences EPHE (University of Paris-Sorbonne) 1976, and “Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales” (Paris) 1977-1984, Supervisor of over 100 Master Degree Theses and 20 Ph.D. Theses in Applied Econometrics, Econometric Modeling and International economics, University of Paris.

1974 - 1978Administrator and Deputy Head of Agricultural Statistics Section, OECD

1973Consultant in Statistics, OECD

1969 - 1973Assistant Professor of Econometrics, Atatürk University, Erzurum

1964 - 1966Military Service as a Signals Officer

1963 - 1972Operations Management Consultant at Örnek Institution Co.

1961Internship at the Headquarters of Crédit Lyonnais in Paris

1960Internship at the Headquarters of Banco di Roma in Milan


1999 - presentMember of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

1993 - presentMember of "The Club of Rome", Member of the Executive Committee (1995-2008)

1994 - presentMember, International Statistical Institute Council (1994-1999), selected by the “Nominations Committee” one of the two candidates for Presidency Elect in 2006 for 2009, First Turkish Candidate nominated since 1852, and Member since 1990

1994 - presentMember, Turkish Mathematical Society

1992 - presentMember, Scientific Council of the Black Sea University, Bucharest

1992 - presentMember of the High Council, Informatics Association of Turkey (1992-1995), President of the Working Group of International Relations (1999-2002), Member since 1992.

1992 - 1994Member, Bureau of the United Nations Conference of European Statisticians, Geneva

1990 – present Founder of the Turkish Statistical Society (1990) and President (1990 - 1994)

1993 - 1994Vice chairman of the Group of Experts on OECD Information and Communications Technology

1988 - 1992Member, Management Board of the Directorate General of Posts, Telegraphs and

Telephone Administration of Turkey

1987 - 1988Chairman, OECD Assembly of Representatives, Staff Association


- Ph.D., Econometrics, University of Paris Sorbonne

- M.Sc., Econometrics, University of Paris Sorbonne

- B.Sc., Economics, University of Istanbul

- Lycée Saint Joseph, Istanbul, Baccalauréat in Mathematics


Several articles and books published by kluwer (Boston) martinus Nijhoff (Dordrecht), Chapman and Hall (London), Journal of the Turkish Statistical Association, BSEF (Bucharest), Statistica (Sofia), Queen’s University (Ontario), International Institute of Systems Analysis and Cybernetics (Orlando), World Scientific (New Jersey), Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals (Barcelona), TCV, MEB, TMMOB, MPM, DIE, DPT, TBD, SAV, UNDP, ILO (Ankara), Istanbul Technical University, Bogazici University (Istanbul), Forum Europe (Brussels), Economica (Paris), etc. on international commodity and energy market modeling, macroeconometric modeling, statistics, systems analysis, international economics, science methodology and papers presented in particular at the congresses of the Applied Econometrics Association, the Econometric Society, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, and the International Statistical Institute.


"Informatics Association of Turkey and Turkish Information Technology Services Association Life-Time Service Award”, 2004

International Statistical Institute "The Adolphe Quetelet Medal", 1996

"Commendatore nell’Ordine al Merito della Republica Italiana Medal", 1994

"Honorary Member of the Statisticians Association", 1993

Selected "Best Public Sector Manager of the Year", 1989, 1992, 1993 and 1994

"Honorary Member of the Atatürk University Foundation", 1979


Fluent in English, French, and Italian


Turkish citizen, born in August 5, 1939, Erzurum, married, two children

November 23, 2011